Doomsday Wonderland

: 1185 This time it’s Lin’s turn to be sucked.

Just found the artist, far away from the real escape - Lin Sanshen realized this, [protective field] just completely extinguished, her body collapsed like a building fell to the ground.

It is also ironic. Before she thought of the painter's escape, she always used various words to hang her guards and did not dare to let her go. As a result, when the door swayed, it finally got out of the wall and was canvased. After sucking in, the doorway that can escape will also reveal the straight figure of the guard, occupying her vision from the top.

"I am very annoyed now."

She whispered. Due to the backlight, her appearance and look sank into a darkness.

"I would rather walk away with enthusiasm, knowing that I have done something sorry for others... You are struggling to this point, what do you want me to do? I will let you out, you will revenge me, I will not let you out, It means putting your hands in it and making your hands dirty."

The artist took the canvas off and the treasure was usually unfolded in front of Lin Sanjiu; he seemed to be unaware that Lin Sanji was lying on the ground and looking up to the sky. It was a very strange thing, and adjusted her angle according to her gaze, so that she could See clearly.

...take it quickly.

When she thought of it, the guard seemed to turn her head and glanced at the painter, because the latter suddenly jumped up and took the painting into her arms.

"Fortunately, you have fallen. Are you really losing your strength?" she said softly. "Isn't you lying to me?"

Lin Sanjiu fell to the ground without thinking, and the thinking was still clear. The teacher disappeared, this is not a good sign; this shows that she has used all the consciousness she needs to be clean. However, Lin Sanjiu did not give up, and he was still searching for the conscious consciousness of crushing any residue. People who are dying of thirst want to squeeze water out of the sponge.

"I am sorry for people. It is better to make the wicked a thorough one."

After gently sighing this sentence, the guardian will not continue to speak, but did not leave. She seems to want to stand here and see the black hole on the face of Lin San wine, to ensure that things are irreparable and then go.

Consciousness is not squeezed out. But how is it still a little around?

Lin Sanjiu has long realized that [protective field] is crumbling and there is not much time left. Naturally, it is impossible to prepare for a little bit of a hand--but she has no time to think about what to do between just a few breaths. What kind of backhand is good; so at the moment before she fell, she squeezed several cards in one hand.

After she fell, her vision was fixed in the direction of the door. She couldn’t see what was falling from her own hands and lifted the card. Now I can only do it urgently - but I can’t see it. At least, now it should be a bit of a voice, right?

However, some music is like this; just wait for the prelude to sound, you have to wait a long time.

"You have a lot of humanoid items," the guard suddenly said a word, but did not put her items in my heart. "But even if it's a humanoid item, you need to order it to act. If you struggle to this point, isn't it still useless? But after you have helped me, after you become a guard, I also Will not take your things."

Yes - in addition to the artist, she does have another humanoid item -

When Lin Sanjiu thought of this, she finally felt that someone was kneeling beside me, but I didn’t know how long it took. Because he didn't move or talk, she didn't know until she was reminded; no wonder the guard did not mind him, presumably because he looked like a robot without activation, and it didn't pose any threat.

A voice was pressed very low and very low, and said to her ear with an audible voice: "Oh, I didn't expect you to meet a new dilemma in life."

Well, this guy is also mixed in with other cards.

"But like I promised you, I will accompany you through every difficulty and look at the rainbow behind the clouds. I believe in your potential, even in such a desperate moment..."

Lin Sanqué is really desperate now - after the mentor has finished motivating and encouraging, she should become an excellent guard.

"It's just... this fee..." The mentor's second service was not free, but she didn't expect him to start at this time: "Five special items?"

Lin San wine opened his limbs and seemed to lie on the ground like dead wood. There was no response.

"You don't talk, I will agree with you." The instructor smiled too embarrassed, almost letting her imagine the shiny white teeth. "Look, you have this ticket in my hand. You Authorize me to use it? If you don't talk, I will agree with you. Rest assured, I already have a solution to your life's predicament."

No wonder that I haven't heard a voice for so long - [ultramusicfestival] was pinched in his hand!

When she was secretly gnashing her teeth in Lin Sanjiu's heart, she finally heard a subtle, illusory music sound, like the mist of the waves, and I didn't know where it was from far away. This special item in the form of a music festival ticket can create a background music that is beneficial to the owner. Thanks to it, she has survived the hard battle on the Yuehai. But in this case, the instructor has to use it to release it. What kind of music can make a moving person escape?

...the answer was quickly revealed.

Instead of trying to get her to stand up again, the mentor went to the other extreme. At this moment, the guardian also heard the music that gradually became clear and melodic, and murmured: "What sound?"

After a pause, she listened for a few seconds.


The instructor actually **** the cradle!

This is simply worse. [ultramusicfestival] is really powerful, just to hear its melody, Lin San wine found that he wants to stay awake, and suddenly it will not help; although the eyelids can not fit, the field of vision is fainting and rotating. - There was something in the door that slammed into the ground, but the sound did not provoke any splash in her mind.

"I am the master of your master," the voice of the mentor seems to be ringing in a faraway place, like a cloud of smoke: "I can mobilize your master's resources, and you are the resource of your master, so I can mobilize you. You said that this logic is right..."

Come on, is it necessary to convince the artist?

This was the last thought that Lin Sanjiu remembered vaguely; then she squinted and fell into a sleepy state.

When she regained her consciousness, she heard the guard at the door and climbed up. After a few seconds, her gaze finally became clearer, and she saw the figure at the door holding the wall and slowly stood up straight. [ultramusicfestival] The lullaby released is over, indicating that it has been a few minutes.

She woke up and the guard was awakened; the guard went to sleep and she slept - what dog is there for?

"Fortunately," the guard sighed softly and smiled. "Fortunately, after you took the item out, it fell.... I didn't expect that you have something that can hypnotize me. If you still With action, I am unlucky today."

She sighed: "This shows that I am not mature enough. In such a place, the heart is a bit dead..."

Lin San wine quietly listened to her voice, and for a time there was nothing in the heart. After the hope of the instructor fell, the desperation of that moment was almost unbearable; but perhaps the reason why the gas finally invaded the brain, and soon, despair turned into a deadly silence.


The guard finally looked at her face, turned around, and the footsteps gradually left the door.

... There is a black hole in her face.

No matter the tutor or the painter, they can’t hear anything. Maybe the gas in this room can also erode special items and make them completely useless...

After the disappearance of the guardianship, the silence was maintained for about three or five minutes. Lin Sanjiu finally heard the voice of the instructor again. Like a mouse that was hard to steal oil, he rang carefully: "Oh, She finally left."

She still can only remain as it is, and she can't even express her own surprise.

"Ready?" The instructor also climbed up, not like talking to her: "We have to get her out now. To get her out, you have to draw on you."

The sorcerer’s body was stunned for a while, and I didn’t know what he meant. The instructor said with a bit of anxiousness: “She doesn’t talk, she agrees! You can listen to me!”

This time, when the buzzing sounded only twice, she had heard it before: this shows that the artist nodded hard.

"Go out," the instructor ordered. "Standing behind the x-ray machine, remember, when it's done, the canvas must be placed behind the x-ray machine. Do you know?"

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