Doomsday Wonderland

: 1200 Bohemian walked alone


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Since she went to Bohemia and returned, she has finally helped her for the first time. When the door was just closed and immediately swayed, she didn’t know where to pull out a 502 super glue. When I rushed up, I squeezed a big stick on the door. When Lin Sanjiu withstood the three or four guards outside the door, Bohemia smeared the glue into the cracks of the door, and did not forget to blow a few breaths.

"Okay," Lin Sanjiu released his hand and secretly glad that he had released her from the amber halo in time. I didn't expect her to use it a bit: "Special items? That should stop them."

As soon as the voice fell, the door panel suddenly broke like a broken bone. The "squeaky" sound broke open from the center. A guard's face shook from the door and shouted at the crack: "Hit here!"

"Mom," Bohemia groaned. "Wasting me something, isn't this?"

Lin Sanjiu had no time to talk, and quickly removed the amber halo from the npc. After the latter was cut off by two roots, the latter had already fainted, and he slammed down from the air, as if half Head of **** dead pigs. She shone the amber like a spider web over the door, picked up the npc, and rushed to the smuggling shouted: "Come up!"

"How is it so dark here?" Bohemia followed her behind, and she didn't dare to fall down. She couldn't wait to walk around her corner. It was more than usual: "Where are we going?"

"Small sound," Lin Sanshui looked up at the green emergency channel lights on the ceiling and quickly walked in the opposite direction of his direction: "Now they have not yet gone to work, but maybe there is a duty."

"The last time you broke in, the alarm sounded," Bohemia lowered his voice. "How come this time..."

The sirens smashed the silence, drowning their footsteps and wheezing, tearing everything around their ears, stirring the eardrum like a sharp knife that came in.

"You can't remind them!" Lin Sanjiu's sentence is not very good, "You are all hands, help me fasten the rope!" She threw the npc on the ground, and called out a few large bath towels and ropes - - Bohemian side squats, while tightening the npc thigh artery, the force is so great that even the fat man wakes up twice. A few thick bath towels were soaked in blood for a moment, and Lin Sanjiu had to use all the towels he could find, so that the thighs of the npc would no longer drop blood on the ground.

This is only a temporary measure. After all, the fracture is too big. I can't say when the towel will be infiltrated by the blood. I will leave a clear line on the ground. Lin San wine wiped the sweat on his face and whispered. "If there is a flame gun or something, it will be fine to blow off his blood vessels... but now the blood is stopped, let's go."

She seems to have heard the footsteps coming from far away.

"Don't throw him away?" Bohemian's arms were reddened, licking the half of the body of the npc, and quickly followed Lin Sanshui's turn and turned over a corridor: "... How are you so familiar with this place?"

"He himself said that he has already remembered us." Lin Sanjiu is far from familiar with the bottom of the hospital. She can only rely on the emergency passage signs on her head to go back and forth when she left: " Don't think that it's enough to cover a veil. When you talk, he may know who you are. You know, you just changed things a few minutes ago. Those guards don't care about the patient, so the only one knows now. The person you are identifiable is this npc. As long as we hold him in the hand and do not let him have contact with the hospital, then you may still be able to keep your patient status."

In terms of tone, Bohemia seems to have looked at her: "I don't think you have such a thoughtful time... Why don't you just kill him?"

"Maybe he can tell us some useful news." Lin Sanji stopped his footsteps and couldn't help but vomit a breath: "We are here."

As she left, the doors between the tools were quietly caged in the shadows, and no one seemed to have entered or left. As she prayed in her heart, she gestured to Bohemia not to make a sound. After letting go of the npc, she carefully approached the door and listened for a few seconds. There is no trace of it inside.

She opened a little door and glanced in the dim light--the guard who was still wearing a black suit and a full set of clothes. At this time, she was still lying on the floor, and countless documents she had thrown away. Covering his body and the ground like a snow flake.


Lin Sanjiu's entire shoulders were loose, as if there was any burden on the back that was lifted away. Kurosawa was not discovered, and was not removed. As long as he is still there.

"This is where we are going? So hurry up, throw this fat man into it quickly," Boschia was still unable to breathe by the weight of the npc, although there were two legs missing. "There is a Black hole face!" She screamed as soon as she probed.

"Small voice," although the alarm sound drowned the entire hospital, Lin Sanjiu still sighed. "That's why we are here, I need you to do me a favor... black hole face?"

"How do you always care about the details," Bohemia threw the npc into it. "And then? Help you with anything? Is this the person you want to save?"

"Of course not." Lin Sanjiu denied it. "How can I be a guard if I want to save?"

"I said so too." Bohemia paused. "So what are we doing now? Can you kill him?"

"Yes," Lin San wine sighed with relief - she actually offered it, which is great: "Of course, come, this is for you." She took out a special item from the card library. Carefully stuff it into the hands of Bohemia.

"What do you give me this?" Bohemia looked at the sandstone in the palm of his hand.

"Don't you want to kill him? It is like this. He used some kind of power against me. I can't kill him, so I don't want to kill him at all." Lin Sanjiu found himself lie. Fluent in a set, maybe she actually has the potential to live in the lava world: "Speak long, I will explain it to you after I finish it... Anyway, you can only kill him yourself. Because we have to hide in this tool room."

Bohemia looked at the black taboo in the tool room. The latter lost his ability to act. It has been like a dead body. After she watched it for a few seconds, she probably estimated the risk in her heart. She felt that it was not a big deal to make up a knife. Then she turned and asked: "That This special item..."

"It is to make sure that he will not die and resurrect. I have seen him die and resurrected once." Lin San wine nodded very authoritatively. "After you kill him, sprinkle some things on him... then you come out Find me."

"What is this guard coming to the head," Bohemia put on a special item like a hill, "will still die and resurrect?"

Lin Sanjiu waved his hand and was not prepared to write a background story for Heizhuang. "I don't know."

"That... this man is so powerful, why is it faint now?"

How is she so many problems?

"I played." Lin Sanjiu can only take the merits on himself and continue to say: "At that time, I was holding the idea of ​​not killing him. But now it is different. I must try to stay out of the way, all the way. Can't participate... I will always stand in the hallway for you, don't look at you. When will you go in, when will you start when you go in, and **** him... no matter what happens inside, I can do it all. I don't need to know, I don't know. Only in this way, I won't be one of the parties."

The last sentence is more like her comfort to herself.

"How do I think that your arrangement is weird, the logic is a bit unreasonable," Bohemia looked at her suspiciously. "It’s like you have a lot of words still glaring at me."

She is always keen when she should not be keen.

"It’s just that some details didn’t tell you, and now I have no time to explain it. It’s not too late to wait until you come out. Anyway, I won’t hurt you, you know.” Lin San’s wine was so kind and sincere, "I am going to turn around now... Don't go in immediately, don't start as soon as you go in, because it's so good to guess. You wait a moment, and don't let me hear the footsteps of you."

"The people I killed are not too small," Bohemia complained. "I saw the first time I asked for so many future dead bodies."

Lin Sanjiu smashed her hair twice and turned around. In the corridor where the tool room is located, one end is a t-shaped exit, and the other is a l-shaped corner; she is facing away from the tool room, her eyes are swept back and forth, forcing herself to concentrate the whole spirit in the hospital corridor, cutting off The perception of the movement behind it. Fortunately, the sharp alarm sound still hovered in the air, covering a lot of fine sounds. As long as I didn't concentrate on listening, she couldn't hear if the inside tool room went into the person.

Did Bohemia go in?

After a low-pitched breath, Lin Sanjiu carefully examined his plans in his heart. That's right... Besides that, she has no second choice.

The nature of this hospital is likely to belong to a copy of the lava world; no matter how much she is upset, she can't think of any possibility, and will let the npc in the copy lend a helping hand to her and blacken her. The state is lifted. What's more, the copy itself may not have the function of "disarming" at all...

Black hole face... This name of Bohemia, I do not know how suddenly it floated on my mind.

and many more.

Lin San’s wine was awkward and his body was frozen.

Before she left, she clearly covered the whole body of Kurosawa with documents - this "body", of course, also included the face. But Bohemia saw his face just now, and also called out the name he gave to the guard... Black paper bogey on the face?

Who took it?

At this moment, a sudden exclamation of women was heard in the tool room. Lin San wine was just subconsciously rushing to rush, and immediately bite his tongue and forcibly stopped his own feet; She was half-side and stood in the hallway as if it had solidified. When the thick **** smell spread from the mouth, she didn't know what to do.

... The only requirement to save Kurosawa is that no matter what happens, she must stay out of it.

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