Doomsday Wonderland

: 1195 Xinci hand soft forest three wine

... Lin Sanjiu remembered the "Lava!! Player Informed Book" in his hand. No, it should be called a stack of raw materials for "Lava!! Players' Informed Book", which is more appropriate.

"No, I don't know," she said as she recalled what she had with the harvester in her mind: "However, I used this harvester to take the cornea of ​​the fifty, one person Can you harvest your own organs to sell?"

"Impossible," Bohemia said instead. "If you don't believe, look."

She took out the same steel reaper, and pressed it to her heart without saying anything, almost let Lin San wine whispered - "Heart," she ordered, and she glanced at the latter. I patted the empty harvester. "I said it, nothing. My harvester can't take his own organs."

"So, then... this is not the harvester of the fifty sails." Lin San wine frowned, it is hard to imagine that the experienced fifty sails would be like themselves, never knowing this: "But me." It was indeed taken from her... Is it her brother?"

"It doesn't matter, it's not yours anyway." Bohemia knows that more than half of today's points are soaked in soup, and his face is more stinky.

"But what can she do with someone else's harvester? I think there is still a possibility," said Raven. He listened and suddenly turned his head. "The little girl may have an organ that was collected from someone else. What do you collect? She dropped something... After you took the cornea, did she close her eyes? You don't know if she can still see it."

Oh, yes, the Yaw River was also there.

“What good is she doing this?” Bohemia impatiently circumvented the old man on the ground and handed his harvester to Lin Sanjiu: “I don’t care if I hold the organ, why not change it to points? ”

"You think carefully, she didn't have a quick reason to change points." Raven rushed at her and seemed to get used to the latter's temper: "The organ that I got with her own harvester, no matter who is in the hand, as long as Sold to the hospital, then the points will return to the 50 sails. So in addition to our unsuspecting newcomers, experienced players will not rob the existing organs in their hands - they will only harvest her Organs in the body."

"This way... I found no. There is a loophole in the head." The Raven River should have just thought of it. He said: "Avoid the experienced players and find us newcomers." I want to find a way to let my harvester fall into the hands of newcomers..."

"Ah," Lin Sanshui sat up straight from the ground. "So all the organs harvested by the newcomers will become her when they are sold to the hospital."

"Yes, and the newcomer is not aware of the first time, of course, will raise a lot of questions. She can take the opportunity to tell new people, for example, 'the hospital will not provide points to query, so you have to remember how many points you have 'what..." While thinking, he said: "After the newcomer has changed his organs, he may not even ask the NPC how many points he has."

It sounds like a slap in the face - but his words are like opening the stage curtain, and Lin San wine gradually sees the hidden shadow behind the scenes. She originally thought that the 50 sails only used their own shape, pretending to be a child to get close to the newcomer, and then took the opportunity to join hands with the younger brother to harvest the organs - but she was not lucky this time, and she immediately gave Lin Sanjiu a uniform. It was taken away from the harvester. Lin Sanjiu really didn't think that "pretending to be a child" was just the outermost layer of scam.

Right. When the newcomer discovers that the fifty sails are actually an adult, naturally they will not think deeply; everyone will think that her scam will stop here.

Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, and it was almost impossible to see the scam of the 50 sails in his mind: When the newcomer thought that her organs were all cleaned, she would naturally lose her body; who knows that she is a bone Can you stand up again? What's more, the whole process has her brother in the dark, but the risk is not big, but the income will not be small.

Also in conjunction with the fifty sails, this unfortunate encounter with Lin Sanjiu. After she got the warning of the guard, she did not rush to collect the organs, and did not throw away the little girl's body. Instead, she locked her in the ward. The guardian scam was in the 50 sail sisters. Inserted in the scam.

"I really don't know if you should say that you are lucky,"

When a few people were thinking about the scam of the fifty sails, they spoke in a cold voice. The sesame cake glanced at Lin Sanjiu and a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "As soon as you come in, you will encounter such a veteran."

After she didn't have to block her hearing, she was now clear, and Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but ponder her tone and tone. This waved her hand: "If you have time to comment, let me tell you that you have organs. Where have you been? I am so open to you, and I have to work hard to re-grow your teeth. Even if you want to make up for me again and again, it should be..."

When she said that she had lived in half of the time, she suddenly glanced at the sesame cake. The latter was raising his eyebrows slightly, and his tongue was scratching his lips, as if he had just passed his teeth.

"Her scam is subtle and people are dead." Bohemia has been immersed in thinking for a moment. At this moment, she seems to bother herself: "You are now rushing to use my harvester to collect more bone marrow, waiting for me to go. When you change the number of points, you will bake the words out of her mouth."

Lin Sanji took a breath and forced himself to aim at the body that was cut into two. This uncomfortable life seems to never end; when [Bone Bone Soup] finally has only one amount of pot bottom, she is only released and breathes a sigh of relief. She handed the bone marrow that was collected so hard to Bohemia and collected special items. It can bone, and it can't be used when it is injured.

The fifty Mings at this time looked miserable and horrible. Like a dead pig, he turned up the fat flesh and turned it up, revealing a piece of yellowish dark red color; the smell, as if the blood was corrupted, mixed with the remains of the large intestine. The odd white spine stretched out from the incision above the buttocks, and stretched down in a scalp and numb posture, falling on the gray rushing ground until it hit the knee.

"It’s strange to say it," Lin Sanshui stood up and did not dare to look at his artistic achievements. "... The more I want to avoid the shackles, the more often they are miserable."

When Bohemia ran to the toll booth, she signaled that Ravenjiang had noticed her around and focused her attention on the sesame cake.

"I thought I had seen him like this, and you should have spit the truth. But I didn't expect it," she crouched down, her eyes straight on the eyes of the sesame cake: " look like Don't care at all."

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