Doomsday Wonderland

: 1192 is also just right...?

Unexpectedly, the power of Bohemian poetry is really good; even if Lin Sanjiu shouted to his ears, the sesame cake just snorted and turned to sleep. However, this shout also exhausted the last adventure of Lin Sanjiu. She was afraid that she would not attract anyone if she shouted again. She closed her mouth and looked at the ward door honestly, looking forward to it. Can be pushed away by people.

After waiting for three or four minutes, Bohemia bent over and threw the feet of the sesame cake back to the ground.

"You are waiting for you to be stupid," she patted the ash that did not exist on her hand. "It is obvious that the person is not there."

The sesame cake without all the organs was not sinking - Lin Sanjiu gave her a look.

"You are so sure, will he keep the ward?"

"If I were him, I would definitely take all the points out and continue to buy a round of wards before the end of the martial law."

"How do you know?" Bohemia looked at her suspiciously, as if she used to lie.

This is a long story.

"We have locked a person in his ward," Lin Sanshui sighed, knowing that he wouldn't finish it without explaining it. "I only took her cornea before going. That is, she still has many organs on her body. It is possible to harvest points for use. During the martial law period, she is absolutely inseparable from the ward. Before the end of the martial law, it is for you. You will also continue to buy a round of wards to ensure that she can continue to lock her inside?"

In this hospital, the players who fall into the wind are prey, and they are only treated like materials. The Raven River is not like someone who is particularly soft-hearted.

Bohemian licked his tongue: "Then he might have finished harvesting long ago, just to save you from going to the door to collect debts."

"This is really what you will say." Lin Sanjiu said, while carefully placing the sesame cake on the ground, "You are waiting here, I will go and see."

Even if there is no opinion on this arrangement, Bohemia’s mouth will have to be a while.

Logically speaking, after getting from the NPC, the hospital pass is only one hour old; but the Lin San wine pass is not given by the NPC, she also said that it is not good to start from an hour: it is not at all Does it take effect, or does it start from the moment of use?

Hanging the pass on her neck, she tried to step on the wall - the body fell over with the view, and the center of gravity moved smoothly and smoothly under the foot, and moved to the wall. She let out a sigh of relief and stepped on the other foot and ran across the air. This is not a wonderful time, but she can't help but walk two more steps, faintly floating the child's surprise and excitement.

"Go back soon," Bohemia pulled his face and urged.

The Ward's ward was not far from the ground, and she rushed to the door in a few big steps. After knocking for a while, she never waited for someone to come and listened to her ear for half a minute, clenching her lower lip.

Every ward door is exactly the same, will it be that she remembered the wrong position?

Lin Sanjiu followed the memory and knocked several nearby wards. The person in one of the wards seemed to be shocked by her, and the infusion stand rang, but she never heard it again. Anything is moving.

Is it true that Bohemian is right? Or is the Raven River in danger?

In the ward of someone, no matter how many times she knocked on the door, she never reacted again. Lin San wine simply expanded the scope and went up several rows of doors. Finally, she had to admit that she probably guessed wrong.

... It seems that only the way to get rid of the truth from the sesame cake mouth. As for the Yajiang River, I might as well look for things after I have finished the work. The guy can't keep his hands, maybe he has left the hospital.

Lin Sanjiu made a decision and turned to go down; once she turned back, her eyes fell on the ground under her feet.

From her current point of view, only the head of Bohemia can be seen. The latter was facing the direction of the bottom labyrinth at this time, in case someone approached; the sesame cake fell on the ground behind her, but instead called Lin Sanjiu clearly - the freckled round face was slightly Turning outwards, his eyes opened a slit and his eyes fell on the bohemian calf.

What is she doing?

Lin San wine was in a tight heart. Before the reaction, the body had swiftly rushed to the ground like a tiger, even faster than the warning in the throat; she did not avoid the ward door as she came up, but instead Straight down, stepping on the steel door to step on the thunderous echo. Bohemian was stunned by this voice, and their eyes slammed together in midair.

At this moment, Bohemia opened his lips a little bit strangely, and seemed to want to ask "what's wrong."

Whether it was Lin Sanjiu or Bohemia, he could not speak the words on the tip of his tongue. Because at the next moment, Lin Sanjiu felt that the door of the ward suddenly looked up, and it happened to be stuck when her other foot had not yet fallen on the wall. When she called her to lose her balance and her body, she was The opened ward door was thrown out.

It was the ward of someone just now!

When this thought broke into her mind, her whole person was smashed into the air, and there was no place to focus on it at one time; Bohemia was caught by this change, and her eyes turned along her. In midair, when the shadow of the sesame cake at her feet rushed toward her, she was only half a second late to react - in the battle of the evolutionary, half a second is enough to lay the absolute advantage.

No, it’s not [no coincidence] -

Lin San wine stared at Bohemian and was smashed to the ground, anxious but there was no way; there was no place around her where she could borrow. Her mind turned quickly before the body landed. Yes, in order to avoid accidents, she closed the [no coincidence] before she became a statue; and then again, she was not the first time the door was suddenly opened.

Yes, there will only be one answer!

Lin Sanjiu hardly turned his head in midair, and quickly fell into the air. When he glanced away, he caught the figure behind the ward. What surprised her was that the man did not seem to think that he would open the door. Just knocking her out, for fear that she would come back to find her own troubles, rushing out of the ward and slamming the door, and ran down the wall and ran up the height.

Although only a few tenths of a second, Lin San wine still sees it, that person is not the Yajiang. His injury was very weird, and it happened to be a large piece in the right shoulder blade, but he had not touched the chest in front; the man was well-rounded, not to mention his waist.

Isn't it the effect of [common bridges in comedy]?

When this question flashed past, Lin Sanjiu hurriedly twisted in the air, and when he landed, he rolled over and happened to stand up again by the two women who had become a group. Bohemian is not too optimistic about the situation; she does not wait for her own foothold, and her right hand is wrapped in her fists. She has smashed the sesame cake and brought out a sharp wind - a sesame cake. As if his eyes were long behind his head, he hurriedly turned over from Bohemia and shunned the punch that was enough to drive her.

Lin Sanjiu took over the momentum and reached out to boil the bohemian on the ground. He couldn’t wait to ask, and he rushed out with the sesame cake. The latter obviously wanted to take the opportunity to escape and bury himself in the high wall. between. Lin San wine's gaze swept across the wall, and was taken aback and blurted out: "Raven River!"

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