Doomsday Wonderland

: 1187 It takes no effort

The instructor picked up the special items one by one, and the speed was not too busy. When destroying his kind, he seemed to carry a sense of hunger that had lasted for a long time; the two big hands took apart, crushed, smashed, and crushed every item that should not have been so easily damaged. Powder until they no longer exist in this world.

When he finished, Lin Sanjiu realized that the hair on his arm did not know when to stand up. She cleared her throat and turned her head to look at it. She suddenly noticed that the artist had no shadow; just as her heart jumped, Yu Guang seemed to catch something, and when she turned around, she found that the artist was shrinking behind her, and the easel was Hold it in your arms like a shield.

"You all go back to the card library,"

When faced with humanoid items, cardification is always a somewhat weird process. The painter couldn't wait to crash into her palm and become a card; the instructor stood firmly on the heel and did not rush to come up. Lin San wine stayed in the air with one hand and frowned at him slightly.

"Three times," the instructor used the chin to click on the x-ray machine behind her. "It was just hit three times. You pay attention to it, such a loud voice, no one can hear it. Don't be too grateful, I am your life. Mentor, of course I will look after you in due course."

Although I don't know what the relationship between the guard and the hospital is, but now she ran, then the hospital hospital probably knows that Lin San is still alive. After she took up her tutor, she stood in the same place, closed her eyes, pinched her nose and gave a slight breath.

The guard wearing her friend's clothing was still standing behind her in silence. Lin Sanjiu always feels that if she is a little bit late at night - perhaps as long as a few more seconds - then he will "complete" and become a hospital employee who is no different from other guards. Now, she couldn't help but sigh a bit of luck, she just dragged him out before he got the ability to act.

Next, I want to let him recover.

There is already a faint thought in her heart, but the thought is too uncomfortable, so that she does not want to think. She forced herself to focus on the more pressing issues: she needed to find a place for them to hide.

The impact of the crash was very loud, and no one would hear it; but perhaps because the laboratory door blocked most of the sound, when Lin San was in the head, the corridor was still quiet, no Traces of being disturbed by footsteps.

She re-inserted the body of the last guard and the uniform she had taken off under the metal platform; then she grabbed the black-scarred wrist with her gloved hand and tried to take him forward. One step - the black taboo that looked the same as the guard, the body was pulled straight up; before he fell to the ground, Lin Sanji quickly held his shoulder and pushed him back to the standing position.

It's like a puppet, no action.

This can be troublesome. This person can't be squatted, and can't hold it. If he touches him, Lin San wine himself will fall to the ground and can't move; she frowns for a moment, when her eyes fall on the x-ray machine, suddenly eyes One bright.

Anyway, it has already produced three sounds, and it doesn’t hurt any more. She’s swallowed a candy for the sake of caution, in case someone comes over to see the situation; then she will take one of them. The x-ray machine turned over and revealed the bottom of the cart.

She pushed the x-ray machine aside and pulled the cart to Blackpool. There is no better way, Lin Sanjiu pushed from the back, and Heizawa rushed straight to the car and fell down; his face slammed on the cart plate, and she couldn’t help but wrinkle her face. It’s up.

Kurosawa is not short, and most of his long legs are pulled out of the cart. When she drags the car out, his legs are rustling on the floor. The blood in the corridor that was not completely cleaned wiped out **** traces on his trouser legs. Lin Sanji looked at them and suddenly stopped his feet.

Why didn't it work?

She frowned and took out the candy jar again. Just now she was busy cooking black zeal, and after forgetting the candy, she forgot about it. Until now, she realized that she never felt [you should have such a person in your class]. When it came into effect, the special kind in the blood vessel. The sense of mobility.

Exploring, she ate another candy. This time, almost at the moment when the candy had just been drilled into the esophagus, she felt the utility of the special item - putting the candy jar back into the card store, Lin San wine could not help but be glad that she found it early; if she was met by the hospital staff After hitting it, I found out that the last one did not work. She and Black Zedong were both in trouble.

As long as she is farther away from the lab, it doesn't matter where she hides. Lin Sanjiu found a narrow tool room, probably used by cleaners. In the dim, I saw a lot of things like mop, bucket, rag and detergent. She used one hand to drag the black hair. When I got in, the cart was thrown far away from a few corridors, and I just got into it.

The tool room is small but pleasing; there is also a light on the ceiling. The back is leaning against a wall, and the remaining three walls are all in sight, creating an illusion that is firmly protected. Lin Sanshui slid down the wall and looked at the guards on the ground.

She rarely has such a time when she is so helpless.

In order to delay the time, she took out the documents she had collected into the card library again. Ming knows that Kurosawa is not a patient, there is no admission registration form, Lin Sanjiu carefully looked at it one by one; she subconsciously hopes that there are clues in this pile of tables, telling her how to save Under the black zebra - if you can't find any clues, then the only way she can think of is to kill the black zebra.

The file in her hand trembled slightly, but she did not see a word. What she remembered in her mind were the two guards on the corridor who were killed by her horizontal bar. They did die at that time, there was no room for ambiguity, there was no such thing as a breath in the chest; Lin Sanjiu repeatedly guaranteed this.

One of the bodies gradually returned to the evolutionary appearance, and the other body stood up and took off the uniform... The guards have always had no special items, so the other body will stand up. His own ability. Perhaps like a backup battery, is there a spare life?

She doesn't know what the power is, but it is probably not one of them.

Lin Sanjiu sighed softly and placed a document on the ground—something in her heart biting, and she suddenly couldn’t help but take it back and turned it to the end.

She didn't expect that she had been trying hard to get something in her hand, and it didn't take much time to get it; "lava! ! The first page of the Player's Informed Book lay on her lap in the dark.

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