Doomsday Wonderland

: 1199 Lin San wine playing billiards in lion dance

"Hey, are you really not interested?"

When the sun on the weekend afternoon spilled into the penthouse, Ren Nan turned back and his hair was yellowed by the sun. Look at the latest chapters, Baidu, search for ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ ≧ Look, it's fascinating is that you are borrowing things. You don't directly attack your target, you just use a force to manipulate other things to achieve the effect you want. When you attack yourself from attack When the relationship between the party and the attacked party is separated, even if it is only two layers apart, it will ensure your own safety."

...... Now think about it, but he did not do it himself.

"Hey," nc didn't scream, and pulled Lin Sanjiu back from the memory that suddenly floated up. She turned her attention back on his layered fat chin. "Do you want to change things?" ?"

At this time, she stood four or five steps away from the counter. She was secretly looking inside the toll booth and the several guards. She heard a quick nod. She didn’t know if the other person could recognize herself by voice, so she did not I have no choice but to speak.

"Then come over!"

Lin San wine nodded again, slowly and step by step.

Nc is half a taller than her, and her body is wide and fat. When she looks closer, she feels that she is optimistic. This person is afraid that 200 pounds will not be able to turn over. She measured her hand and secretly licked her tongue. A few steps behind nc, standing on the left and right, two guards, like a dead branch, the contrast with nc is simply shocking, as if the latter turned, they will be squeezed on the wall to faint . Together with the two guards who are in the middle of the head, they form an encirclement in the narrow square toll booth. As a result, no matter where Lin Sanji falls into the toll booth, at least two guards are waiting for her.

And the easiest thing to do is that they are dry and thin, and in a black dress, they can completely blend into the shadows in the corners of their eyes. However, Lin San has an advantage. She has a short contact with these guards for a short time, but she has never seen anyone using evolutionary skills.

"What to change?" When she came to the counter, the fat man raised a little finger and reached into his ear and scratched his head.

Looking at this fat man, Lin Sanqu is very clear why he suddenly remembered Ren Nan - because she first thought of "billiards."

She pretended to look at things from the pocket and slowly put her hand under the light red robes lined with a row of tassels. This robes are still bohemian, because she has a wide robes and large sleeves, which is most suitable for covering the shape.

... Question one, can she pick up a man of 300-400 pounds with one hand?

The five fingers were closed on the inside of the robe, and Lin Sanjiu squatted his robes and slammed it down to the nc behind the counter. Embroidery patterns as the fabric floated out, the tassels swelled in the air, and at this moment, the eyes of the nc and the guards were covered by a light red—the robe was still flying, Lin Sanjiu The left arm is supported by a countertop, and the counter is turned over behind the fabric.

The fat man who seems to be like a hill wants to go backwards. The guards standing on both sides behind him are taking a step forward and welcoming her.

Lin Sanjiu did not look at the guard at a glance.

She sat on the counter and leaned out, stretched her arms, and reached out and grabbed the light red robe of Bohemia in mid-air - caught together, behind the robe, buried between the fat man's chin and the chest. Collar.

Thanks to the position she had just observed, it was possible to accurately hold his collar from a roll of fat through a layer of cloth. Lin Sanjiu took it with his hand, and the heavy meat mountain was suddenly smashed down before the squatting; she slid gently and delicately, and the slender limbs were like a cat. Into the shadow of the robe and nc - the hands of the two guards at this time, just hit the nc that had been thrown down.

Before waiting for the fat man to stand firm, Lin Sanjiu has been in the body and knocked him up again; her right hand still licks his collar and uses his power to smash his entire body to the right guard.

The answer to question one is yes.

Not only can she pick up three or four hundred pounds with one hand, it seems that she can also play nc as a billiard. If the space in the toll booth is too small and the combat power is not fully restored, it may be more convenient for her to call out the body of the old man; but nc is equally easy to use, as long as the time is not too long.

This is not a problem, Lin Sanji thought, she was prepared to rush into the side door of the toll booth within ten seconds.

The deadly guards made a "gap" burst and disappeared into the corner of the floor behind the meat mountain. Lin Sanjiu didn’t need to turn his head, he knew that the guard on the left was coming to her, and her opposite, the other two guards were rushing to the front--the fat man who was shackled in her right hand. There was a cry on and off.

In such a small place, I actually stood up and stood five people. Whoever turned around might hit someone. Is this called Lin Sanjiu to dodge?

At this time, jumping back to the counter is too uncomfortable. In time, she didn't have time to turn the next fat man to the left and fly to the left of the guard; she simply went to the countertop and slammed into the fat man like a bullet.

When she curled up her body in midair, a dark brown dry palm just crossed her back. Lin San wine handed the nc collar to the next pressure, and then released his hand. The whole person leaped like a wheel and jumped over his head. The back was rubbed against the ceiling, and the skin was hot and hot.

When her feet landed and her right hand grabbed the neck of nc again, the three guards realized that she actually jumped out of the head and surrounded the circle. Lin Sanjiu quickly screamed at the screaming nc. As the three guards turned to her and rushed over again, they pushed the fat man out and pushed him out like a billiard. On the face, they knocked down two of the guards.


The fat man only shouted a word that rushed to his heart, and his limbs slammed into the floor. Since he was covered by the light red robe, his feet have not stood still, always in the forest. The three wines swayed from side to side. The third guard jumped out in time, bypassing the fat man who was rushing, and grabbed her hand to her face.

Lin Sanjiu had no fat man on his hand, and he had no bottom in his heart. She was in a hurry, and when she was only a few centimeters away, she was drilled out of the arm that the guard had waved and regained the nc. The guard must have turned around now - she didn't look back at the time, only to go to the ground, the fat man was picked up by her and stopped in front of him, suddenly slammed the guards and beat.

"It's me!" he screamed.

Lin Sanjiu dragged the meat mountain of three or four hundred pounds and jumped up, blocking him between himself and the guard. The guards who had just been knocked down by her, had climbed up from the ground at this time; this could be different from billiards - she couldn't hit them into the net bag and told them to come out again.

Then... The second question is, can she sing the lions in such a small place with three or four hundred pounds?

Lin Sanjiu is ready to try.

She pressed her back against the corner wall, and the side door leading to the ground floor was on the opposite wall, only ten steps away from her, but was blocked by two guards one after the other. The other two, standing on the left and right sides of her front, waited for her to reveal the flaws, and they would take the opportunity to rush.

Lin San wine picked up his feet, first wrapped his left arm around the neck of nc, his right hand tore a hole in his back, then changed his hand and put his left arm into the hole of his clothes, from the collar. Stretched out.

"Hey, don't do this--" nc first realized what she was doing, but before he finished speaking, Lin San's right hand had already explored and grabbed his calf.

"Who told you to be a big area?" She smiled with a gasping voice.

In the next second, in the exclamation of his uncontrollable voice, the fat man like a meat mountain was beaten up. Lin Sanjiu put him on his shoulder and neck, half-bent, and his feet were like a speeding gyro, spinning forward toward the front - the meat mountain up to two meters was turned into a charge at the toll booth. The wide, heavy black shadow, the hanging telephone was broken, the fan blades that had fallen down were broken, the chairs were hit into the air, and they were thrown out with them, and there were Several guards surrounded her.

Lin Sanjiu only intends to rush into the door, so when a guard hits the counter, a guard hits the wall, and a guard falls to the door, she has no additional attacks; she squats with the meat mountain and steps closer At the side of the toll booth, the last guard at the door immediately pulled the cat down, stretched out his arm to avoid the meat shield, and rushed over her calf.

... she will never go back.

Lin Sanjiu gnawed his hand and smashed the meat mountain toward the guard. When he was so muffled, he just pressed him under the nc; however, her movement was still half a step slower.

The guard disappeared under the meat mountain, but a dead hand was found from the bottom of the nc belly, just across the ankle of Lin Sanjiu. All the strength disappeared in an instant, and the field of vision rotated, she fell to the ground - outside the toll booth, I do not know where a low exclamation sounded.

Lin Sanjiu can't hear anything now, and all her thoughts are concentrated in front of her eyes.

Fortunately, when she fell to the ground, her ankles also broke away from the fingertips of the hand, and the force re-gushed back into the body; watching the other three guards struggle to regain their stability, she leaped a squid. She slammed into the side door of the toll booth - she did not touch the other side, she smashed all the guards, and the side door was empty at this time, waiting for her to open.

The next few moments were even faster than her consciousness. Her fingers clenched the door handles, and when the door was twisted and pulled, the door was pulled out of the black-painted space; Lin San wine flicked sideways and fell into the darkness behind the door. In the corner of the eye, several guards Just took a step towards her.

The door slammed and closed behind her, her movements stopped.

She came in.


Her gaze has not yet adapted to the darkness in front of her eyes, and her fingers have not even been taken off the doorknob; Lin Sanjiu snorted and immediately turned and listened to the footsteps outside, and re-opened the side door with her body strength. —The fastest guard was just in front of the door. When she expected that she would go in, she would suddenly open the door. She was immediately slammed on the head and stepped on the nc legs and fell.

Lin San wine probe went out, his eyes swept away, and he didn’t hit a place when he was on the air. "Are you not leaving?"

"I just didn't see you fall down!" Outside the counter, a golden-brown woman with a half-face covered in tulle was eager to climb the counter, one leg on the edge of the countertop, and her voice was angry and strong. I thought you were going to die!"

In such a sentence, in addition to the guards that were not allowed to move by nc, the other three guards came over again. Lin San Liquor immediately closed the door, and when their footsteps approached, one more. Although they did not knock them down again, they let them quit a few steps; she squatted and grabbed nc's right ankle and did not lift her head. "I can't see it, I'm not finished!"

The action of Bohemia was on the counter, not at all, and it was not "ah? Oh, then... then I went back?"

In the scream of nc, Lin Sanjiu quickly dragged him into the door; she didn't know if it was useful to catch nc, but at least she could stop a guard who was constantly rushing toward her like a zombie. "If you don't come, I will go down!"

"Hey, you guys are very grateful," Bohemia stepped on the counter with one foot. "I just saw you dangerous. I was hesitant to save you. Who knows that you are getting up again?" I think... I saw that you are fine now, then I turned and walked. Doesn’t it seem that I am hypocritical? So I am so determined to help, how do you still have this tone!"

When she said this paragraph, Lin Sanjiu borrowed the door and nc, like playing billiards, and repelled the guards' several impacts - she really dreamed and didn't expect that she would have thought of it for a day. go together.

However, whether it is a lion dance or a billiards, she can't keep going. Every movement is now as dangerous as a tightrope. Sometimes the guard's fingers and body are almost wiped against her skin. Even for a few moments, her physical strength, even though she has not lost, has caused her to stun. . In the case of such a bad head, Lin Sanjiu can't listen to the good tone. "Would you come in or go out, hurry!"

"It’s this attitude for your grandmother," Bohemia complained as she jumped into the counter and immediately called the two guards to turn her head. "Look at what I do, look at her-"

Lin Sanji sighed and slammed his hem on the midfielder and kicked him out of the door. The guards also learned the lesson and became more and more difficult to hit, not waiting for fat men. When I rushed to the front, I was loosened. She hurryed to take this opportunity and shouted to Bohemian, "Now, fast!"

Bohemia has a lot of words in his mouth, but his movements are not slow. Before she finishes her three words, people have already approached half the distance. Unexpectedly, at this time, the nc, which has been used as a shield, suddenly screamed, screaming and rolling on the ground, reaching out to catch Bohemia "I remember you!"

He was originally motionless at his feet, and no one expected that he would suddenly be in trouble; Bohemia was only concerned about avoiding the guards, and he was hugged by a leg. The rest of the guards were like sharks smelling the smell, and they turned and rushed to her.

Who is this to save someone?

Lin San wine snorted in his heart, and then he threw a large amber shadow.

That was the big amber halo that was wrapped up when Heizawa was deceived; she just didn’t dare to use it because the place was too small, and she was afraid of limiting her own space when it was trapped by the guard. . Now that she is standing behind the door, of course, there is no more scruples - Bohemia, nc suddenly being hooded into the amber halo, they have become a moving insect.

Because nc is fat and big, light is his size, it is far more than the black Zeji; after the two people wrapped in the light, it is difficult and shaken when floating up from the ground, the fat man’s legs are also Still still pulling outside. Lin Sanjiu's teeth smothered the conscious consciousness that had just recovered, and “bited” the amber light group, and slammed it to the door.

The part of the amber that wrapped the bohemian stepped the door first, but the consciousness was stuck at this moment, and the light immediately stuck. Lin Sanjiu swept through the shades of the shadows and saw the two guards standing on the other side of him, grabbing nc's legs.

At this time, I can't let go of this nc.

Lin Sanjiu used all her consciousness and tried to pump Amber's light back. The two guards outside the door suddenly stumbled and were close to the door; she was ready for the right hand and suddenly had a long knife. From top to bottom, when the door was heavily closed, the two broken legs of nc were also locked on the other side of the door.


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