Doomsday Wonderland

: 1198 separation

After Bohemia is old, it must be the kind of old lady whose temper is especially bad and often teaches neighboring children loudly; just watching her expression of the ward key, Lin San wine feels that she can see a few points. It’s a clue.

The Raven River carefully took the key, for fear that she would bite herself during the handover; he took the key and did not move for a while - after all, it would be equal to the big lama to declare "You are struggling, I am going to you." The room is resting."

"I don't need you to help," Lin Sanshui said with a good word. "We can't use the ward anyway, just borrow him for a while..." In order to let Bohemia divert attention, she again Asked: "Is there a lot of points?"

Speaking of this, Bohemian's dissatisfaction only slightly dispersed.

"What a lot," she still pulled her face and refused to praise Lin Sanjiu. "It's just enough. Oh, this is for you, make up your ugly half branch."

The harvester in Lin San’s wine is fifty sails, and the collected things are naturally in the name of the dead; but she has never been doing business, but the benefits of being in trouble, this time is reflected - she is in addition to fifty There are not many things in the Ming organs and a little bit of bone marrow. In addition to the timely reminder of Bohemia, most of the bone marrow has become the number of points in her name, and has become a much-needed material.

Lin Sanjiu took over the lava injury repair cream, smiled at her, bit the lid, and squeezed some of her elbows. "One is not enough," Bohemia said with a slap in the face. "I changed three. If three are not enough, you might as well cut your arm and cut it."

She is very powerful.

"What did you call with the NPC?"

"Do you know how much to buy a kidney?" Bohemia mentioned this, his ears must smoke: "10 o'clock! There is no organ transplant surgery fee... This broken hospital is simply an armpit!"

The scorpion is not afraid of itching. Lin Sanguangguang is thinking about what astronomical figures the dower of the dolls may have reached, and they feel that they have no money to buy the kidneys. It is just like a light smoke. After she squeezed out the three restoration creams, the left arm now grows to the wrist and is still a whole palm. She patted Bohemia's shoulder with her right hand and smiled: "Nothing, come slowly."

"Are you taking this as a career?"

Lin Sanjiu turned a deaf ear and took out the candy of Gongdaoyi, swallowing one up. Looking at Bohemian hesitated for half a second, she took the candy back again - Gongdaoyi this person is not credible, things are naturally not credible. She looked up at the Raven River and the latter smiled at her and said, "Are you leaving?"

"Yes," she looked at the "sesame cake": "This person will be handed over to you."

The real problem is not how close to the toll booth – she has covered her face with a cloth, only revealing a pair of eyes; the real problem is how she avoids the four in a narrow space after skipping the counter. A guard, open the door and enter the basement of the hospital.

"I want to go in," Lin Sandi whispered as the two went to the counter at the toll booth. After the high wall nearby, she couldn't hear the slightest movement; now the night is already deep, and perhaps other evolutionists are sleeping in the ward.

"What?" Bohemia slammed his foot.

"We have to jump into the toll booth, and then from the side door next to the bottom of the hospital." Lin San wine sighed softly and turned to look into her eyes and said: "I know you don't want to... but this It’s about a person’s life and death. If I don’t save him, no one will save him. No one knows that he is lying at the bottom of the hospital and waiting to die. I can’t do this alone... I need Your help. No one else can trust me except you."

Bohemia did not speak.

"I am asking you to take a big risk, for someone you don't even know." Lin Sanshui bowed his head. "I'm sorry... I just really need you very much."

"If I refuse?" After a few seconds of silence, Bohemia spoke. She looked at the toll booth and looked at the four guards—the two stood behind the NPC like a bodyguard, sitting behind the toll booth, and the side door was just between the two rows of guards. "What do you want to do if I refuse?"

Lin Sanjiu thought about it and said sincerely: "...I don't know."

On the way she moved Kurosawa to the tool room, she once thought about whether she could take Kurosawa out of the hospital floor and ask Bohemia for help - but she couldn’t directly touch Kurosawa. In addition to making all actions very difficult, there is a greater danger.

...the evolutionist who did not complete the "guard", what would happen if he left the bottom of the hospital?

Bohemia breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the look that gradually floated on her face, Lin Sanjih clenched her lower lip, and her heartbeat accelerated several times - that was the expression that would appear when a person made up his mind.

“We have experienced many crises together,” Bohemia turned away and did not look at her. "Most of the crises are caused by you. This time you will tell me in advance, you still have a conscience."

Lin San wine waited for her below.

"However, I don't want to go in." Bohemia's tone was very strong. "You just became a wanted criminal because you went in, right? And after becoming wanted, you can't recover into a patient's identity." I can't change the number of points, and I can't get out of the hospital. I think you didn't completely consider my situation before I asked for help... If I promised you, what should I do in the future? I stayed in the hospital for a lifetime. I die until I am sent away? I have heard a rumor that no one in the last few years has been sent away. I don’t want to spend my last few years in this hospital."

Lin Sanshui lowered his head and gave a slight breath. She did not think about it in detail, after Bohemia became a wanted criminal, what should she do? She just knew that she would get two people out together - plus Black Zewa and the Puppet Master .

This is her determination, but Bohemia will naturally not be willing to give her own destiny to others to make a decision. If she is such a person, she will not be able to survive from the twelve worlds.

"I understand." When she spoke, she felt her throat dry. She still wants to say something more. For example, she does not blame Bohemia, she will find her own way, or let Bohemia be careful... but in such a situation, it seems that it is not appropriate. She can almost feel that the air between the two is slow, sinking, and can't flow like a swamp. The empty feeling under her left wrist suddenly became especially vivid and unbearable.

"Sorry." Bohemia said a bit stiff, it seems that she apologized to Lin Sanjiu for the first time.

"Nothing, wait for me to come out, I will go to you again." Lin Sanjiu smiled at her. "I thought about it, I still go in better, it is more convenient."

"Do you still want to go in?" Bohemia looked at the toll booth. "...Do you have a plan?"

"With it," Lin Sanshang lie. "It's okay. Go on what you should do. You are not saying, are you going to the hospital to inject nutrient solution?"

When Bohemia nodded, the golden brown curls jumped twice in the air: "Then I am gone."

Lin Sanji looked at her back and gradually drifted away. Then she took a deep breath and looked at the toll booth. After this period of time, the consciousness has recovered a little. Although it is less than the level of letting the teacher return, she can at least let her use it once or twice. The hospital took away her most powerful card, but she still has a lot of props. Her strength, physical strength, agility, and combat consciousness have grown to far less than ever, and even surpassed most evolvers—it is this that will allow her to start other evolutionaries in the first place. Dreaming will not think of doing things: ransacking the toll booth and breaking into the hospital basement.

Even if she lost her left hand, her strength did not fully recover, and she knew she could do it.

"Change something?"

Faced with the masked people coming, NPC asked lazily.

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