Doomsday Wonderland

: 1193 Preparing to fall in love with Lin San wine and seeing fifty sails

"Raven River, beware!"

The figure had just turned out from behind the corner and was shocked. When he looked up, the sesame cake had already rushed to him in front of him - the two couldn’t help but take a face, and the reaction was too late. She gave a half-sound exclamation from her throat and was hit with her hand. When he arrived, he was hit and flew back, and disappeared behind the wall. Then there was a muffled sound of heavy objects.

"What, what," Bohemia finally got up, his hair was unkempt, his face was gray and bruised: "Hey, wait for me!"

Lin Sanjiu ejected like a bullet, and rushed to the corner between the eyes. At this time, the Raven River was wide open and fell to the ground not far away. It couldn’t climb like a tortoise that had been turned over; she quickly glanced at him and shouted back without looking back. A "You help him!", then continue to bite up to the shrinking figure in front.

It’s really better than the speed of the fight, in addition to the Bonnie rabbits who sent them to the hospital, Lin Sanjiu really has very few opponents. After only half a minute, the distance between the two is nearly half; no matter how the sesame cake accelerates, turns, and jumps on the high wall, it is like being anchored by Lin Sanjiu. Can't take it off.

Staring at the shadowy figure in front of her, she licked her lips lightly. She could almost hear the heavy breathing of her.

There is one thing in the special item taken from the copy of the cruise ship. How could she not think of where to use it? As time goes by, the special item is cleaned into the memory corner by her. - Until now, it suddenly floated from the mind, gently tapping her nerves: Will she just find out the purpose of this item?

[Emotional psychotherapy for partners]

Obviously, I have experienced a lot of storms, and my once-loving partner has now come to the point where it is about to fall apart. No matter which side, it is neither reconciled, and there is no way to deal with this situation... This is the reason for participating in emotional psychotherapy.

The partners will sit down together and face the therapist, telling their distress, mood and dissatisfaction in this relationship. I hope that after a period of treatment, I will be a sweet partner!

Role: as described above.

Note: The time for each session is five minutes.

This stuff may be considered the least thing in the last days, but Lin Sanjiu is going to try it on the sesame cake today - if it really is like she imagined, then it might come to the beginning. . She opened the card library and sprinted while sweeping the cards one by one. Without the help of the teacher, she had to spend half a day trying to find the target in her all-encompassing card library.

"Yes," she couldn't help but smile, and the card was lifted in the palm of her hand. The fingers subconsciously collapsed on the upcoming things, but they didn't catch anything in the empty space. Lin Sanjiu stunned, but at this time I heard the girl's sweet and sweet laughter.

... she took the wrong card.

But this is not a big deal: [Your sweet laughter seems to soften the world when the spring flower falls] It only works for men, even if it is taken out, the sesame cake will not have a little reaction to it, and will not waste itself last time. Valuable opportunity - she just thought of it, only to see the people who are constantly running away from the front, suddenly stumbled and stumbled.

No way?

Lin Sanjiu took the back of the sesame cake. For a time, it was unbelievable that her last chance was actually used in such a place, and even the pace slowed down involuntarily. Immediately after the "sesame cake is actually a man?", the idea of ​​floating up is "Is he **** to talk about a few loves for this item?" - The second thought is simply chilling.

“The target body is female, so the aging time is only 30 seconds,” the female voice on her finger gently reminded.

What is going on here? Even if it is homosexual love, the woman is still a woman - does the sesame cake psychologically think that she is a man?

Lin San wine re-accelerated at the foot, but it is more like the reaction of the body muscles, the mind has long been unaware of where it has drifted. Although her first contact with sesame cake was short-lived, she was very certain that the other party should be a real woman from the inside out. However, [the sweet laughter seems to soften the world when the spring flowers fall] Will it go wrong?

……big flood?

When she rushed to the sesame cake, she even considered this reason. The freckled woman lowered her head slightly, and her body was nervous because she was shy and shy, but her mouth was filled with a dreamlike smile.

Lin San wine swallowed a mouthful of water, and she didn't pay attention to it, and she hit her temple with a punch.

She used this trick to stun a lot of people, but today she was hit by Waterloo. The sesame cake was hit. In addition to being shocked and returning from the shyness, there is no meaning to faint at all - but it doesn't matter, even if the temple does not necessarily work every time, the brain The place on the back of the neck is also a hundred feet away.

The fist wrapped in metal gloves once again shook the sesame cake that was shy again. She still just stood in the same place, and looked at Lin Sanshui for a few moments. If you try again, it is estimated that the effect of [the sweet laughter seems to soften the world when the spring flower falls] is lost; Lin San wine sighs secretly, knowing that she wants to faint again. It was very difficult to do it, and then it was like lightning. "After a few clicks, the sesame cake joints were unloaded."

She picked up the back collar of the sesame cake, dragging the latter all the way back, the effect of the first love just faded. The sesame cake seems to wake up from her hands when she wakes up. She wants to struggle. Her limbs can't move. It can only huddle like a shrimp, twisting her body, and shouting in her mouth. Open me!" - However, Lin Sanjiu's mind is full of all kinds of thoughts, and naturally there is no reaction to her.

"You caught her!"

Before she got closer, Bohemia jumped up as soon as she saw her, and the whole face was bright. "Give me my name, oh, I have been waiting for a long time. I want to let her know who is the mother today... Hey, what's the matter with your face?"

Lin Sanjiu threw the sesame cake on the ground, took off his gloves and wiped his face. She really didn't know where to explain it.

"See you again." Raven River greeted with regret.

She glanced at the man who had stood up against the wall at this time, his eyes stunned in his waist. This guy has obviously made a lot of progress in the rounds of the game after leaving her. It seems to have changed to more than one lava injury repair cream - and he is also very smart. It can be seen that the Raven River only put the repairing cream on the chest and the center of the pelvis, and extended a thin piece. Connecting them together is equivalent to creating a "vertebral bone" for yourself. He doesn't have to move his thigh when he walks at least.

"What happened just now?" Lin Sanshui frowned at him. "You have been driving [common effects of comedy]?"

"Of course," Raven sighed. "I saw someone near my ward far away. How can I be careless? Who knows it is you."

"Your ward is still there?" Lin San wine eyes brightened.

"I didn't know how much it was, I finally renewed the ward after the martial law. To be honest, I just came over from the toll booth. Since I last locked the 50 sails, I have not gone back. You Say you will catch the time?"

Although the Raven River did not say it, his regret was already very clear. Who is it, when I think that I can get the internal organs of a whole big living person, but suddenly I will be kicked in by Lin San, I am afraid that I will not be very happy - Lin Sanji patted his shoulder and said: "Her organs are yours, I am looking for you to help."

The Raven River nodded a little hesitantly. In the boos of Bohemian, "How do you always find someone to help?", the group took the sesame cake and returned to the door of his ward; the two men took the keys from their pockets and opened the locks one by one. , a push the door: "Hey, come in."

No one is moving.

Lianjiang did not go in.

Everyone was stunned by the thick, thick, **** smell. Fragmented viscera, minced meat and hair, stuck in the blood splashing the wall - the fifty sails are no longer in this world.

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