Doomsday Wonderland

: 1197 Soul Projection

Lin Sanshui looked down at the sesame cake, and for a while did not speak.

When she stitched the clues together, and then recalled the tone and wording of the "sesame cake" when she spoke, the difference was clear: the beard man used the spirit projection to control the body of the sesame cake, but he could not change it. Your own speaking habits. That is to say, after she found so many clues one after another, she only returned to the taste afterwards; if the gift package, I am afraid that in the second sentence, I will realize that the sesame cake has been replaced.

"What should I do with you now?" She whispered, more like talking to herself. "I thought you had a way to protect your organs, but you are useless now...unless, can you tell me what happened to the arsenal?"

On this issue, the Raven River is simply asking three questions - he just accidentally heard a few words, he has not been to the twelve worlds for a long time, and even the arsenal did not know why the production was stopped - "I did not know the people I asked." Ah, how can you blame me," he said, not forgetting to mutter.

"Sesame cake" lowered his head and took a long breath.

"You and I have only seen a few minutes, I thought you forgot me." His tone was calm.

"It’s too rare to see people who are companionship in the last days." Lin Sanjiu said, and glanced at Bohemian in the distance. "...I don't really hate sesame cake."

Even if she tried to trick Lin Sanji into lava, it was the means of survival she had formed in this world framework - just like wild animals hunting, she couldn't talk about innocence or sin. What the victim needs is selfishness, but what the believer needs is great courage; and Lin Sanjiu always appreciates the brave.

"I don't hate her either. I like her character and be a man." The face of the sesame cake was lifted up, but the look belonged to another person; when he smiled, the freckles still adorned like little stars on the skin. . "But what happened between us, I don't think I need to explain to you."

What else can happen? Probably also some old stories that have been overwhelming and tired of listening. Whether it is the destruction of the world or the power of evolution, some of the human beings weave together with the genes, it seems that they will never leave.

"Sesame cake" stopped the words and didn't want to talk about it; it was as if he was guarding the commons belonging to him and the sesame cake, and he was not willing to let outsiders see more.

"Talk about the arsenal."

"We did a lot of homework before coming to this world, so we spent a lot of money to buy one of the last products of the arsenal..." When he said this, he paused, and it seemed that the thoughts drifted to the time they did together. The time of preparation. Lin Sanjiu didn't remind me. After waiting for a while, he said down again: "At that time, in fact, 'Soul Projection' has been launched for a while, at least I think it will be a few months. At that time, the Arsenal had no news. I mean, there is no official news. There are a lot of messy gossips and gossips. For example, the arsenal of the arsenal is dead, some people have stolen their important assets... I think Not worth listening to."

Lin Sanjiu remembered the huge "scholar" composed of the metal skeleton, climbing at the high speed on the wall.

"Actually, I don't know if the 'soul projection' is the last piece of the arsenal. I remember when I bought it, the seller and I said that I took advantage of it... He told me that I should take care of it. This thing, and if there is still money left on hand, I will collect more things from the arsenal. He said that the arsenal has not produced new props for a long time, and it is very likely that it will not be produced in the future. I asked him why. I still think that he probably wants to sell more stocks, so he is alarmist."

"Sesame cake" paused. Under the watchful eyes of the two, looking at his toes, he said: "The seller said that in the arsenal division of Biyue Huangquan, I don’t know what is weird. Other people in the 12th branch are Uninformed, they were infected at a gathering."

Lin Sanjiu did not expect that he would hear the word. "Infection? Similar to a viral infection?"

"Sesame cake" is also a bit confused: "I also thought that the word was very strange, but the seller used 'infection'. If it is a virus infection, I have not heard of any virus crisis in the blue springs... If you ask, the seller doesn't know more."

He glanced at the Yajiang River. "Maybe we all heard the same rumor."

The so-called windless waves, even if the arsenal is not actually "infected", at least one thing is certain: the arsenal has not yet launched the next product. That means that after she left, what happened to the arsenal... Lin San wine held his arm and hesitated for a while.

In addition to her, there was another person who was also at the arsenal at the time of the incident. It was even more likely than she knew more about it - just as she had contact with the person. However, as long as she can not be related to the palace, she tries not to come up with [eBay].

Right now, the arsenal thing -- or the Spartan thing -- is not the most pressing issue. Lin Sanshui glanced at him and saw that Bohemia had turned and walked back. He sighed at the "sesame cake": "What do you want me to do with you?"

Even if the man was arrested, he did not take his spirit away from the body of the sesame cake. This shows that he may have to meet the conditions to go, not to leave. She thought about it and always felt that it was not up to her to decide the fate of the man; to say who is qualified to decide, it should be the sesame cake that could not be decided.

When the people on the ground were still silent, Rujiang tried to raise a hand.

"Do you have anything to say?" Lin Sanjiu felt a pain in his brain as soon as he saw him.

"I have a problem." Ravenjiang smashed his hand and turned around in the two. He asked, "How is your tone like... This woman has no turning point?"

Lin San wine has a glimpse.

"She was just taken out of all the organs," Raven said, of course. "But as long as the organ is put back, she can still live. Big Brother," he waved to the woman on the ground. "You are so full of sorrow, why don't you find NPC to help her put the organs back?"

There are too many subtle rules in this hospital that there are no clear words. Lin Sanshui wiped his face and couldn’t help but look at the horrible fifty Ming. "Is the original NPC ready to go back?"

"Sesame cake" looked up and suddenly opened a smile.

"I don't dare," he murmured. "Most of her organs are still... But I don't dare. Compared with what happens after she is resurrected... I would rather live in the shack. ”

After this sentence, he fell silent. Far away, only Bohemian's unobtrusive footsteps and the smashing noises of his body are moving closer and closer to them. Lin Sanji nodded to her and asked, "Crow River, do you know this soul projection? How can he return to his body?"

"It seems to be going back to your body," Raven Jiang looked at the "sesame cake" with a certainty: "Is it?"

The latter did not give a little reaction.

Bohemian is only ten steps away from them at this time, Lin San wine has been able to clearly see her red face because of excitement - probably those bone marrow in exchange for a lot of points. She quickly thought about it and turned her head and said: "We have something to do with us. Bohemia has changed a ward. I will let her give you the key. If you need a safe hiding place." Where, I can temporarily go to her ward." After a few steps away, Bohemian's face was pulled down; Lin San wine glanced at her and continued: "You are more familiar with the soul projection... ...when we come back, can you find out where his body is?"

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