Doomsday Wonderland

: 1189 The trap is what makes people enter.

"Catch her," npc's anger slammed out of the counter with his upper body: "Catch her, you have rewards!"

He shouted a step later; when the words rang, Bohemia had already stopped his foot and risked his face from the fist of Lin Sanjiu. From the eyes of the two people in an instant, they flashed through countless lines, and no one can come to the lips - for example, "How do you come out from there?" "I better pretend not to know you" and "you say that our relationship value is not worth a reward for npc".

Lin Sanjiu is very certain that Bohemia hesitated on the word "reward" before he faked the word "诶哟" and fell to the ground.

... too fake, but also avoided a piece of mud on the ground.

At the same time, the body of the 50 Ming was also taken up by the male npc and pushed down, lest he block the way of the guards; Lin Sanjiu did not have to look back, knowing that the guards had climbed the counter. Although I found Bohemia, it is not a good time to look back anyway. She grabbed Bohemian's arm and rushed out at the next moment, shouting in her mouth: "You will catch up, I will kill her!"

"Help," Bohemia called in a homework. When she was arrested, she did not forget to stretch her toes and hooked a cloth bag on the ground into the air; after holding it firmly in her arms, she added another sentence: "I was kidnapped - —Mom, how are you still chasing?”

Because the other party does not care about the life and death of a player.

Lin Sanshui hurriedly glanced at her and whispered, "Quick, where are you going?"

She spends most of her time in the hospital's basement, which is unfamiliar to the bottom of this dimly cylindrical building. Bohemia snorted with a sigh of anger and pointed out: "On the right, on the right, there is a small patio! There is a place to hide!"

This guy is really a man who grew up in the 12th world, so he adapted to the situation so quickly, even the hiding place is found. Lin Sanjiu sighed and followed her instructions. She left and turned right into the maze of high walls. After several sharp turns and smashed the guard behind her, she also saw the front. A small open space like the street square.

However, there is not even a bench in this open space. The neat red bricks distinguish it from the surrounding labyrinth, with several thick vines entwined on the aerial wooden frame, and a drinking fountain pool standing in the shadow cast by the vines – unless they can immediately become A piece of chewing gum sticks to the bottom of the pool, otherwise she can't see where she can hide.

"Standing beside the pool," Bohemia pointed, "Hurry up."

Not waiting for Lin Sanjiu's response, she had already twisted her body and took off the former's arm; a few steps came to the pool, Bohemia gathered her hair - until then, Lin Sanjiu discovered her double The arms have been restored, and only the second bone joint of the right finger bone has not yet grown. Putting his right hand behind his back, Bohemia lifted a small bag with his other hand, as if to dedicate it to someone, slightly tilting his head and looking at the direction. It is.

Lin Sanjiu looked at her styling, and she wondered if her friend couldn’t bear the pressure and was out of heart. But just as she was about to open her mouth, she suddenly slammed again and blinked hard.

Yes, Bohemia is still here... but now it is gone. Instead of being in situ, it is a female statue with one hand reaching forward, as if with an infinite worry.

"What are you doing," the plaster on the statue twitched a few times, urging him with a sigh of relief: "Hurry up and pose!"

If she has no arms in her arms, she can also put a Venus image. Lin San wine felt as if she was dreaming. She approached the other side of the pool under the direction of the statue; her broken arm was too conspicuous, unlike Bohemian fists, she could hide it and had to put it with her right arm. Holding it on his chest, he bent down and squatted down.

"What is this," the mouth could not open, Bohemia did not forget to comment, "Is the statue of diarrhea?"

At this time, two guards stepped into the street square from the trail. They were probably scattered and searched. There was no one else behind the path; the bohemian spirit was shocked and suddenly became a competent and beautiful statue.

The two guards were opposite each other, and they glanced around in vigilance and walked into the street square. They first checked the wooden shelves on the head, and saw that there was no one on the top, and the eyes swept over Bohemian - and then it was like stepping on the brakes, and they stopped on Lin Sanjiu. .

Because I was afraid that they would recognize themselves from the face of the statue, Lin Sanjiu buried her head low. She looked at the red brick floor in front of her and added a pair of shoes, stopping at her front and not moving. She could even feel a black hole close to her head, and at such a close distance, it seemed to feel the cool scent from the black hole.

What if they are curious and reach out and touch the statue?

Lin Sanjiu has eight points, and the floor under their feet should be something special to be implanted; probably once it is implanted, it will never be taken out, so it will be alone here without the owner. Everyone who comes up from the station temporarily becomes a statue. In case the guards really meet them, then their strength and the power of special items, which one will prevail?

"This is very unprofessional," said the guard in front of him and straightened up.

"Let's keep looking," another guard urged. "She may be in front."

This sentence is called Lin San wine's entire back has been relaxed - this is a metaphor, she now has a hard back like a plaster, can not loose. Seeing that the shoes disappeared from the front, their footsteps gradually disappeared again, and Lin Sanjiu had a good time in his heart, and he had to stand up again.

But as soon as she worked hard, her body still solidified and refused to move.

"Oh, this will last for ten minutes," Bohemia’s voice floated from the side. "If you don't have time, you can't go."

"But can you talk?" The lips can only open a slit slightly, and the tongue is not as flexible as ever, but it can finally communicate.

"can speak."

This is simply not reasonable. Lin Sanjiu had long since given up the heart of the world, and had to wait for ten minutes to stay in the diarrhea position; she sighed and thought, and asked: "When you come in... how? Good? ?"

"I just want to go out quickly," Bohemia's voice brought a bit of anxiety. "But it's still two high-efficiency nutrient solutions, so I can restore enough combat power to discharge."

It seems that she has not wasted time in the past few rounds of games, maybe even better than Lin Sanjiu to the hospital.

"Are you just going to change the nutrient solution?"

"Nutrition solution," Bohemian irritability is more obvious, half of the complaint is half explained: "And the ward. Without the ward, there is no need for nutrient solution, and no ward is too unsafe. Was it not martial? The people who are just locked in the ward are safe, and the players who are stopped outside the ward are simply not normal. You don't know how much I suffer... and so on."

She paused.

"The previous martial law will not be because of you? You will not be the wanted criminal?"

This is...

Lin Sanjiu did not think how to answer, just heard a roar in Bohemia. In the next minute, she bathed in a bohemian rhetoric, without a heavy accusation - of course, "accusation" is a more civilized statement. When she had to stop because of the ventilation, Lin Sanjiu said carefully: "That... you seem to adapt well?"

"It's better than you," Bohemia snorted, and the anger was gone: "You only have half the arms."

"That would be great," Lin Sanshen said sincerely, "I need your help."

"I need you don't need me to help."

“It’s very simple and small, really.”

"All?" Bohemian voice was raised twice, "plural?"

"You don't worry, the first thing, you need to go back to the toll booth... Isn't that just right? You can not only change things, but maybe I can give you some extra points."

This sentence is called Bohemia for a few seconds. When she spoke again, she was suspicious: "What do you need me to do? You have extra points, why don't you grow your hands first?"

To explain it, the words can be long. Lin Sanjiu combed his mind in the heart, and prepared to tell her all the time from the beginning - anyway, they still have a good time, they have to freeze on the ground.

“How long will we be able to move?” she asked softly. “Seven or eight minutes?”

"Roughly the same."

"That time is enough, I can tell you from the beginning." Lin Sanshui clears his throat, just about to start, suddenly stopped again.

She almost forgot that this world is a place where we can try to deceive each other and survive.

"You said," Bohemia had just wanted to have a look, but now he is anxious to listen. "What do you want to collect money for, and what to sell!"

"You can find this place, it’s really lucky..." When this sentence came out of the mouth of Lin Sanjiu, she also raised an impulse that could hardly be suppressed. I wanted to see it all around - Unfortunately, she can't do it. "You are not afraid that this is a trap set by others?"

"Oh, yes,"

Unexpectedly, Bohemia actually took it down: "It is indeed a trap set by others. The trap is not something that people can drill."

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