Doomsday Wonderland

: 1194 The back of the dead

Bohemian retching from the throat, like a reminder, suddenly called the other two people's stomach also tumbling. Even for the evolutionary, such a fierce and **** scene is rare; several people involuntarily step back a few steps, and the Raven River slammed the door back.

When the door was closed, the thick and slippery **** suffocation and the faint stench of the internal organs began to deteriorate. All of them were stopped in the door. Lin Sanjiu felt that his mouth, nose and chest were reborn, and he took a long time. Qi - no need to look back, she knows that the rest of the people are also taking a deep breath.

"How, how is it?" The first raise of the Raven River, his face was pale in the scattered hair: "You were at the door... are you?"

"Think about it," Bohemia smeared a corner of his mouth. "If we can get in, have to wait for you? Then, what do we kill her? So many organs are not harvested, but they are crushed." wall?"

The Raven River did not speak, but buried his face in the palm of his hand. After two seconds, his voice screamed out: "I just managed to get the points and changed the ward... Now that people are gone, the ward can't be used..."

"Who killed 50 sails?" Lin Sanjiu immediately corrected himself. "No, it didn't take long for the martial law to end. The ward door was locked up again... Who can kill her? Why?"

"The big beach inside," Bohemia pointed to the door. "Isn't it your friend? You just said that you can let these two people take her organs."

Lin Sanji shook his head.

"That's it," Bohemia seemed to have completed the mission. "Who killed her, what shut us up."


"But what, but do you want a magnifying glass and a pipe?" Bohemia was in a bad mood and poked a sesame cake that was still being caught: "We dug out her secrets, and what to do." Go, isn't it?"

Raven’s lips trembled twice: “Then my ward...”

Bohemia looked at him with less sympathy: "You clean it."

The expression of the Raven River seems to swallow a living cockroach. He took a deep breath, opened the door again, and glanced in a few eyes; this time, after closing the door, he calmed down and looked even worse: "The head is still there."


"The head of the fifty sails, complete and complete... rolled into the corner."

Bohemian face wrinkled. The two men quietly and quietly, and they all turned their attention to Lin Sanjiu: "What now?"

There is a part of Lin Sanjiu, who is screaming to know who killed 50 sails, and why she killed her; the other part of her, but understands that Bohemian words actually make sense. Fifty sail sisters and sisters do not know how many people have been offended. It is neither surprising nor suspicious to be found. It is only because of why she killed fifty sails without harvesting organs. Nowhere, even a little annoying. She remembered that she had met a person who was killed on the wall when she first entered the hospital; but even if his blood splashed on the wall, the internal organs were taken away by those who had killed him.

"There is five points in a round of wards," said the Raven River, not forgetting his own loss: "But... even the mattress is soaked in blood..."

Lin Sanshui looked down at the sesame cake - the latter was tightly tied with a face, and seemed to make up his mind, no matter what, a word did not say. She thought about it and made up her mind: "We need a ward."

They can't always ask the sesame cake "How do you keep the organs" in the place where people come and go; not to mention, if Lin Sanjiu did not borrow the ward of the Yajiang River to shut down the fifty sails, he The five points will not be lost today. Although it is not her fault, she does not mind to compensate for the Raven River by the way.

"Let's go to the toll booth and buy another round of wards."

The Raven River can't buy a second ward. Lin Sanshui will be beaten when he shows his face. The only "legal citizen" is only a bohemian. She obviously thought of this at the same time, and said first: "The ward I bought is mine, you don't want him to come in."

"I will give you some points..."

"That's not OK."

After they sneaked into the bottom of the hospital, Bohemia couldn't use her ward - but if this is said now, it will inevitably stir up the situation. Lin Sanjiu licked his temple and decided to take a step and look at it: "Go ahead and talk."

Fortunately, their delays are not long, the toll booth is still sitting in the same place, did not change position. Far away, Lin Sanjiu stopped. She leaped to the wall and took a closer look. She found a little good news: the NPC changed just after the shift, and now sitting behind the counter is a weight of at least two hundred pounds. Middle-aged man. However, behind him stood still four black-faced guards.

Compared with when she rushed out of the toll booth, there was one thing that was the same: Fifty-Fifty Ming still succumbed to the outside of the counter. His body was obviously moved, and his posture was different from her memory. He wanted more than one player to check his body. After discovering that he had no internal organs, he left him in disappointment. Ground.

His feelings for his sister seem to be very deep... I think that I am going to use him in the future. Perhaps fifty Ming can now be ignorant, but it is a good thing. Lin San wine sighed in his heart and became more and more disgusted with the world. She took out the organs of the 50 Ming and the [Bone Soup] and stuffed them to Bohemia. She said, "You will stay at the toll booth for a while... but you can rest assured that we will be there for you. Look. If someone comes, I will protect you and show you the police."

"After a while?" Bohemia looked suspiciously at the piece of organ that was made into a piece of soup, and a can of soup in his hand. She picked up the soup pot and sent it to her mouth and asked, "Isn't that some internal organs? After I change, I am gone, what are you doing?"

Lin Sanjiu quickly regained the [Bone Bone Soup]: "This is not for you! I have to eat here." She explained the effect of the special items and said: "...chang the organs Add a point to buy another ward. Then, I need you to cut the skin of the old man and sprinkle the soup on his spine."

Bohemian had just taken the hand of a protein nut stick and condensed in the air.

"Do you have a harvester? Sweep on the newly grown spine and take the bones away... How much can you collect?"

"Do I look like a cow?" Bohemian's voice jerked high. "So dirty and disgusting, why don't you do it?"

She was so angry that she couldn't wait for Lin Sanji to talk. She turned and left. It seemed like a small cannonball rushed to the counter. Bohemia grabbed the body of fifty Ming and dragged it. He ran back - the whole process was so fast that it was too late to react, even the NPC was shocked. When she got close, she threw down the old man and said, "Give you, break the soup and keep it for yourself. Grandma, I will wait for you to finish the bone marrow and go to the toll booth!"

... is also a way.

Lin Sanjiu looked at the two people around her - she was not willing to cut a living body, knocking off the spine at one end of her body, and then pumping it out... especially after seeing the horrors of the fifty sails. Except for the sesame cake staring at her, the other two looked away.

After the blade was stuck, the old-fashioned taupe skin was peeled and cut again and again. As soon as he fell on the wound, Lin Sansuo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: I don’t know who took the last remaining blood in the 50 Ming, and the place where the knife tip was cut was empty, neither internal organs nor blood. Like a dry, sticky leather bag. Still uncomfortable in the stomach, but much better than she thought.

Bohemia and the Raven River also turned their heads, and they took a look from time to time. Bohemia looked at the tools she had spread out of the ground and snorted from the nose: "You know to lie to me."

"How can I lie to you?"

"You said that you can't change anything, you rushed into the toll booth, and the result was wanted... Did you still get a harvester?"

Lin Sanjiu endured the uncomfortable feeling. The bovine bone soup was poured on the end of the vertebrae. The aroma of the broth and the smell of the opened human skin bag were mixed together. She swept away some bone marrow with the harvester, and she replied: "This is what I got from the fifty sails, that is, the dead woman."

Bohemian glimpse.

"What's wrong?" Lin Sanjiu noticed that she had not surprised her words and asked her.

"Fifty sails harvester?" Bohemian eyes swayed a few times on the steel rectangle, not too convinced: "So... everything you harvested with it is fifty sails. Even if I change to a point, it is still in her name. Why, you don't know?"

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