Doomsday Wonderland

: 1191 Lin San wine has its own tricks (repair)

In the dark, warm tranquility, Lin San wine felt something "squatting", and simply fell on his face, spreading a circle of pain. The thing was put up and fell again. This time, the sound was loud and it broke her sleepiness. She slowly opened her eyes, and when the Bohemian eyes were opposite, one of the latter's hands was set in the air.

"Are you finally awake?" She was a little sorry, and she took it away. "I forgot, my ability is still open..."

Judging from the burning sensation of the skin, Lin San wine cellar is definitely more than just a few.

“How long has it been?” She now feels that she is maintaining a fetus posture, lying on the red brick floor on her side; after the statue has passed, she will probably fall down. Looking up again, the sesame cake was changed into a posture, the back was attached to the ground, the limbs were wide open, and the sound of snoring continued.

"It didn't take long." Bohemia followed her gaze and looked at the sesame cake. An old woman who had become unhappy with her face: "It took so much effort and I didn't get anything."

It’s not a bad time... It’s strange to say that Lin San’s wine is not killing people. He has long had nothing to do with the words “moral innocence” – but compared with killing, taking other people’s organs instead She is more faintly uncomfortable. However, some things have to be done if they are not comfortable. She sighed in her heart and took out the harvester and asked, "Why? Do you want me to try?"

"You try it," Bohemia couldn't afford to be interested. "I have been trying for a long time. She is empty in her body, and she doesn't even have a fart."

I don’t want to save it.

Lin San wine frowned: "But she... she was able to talk and think, how could there be no internal organs? The person who is completely empty in the body should be like a vegetative person."

"How do I know?" If Bohemian is an animal, now she has already blown up a circle of hair. "You don't believe me?" She seemed to be very sensitive to this. She stood up and said: "You should think that I swallowed things. You woke her up and made sure that you can still speak and move!"

Not waiting for Lin Sanjiu’s explanation, she suddenly became more angry: “Oh, no, I just took everything away, that’s what I earned. What do you have to do with me? Why should I use it? Words!"

...and I don't know who I am angry with.

"I am a bit strange," Lin Sanjiu glared at the temple, and had to comfort her by declaring the non-existent visceral ownership: "It's all yours, it's all yours. I mean, if she has a What can be done to keep my internal organs in a safe place, but she can still think about her own actions... that approach can be too valuable for us, right?"

Bohemian temperament gradually flattened, and Mao also returned to the usual way. "Of course I thought of it!"

The two returned their eyes to the ground. The trouble is that even if she shakes the sesame cake, she may not be willing to tell the truth.

"How long can this sleep state last?" She was afraid that she would accidentally wake up the sesame cake and talk gently.

"If no one calls, I will not know what to say. I will not say this in the poem."

At this time, saying "How can you not even know your own abilities" will only make them both in a meaningless bickering; Lin Sanjiu swallowed what he wanted to say, and changed the way to ask: "Then you see, sleep for another ten minutes... is it possible?"

"Whoever said it right. Maybe."

It’s an irresponsible conversation.

"Then you help me to pick her up," Lin Sanjiu decided not to entangle. "I know a person. He has a ward near the ground... I am not sure that the person is still there, but Let's go check it out."

Now that I have played several rounds of games, if Raven River does not have enough points to buy the ward, the ward he got in the first round probably has expired, so even if he went to the ward, he could not find anyone. But... she managed it in her mind. Yes, when she caused the martial law in the whole hospital, the Raven River should not be able to return to the ward before, and it is likely to be kept outside. If Lin Sanjiu is the Yajiang River, then she will try her best after the martial law is lifted. Keep the ward.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the Ya River did not suffer during the martial law.

"How do you always know someone?" When Bohemia was not happy, she was not pleasing to the eye: "Do you spend time communicating?"

"Yes, yes." Lin San, who did not have many friends before the end of the day, was carelessly fluent. Her current mind is on the Yajiang River - even Bohemia has mentioned that she has had a hard time during the martial law, so the waist is not there.

"Do you want me to help?" Bohemian punched on the cotton, probably because she was distracted, and changed the subject: "Don't help?"

"Oh, that's not it." Lin Sanjiu immediately returned to God. "You still have to help, and we act as fast as possible. Before 6 o'clock in the morning, we must go back to the hospital toll booth."

Of course, her goal is to return to the basement; but for now, only Bohemia is said to be "charged", after all, rice is eaten bit by bit.

Bohemia took out her leaves and looked at it. It takes more time to read the time from this thing than to watch the clock. I don’t know why she refused to change into a watch: "There is still less than five hours."

"We just had a trouble at the toll booth just ten minutes ago..."

"You, you made a noise."

"Where. No matter who it is,"

"It's you."

"I made a noise!" Lin Sanjiu was simply tempered by her. "Don't you pretend to be kidnapped? So soon you go back, they will definitely be suspicious. You don't know, these NPCs are very human." ... Even if they leave you and force you to say where I am going, I will not be surprised."

"I don't know if there is any reward." Bohemia sighed faintly.

"I can't give you some points?" Lin Sanjiu is one of the first two big. "In short, I think you have to wait, the wind has gone back and changed things. If the NPC changed jobs, it would be better. So When we wait, we might as well look for the person I know... At that time, if the woman is still asleep, that person may have a way for her to tell the truth."

It’s not safe to stay in any place in the bottom labyrinth, not to mention that the two guards just can’t find someone, and they may come back at any time. The two talked, and they had carefully lifted the sesame cake. The latter snorted in his sleep and slept back. Lin San wine wrapped her arms around the chest of the sesame cake, half-shouldered and half-shouldered, and barely supported on the other side of the shoulder; Bohemia grabbed her feet and walked back into a path with complaints.

"The person you know, it's best to have a way to let her tell the truth," she said, like a pigeon. "Otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people, taking both of your kidneys."

"Hey, I have one left."

Bohemia suddenly got a surprise: "You are too miserable?"

Compared with Bohemian, which is almost completely restored, Lin Sanjiu really has no arguments to say. However, after comparing the materials, the result was a person who was miserable and had enough passes. After being given to Bohemia, the two shunned the vocals and walked the path. Like two mice that sneaked on the eggs, they finally touched the bottom edge—under the circular wall.

Looking up from here, the ward of the Rujiang River is just ten meters above the head. At this time, the door is closed like the ward around it, saying that there is no one in it.

"What should I do now?" Bohemia asked with the feet of the sesame cake. "What about the people you know?"

Lin Sanjiu thought about it. The paper crane has long been used up. Apart from the last resort, she has no other way to contact the Yajiang River...

She took a deep breath and screamed in Dantian: "Raven River! Open the door!"

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