Doomsday Wonderland

: 1184 what goes around, comes around

The familiarity of oppression has tightened the heart of Lin Sanji more and more. The longer I stayed in this foggy room, the more clear and familiar the sense of powerlessness in the body was – she experienced this feeling of powerlessness, when she accidentally hit the guard. But at that time, it was like being hit by the waves, and it was quick to go; now she is an apple in the wine, slowly penetrated into the skin tissue.

"It seems that you haven't got the "lava!! Players' Informed Book"," the guard opened his gaze, but seemed to know her condition very clearly, and sighed slightly: " have no chance to see it."

"Tell me!"

The guardian did not pay attention, and her attention seemed to have drifted away. "The last one," she murmured, her voice a little trembling: "You are the last one... I can finally go. You... take care."

After all, the hues of the translucent window flashed and disappeared, turning into a gray metal color in the lab. Lin Sanjiu suddenly jumped into his throat, and the fist that fell on the door became softer and softer, and the body could not control it again and again.

In just a few short sentences, she looked back and found that the red face that fell to the ground had gradually opened a black crack. Worst of all, although the red-faced person began to "guard", his eyes were still open, which shows that he still has consciousness - Lin San wine is actually not very clear, but she always feels that she seems to see him because of panic The pupils who have expanded greatly.

She didn't even dare to take a look at the black taboo.

"Wait, wait a minute," Lin Sanjiu tried to straighten up his body, and the warnings of Yi teacher kept circling in the depths of his mind. "I... I still have a question..."


The guardianship really stopped and asked in a place farther away from the door. I don't know if I want to talk more. When she talks with Lin Sanjiu, it seems to be a bit embarrassing. If it is not because of this, Lin Sanjiu does not know if she will have already left.

“How many special items have you been deducted?”

This problem suddenly came as a result, and the guardian apparently did not expect it at all, and could not help but be surprised: "I - my special items?"

"Yes," Lin Sanjiu hurriedly answered a word. At this moment, suddenly it was soft, and the collapse was generally on the ground; the muffled sound of her fall seemed to be called a guardianship outside the door.

"What do you ask for this?" The guardian sentence was a bit suspicious. "Do you want to use special items for me to let you out?"

Lin Sanshui gasps and trembles. [Protection field] flickers on the skin, as if he will be annihilated at any time.

Now when she talks, she can even feel the smoldering gas threatening to flow into her body along her lips and throat. This shows that the protective layer of [protective field] is getting weaker and weaker, and it is getting more and more serious. She can only try to close her lips together and continue with a vague voice: "You, you will be me." That's what it, would you agree?"

"I did deduct a lot of special items," the guard outside the door continued. "But I should have been able to get them all back. So... even if you have this meaning, I will not let you out." of."

Hold on for a while - insist until she understands it, and then she can go out -

Just taking one's own action from the ground, Lin Sanjiu actually fell two or three times before he finally succeeded. When she stumbled to the door, she looked through the window and found that the vague back of the guard was farther away. She clenched her teeth and punched another window: "Hey!"

This time, the guardian seems to have made up his mind that no matter what she does or what she says, she will not look back.

She doesn't have the right special items to open the door. No matter how she wants to be, she has to admit that there is a high probability that she will be on the guard. She can't afford to leave the guard. cost.

"I, my tent... only allow people who don't have more than two special items to get in. It will work..." She leaned back on the door, her legs trembled, and continued to say no matter what he said: "You were then Going in, the tent is also working... This shows that you only have two special items at the time."

"The time you insisted on was much longer than I thought." The shadow of the guard was stopped and turned slightly: "What about that?"

This does not explain anything in itself, but Lin Sanjiu always wants to talk about it, grab the attention of the guardian, and let her stop.

"You can actually walk without a cane, right?" Breathing threatened to interrupt her, but she tried to force herself into the subject: "You don't have a cane now."

If you have to rely on a cane to walk, where can the guards quietly follow the red-faced person?

"That's because my feet are intact. In fact, I am complete from the inside out." The guard said quietly, "You can't see my right foot because of my ability."

Lin Sanjiu remembered the ability of her palm to release the illusion in front of the human eye - it seems that like many abilities, it can be discovered differently.

"But what about that?" the guard continued to ask.

Lin Sanjiu remembered that when she broke the guard into the tent, the cane fell on the counter. Originally, she still had a worry, that is, the guards put most of the special items in the cane, so they could be smoothly pulled into the tent; but now, this possibility has finally been erased.

The guard is not holding a cane now, which means that the cane is at least not a storage item - after all, it is impossible to store the item itself.

That is to say, there are indeed only two special items on her body, and it is very likely that there are not even two items. Then, if there are any items in her special items, it will become a matter of life and death.

"Do you have storage items on your body?"

The weight of this problem is too heavy, Lin San wine desperately controlled himself, still feel that her voice trembled, it is likely to have revealed her purpose. She was afraid that this problem would suddenly come to the guard to understand, and then broke all her plans - she had no other way, she put all the bets on this possibility.

The guardianship is obviously a glimpse.

"No," when Lin Sanjiu thought she would not answer herself, she heard these two words like fairy sounds.

Sure enough!

Lin Sanjiu narrowed his eyes and looked through the window. The x-ray machine was still sitting in the ground, blocking the door; from her limited view, there seemed to be no one else in the lab.

As she answered the question obediently, the guardian herself seemed to be a little surprised, and then she sighed clearly and clearly: "If it wasn't something you gave me, I would have turned and left. I have been in this since." Since the world, I have met someone for the first time and really want to help me. I changed my mind at that time and felt that I couldn’t lie into you, it’s not a bad thing... but I didn’t expect that I only need to send the last person. When you go in, you come out and stand by the door."

"I can't resist the temptation," she said slowly, "because I have waited for too long."

that's enough.

Lin Sanjiu has to confirm, and has been euphemistically confirmed between the words just now - she only hopes that the guardian will not continue to think deeply in the words.

She did not respond to a word, and she used all her strength and turned back to the red-faced person. [Flat world] Like a TV screen with a bad signal, it is intermittent and flashing, but it has finally performed its task. In a few blinks, the clothes, jewelry, belts and pants on the red-faced person are hers. The hands groped over again - her number of converted items has reached the upper limit, and it is impossible to re-intake any new cards, so what she has explored has been restored to the red-faced person.

However, items that were converted into cards in the past are not listed here.

"Please, please," she whispered as she hurriedly whispered in her heart. "You were so sullen and calm, you must be sure that you can suppress the guardianship? Don't tell me, you. It’s just that you have a watch...”

When she reached into the red-faced man's trouser pocket, the door rang with a low-pitched breath.

The guardian understands it.

Her footsteps hurried back to the door, and Lin Sanjiu also worked hard to speed up. She knew that the rest of her life was only the strength of the last stroke - if she guessed the wrong situation, or did not succeed before the gas completely invaded, she and Kurosawa could no longer go out. They will stay together forever in this hospital where they don't know where they are in the world, with black holes in their faces, wandering between the dark corridors.

She forced herself to examine the chain of inferences consisting of thoughts, guesses, and facts.

At the moment she stuffed the artist into the net, she had already lifted his card. There are two people in the net pocket. There are no storage items in the guard. The guardian is subject to people. The red-faced person will definitely want to take the organ of the guard. The red-faced person will definitely open the net pocket.

It is equal to say that the red-faced person will definitely find the artist.

... When a card suddenly slammed into the palm of her hand, she had a illusion of a moment, as if the card was a dog for a long time, and finally found the way home. Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but utter a low cry from his throat. He was shivering with a burst of fear and joy. After a hand, the painter slammed into the ground and still hugged his arms. The canvas and the brush bucket look the same as usual.

"Door," Lin Sanjiu whispered with the final strength, "Don't paint the door!"

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