Doomsday Wonderland

: 1188 First out

It turns out "lava! ! The Player's Informed Book is printed and produced in the Information Department...

She only looked at the folder containing the "medical record" last time. This time, Lin Sanjiu spread all the documents he collected, and rummaged through the pages one by one, finally putting all the informed books inside. The pages are all picked up. This batch of pages has not yet been able to bind, and the scattered ones are everywhere. There are several stacks that are all the same content; she may not have the full version of the hand--at least, Lin Sanjiu is now probably "informed" "".

As she had expected, the information she had learned before and after the fragmentation was only the tip of the iceberg compared to the entire lava world. As the core layer of lava, the hospital's complicated rules are not covered with a few pages. It seems that it is still not finished. Lin San wine has been squinting for a long time, and the more he looks at the mind, the more impetuous, waiting for her to reluctantly After reading the last page, I sipped a long breath.

In the player's informed book, no word can help the black taboo.

This is also a matter of course...

After the faint luck of the ruin, it was turned into a new layer of pressure and pressed into the heart. Lin Sanshui collected the informed book and laid the pages of repeated uselessness on Heizawa and buried him as a snowman. The space in the tool room is small, she has to tighten her legs to not touch him; now there is a gap between the two bodies, which is much safer for her.

"Let's see if there are any other cards that can't be used..." Even if it's a kind of waste such as dirty towels, you can use the body of Black Zebo to be tight, so that she won't accidentally touch it.

She whispered and opened the card library. Looking at it, she suddenly glimpsed, went back and flipped a few cards, and opened her lips in disbelief.

Oh, she has such a special item on her body!

The hope of rekindling in a flash, like the tide of the sea, impacted her blood vessels; she sat in the same place, and for a time she couldn’t believe that her problem could be solved so smoothly. In a dubious doubt, she carefully looked at the text on the card. Explanation - Soon, her hopes gradually fell, and doubts rose like a hot air balloon.

She knew that her luck could not be so good.

Lin Sanjiu has never used it before, so he has not considered it. Now, at first glance, she found that if the item is correct, then the item should actually be a waste. The introduction of the item will not go wrong.

Its own conditions of use are simply a paradox, which has determined that it can't work...but it has been used by others before, and it has been used more than once... What did the last owner do?

Lin San wine bit his lip, quietly thinking for a while, suddenly stood up and stood up.

That's right, the way the last owner should be simple. If her analysis is correct, then Black Zexie will be saved - just to save him, she must first find Bohemian.

Bohemian must be outside... Lin San wine hesitated for two seconds and gave up the idea of ​​bringing Akazawa out of the hospital. He really didn't move very well. Even if he got the cart back and pushed the flatbed of a transport machine to escape, the risk was too great. I can only leave him here, and then bring Bohemia into the basement of the hospital... Now it is midnight, no one will open the tool room for the cleaners, which means that she and Bohemia want Return here before the morning and kill the black zebra.

If he wakes up halfway and returns to the lab, that would be bad.

I was able to prevent it... Lin San wine cellar struggled on the ground for a while, but still took out the [Penguin Society Children's Stereo Book].

She turned to the center of the book and jumped out of a cup of origami between the two pages. The drink in the cup is exuding hot steam; on the page, a mother-like woman sits on the sofa in the living room, smiling and is about to pick it up from a little boy. There are also two stiff narrations in the children's books, "You have worked hard, drink tea", and "You are a good boy."

The little boy's two dark eyes stared at the mother, and the solid smile seemed very happy. Not far behind him, the light of the living room loomed into the dimly lit kitchen, barely able to see a pair of men's feet in the doorway. The feet and feet are facing up, I don’t know how long I have been crouching on the ground.

Lin Sanjiu confirmed the story of several pages before and after, and felt that the cup was not a deadly poison, which drove it down - but then again, even if it was a deadly poison, she also Will tear it down.

The entire chin of Kurosawa has been turned into a deep black hole, as if it had been smashed by a large part of the worm; she looked at the cup and looked down at the condescending position, and then looked away. She is a bit fortunate that he is not the same now; if it is a black hole in the original appearance, she may be more unbearable now.

After pouring the hot tea in the cup into the black hole, Lin Sanji observed it for a while and found that no tea flowed down his body. This only threw the cup that had been re-formed as a piece of paper, quietly opened the door and re-entered the corridor.

It’s been past midnight, and by the time the cleaners go to work in the morning, she only has six to eight hours at most.

Fortunately, the current warning is relaxed and the martial law has been lifted. She has been hiding in the tool room for nearly 30 minutes, and she has not heard the footsteps of a patrol. Even if the guardian has reported to the hospital, the hospital is likely to think that she is in the process of guarding, waiting for her to leave the laboratory to join the security department. As long as they don't go to the lab immediately in the middle of the night, they will only find a red-faced human body with internal organs.

Every step of Lin Sanjiu is careful and slow, and even the clothes on his body try not to rub any noise. Of course, she can't return in the same way, but in the corner of the ceiling, like many buildings, the green emergency exit sign is hung. She walked silently for a while with the direction of the emergency exit sign, and stopped her foot.

Even if she didn't know the terrain on the bottom of the hospital, she knew that this corridor could not lead to an emergency exit. Because in this corridor, there is a bench that she is familiar with; on the opposite side of the bench, a sign of "tea room" is hung on a door.

It’s not far from the toll booth. How can the emergency exit be here?

Lin San’s skeptical eyes followed the green villain on the ceiling and quickly walked up the stairs behind the toll booth; the sign that painted the green villain circled the ceiling and turned around again. She extended on the way when she came.

Damn, this stuff is simply a display. Once again, the bottom of the hospital is likely to have no emergency exits at all, and even half of the normal entrances and exits are not. After all, these npcs do not need to go home from work, sit in the subway for half an hour, and have dinner with their wives.

Do you know if the guardianship is also in and out of the toll collection?

Lin San wine whispered a swearing word in his heart, hiding beside the stairs, his eyes lingering on the door leading to the toll booth for a while. The light shines through the bottom of the door with a bright yellow, and from time to time, the shadow of the footsteps glides through the light.

... there are npcs working in the night shift. If she puts her ear on the door, she might even hear the conversation when the player redeems the item.

If the toll booth is the only way to get her out, that would be bad. Her time is limited, it is impossible to wait until npc lunch break here; and even if she can wait until the lunch break, the toll booth is closed at that time.

How can she get out of how to get in?

She recalled the small terrain of the toll booth and calculated the time it took to rush out of the gate of the toll booth and jump out of the counter. This process takes about five seconds, even if only one right hand can do it; but the trouble is that the front of the counter must be surrounded by other players. You don't even need npc to call, the rest of the players will take the initiative to intercept her...

no solution anymore.

Lin Sanjiu stood up and walked silently in the opposite direction of the toll booth. She can waste another hour or two looking for an exit, but she feels that she is unlikely to get any results; at the moment, she has no choice but to be a hard-fee.

However, she can at least add some precautions to herself.

To be honest, since the end of the day, there is one thing that has repeatedly helped her many times, and it is as reliable as the [flat world] - that is the body. Although she lacks the body at hand, but not far from her, there is something that is almost the same as the body: the fifty Ming who lost her ability to act.

When she opened the teahouse counter door, the fifty Ming, which was twisted into twists, still kept her in the same position waiting for her. Kurosawa will definitely pack the suitcase before, so the narrow space can be completely stuffed into a fat old man, the bones have not broken a few; she dragged fifty Ming, one hand holding him, lest his The foot dragged on the ground to make a sound, which was first stepped up the stairs and stood at the door of the toll booth.

Vaguely, she can hear a male npc talking to the player at the toll booth. Fragmented words were passed in through the door panel; she put fifty Mings on her feet and opened [no coincidence], waiting quietly. When the voice of the male npc paused for a while and never sounded again, Lin San wine silently and slowly turned the door handle and cast his gaze out of the slightly opened door.

The male npc was just blocked by the door, but... there was no one in front of the counter.

She grabbed the collar of fifty Ming and slammed the door with her shoulder and rushed in. The male npc screamed at the time; when she looked up at the toll booth, she almost slipped her heart out of her throat. The four guards were lined up in a row opposite the door of the toll booth, just playing with her. After a photo, she rushed over at the same time.

The male npc was very dramatic to hold the back counter with his hands, and he kept screaming: "Catch her!"

Lin Sanji gritted his teeth and threw his hand out of the body. He immediately knocked out the two nearest guards; she took advantage of this precious moment and turned to the counter. Feeling that there was a faint wind in the back of the brain caught her.

There is no time to catch the male npc to block, any delay in breathing may make her fall into the guards, she can only turn over the counter at the highest speed - she can not feel even her own heartbeat, in her eyes Only the front counter; when her right hand supported the countertop, such as the light deer leaping at the same time, suddenly stood up from the other side of the counter. Until this person rushed toward her, Lin Sanjiu realized that this person had been kneeling on the ground.

"Lin San wine?"

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