Doomsday Wonderland

: I just spent an extremely unreal night.

I haven’t written anything today because I want to share with you the night I just spent – ​​I think it’s incredible, telling others that others may not believe. ≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦ ≧≦

This is the case. Tonight, I have dinner with my mother, relatives and friends. After the meal, we took a taxi home. We got off at 1942 and entered the house. When we were 2050, we wanted to find a mobile phone and found it. Gone. Call, you guessed it, shut down.

This **** does not have to ask, the phone must be on the car. When I left the restaurant, I checked it specially. I didn't forget anything. The only possibility was that the mobile phone in my trouser pocket slipped into the back seat of the taxi and was taken away.

The oc is really a big surprise... The phone stores a lot of very important information, bank card account information, personal information, and a related car, which is countless. Lost that cell phone, basically half of our family property is in jeopardy... At that time, my mother directly bombed me, because hey, I never used an invoice in the car, I don’t know the taxi license number just now - just at this time, I Mom suddenly said, "I want an invoice."

She is also a person who never invoices. Why did she want to get a ticket tonight? It is because she remembered that someone told her that she had to take a taxi invoice for insurance - so she made an invoice for her whim! ! ! I almost didn't think about it!

Next, I quickly called the car company. I really want to admire it. At 8 o'clock in the evening, the customer service phone rang twice and someone picked it up. I contacted the driver and gave me the driver's phone number. After a question, the driver said, "You have been off the bus for an hour. I have received four orders. There is no mobile phone in the car."

I was crying at the time... I didn't use the find ihone function, the phone didn't know why it didn't show up at all, the lock couldn't be locked, the taxi was the only hope. I asked the driver, the guest who got off the bus after we got off the bus, where did I get on the bus, where to get off, what kind of person... The driver was full of enthusiasm and told me that they were at a residential building address at 1955. The car is gone.

Generally speaking, even if you know where they are driving, what about it, right? Where are you going to find someone? But the lost mobile phone is too important. I just possessed the drug dog and wore it and went out to take a taxi. I thought to myself, I asked the building security guard to adjust the monitoring of 1955 points, and found a man and a woman who came in and ran the monk. Can't run the temple!

On the way, I called the driver again, and the driver told me the news of a sunny day. "They went to a Korean restaurant next to the residential building to eat."

Oc? ! At 9:30 in the evening, how can I finish eating in an hour and a half! ! People have gone, tens of millions of people in Shenzhen, where are I going to find? ?

When I got off the bus, my legs were soft. I trembled into the Korean cuisine and looked everywhere. Everywhere was empty. First, there were no tables, no guests, no people.

Speaking to the front desk lady, she said, "We don't really have a man or a woman eating here. All gone, there are people in the private room, but that is a large group of people. Otherwise, you go downstairs. Junction security booth, they have monitoring."

My mother tried to explain the intentions and the security guards clearly. The security guards were not too willing. But I never gave up and led us to a small broken house in the back. There were many screens inside, and they squeezed another. Two security guards. I found the monitoring of 1955, just to see the door of Korean cuisine. I was really holding my breath on the screen. Although I didn't think about it, even if I knew what they were like, it was a needle in a haystack. One man and one woman walked into the Korean cuisine hand in hand.

In the process, the three security guards kept saying "You see this useless" "Where are you going to find them?" "You just want to call the police" "Alarm alarm"... I was desperate at the time, you lost a mobile phone However, the police will manage the big New Year? We came out of the house, wandered back to the door of Korean cuisine, and saw a coffee shop opposite. Would you like to say that the couple had eaten and went to drink? So I found a circle in the past, no.

When we came back from the cafe, we were going to give up and go home. One of the 3 security guards just came out to smoke. When I saw us, he walked up a few steps and asked, "Is there no alarm?", I learned that I haven't reported it yet, and I urged us to "catch the police quickly, don't call 110, call the police station, and report it for two hours!" You don't have to go, just call them here, wait here!"

All of them have reached this point, and when they report, they will entertain themselves. I called in the place and listened to the little brother who had a good voice. I transferred my call and elaborated on the matter...

At this time, supervision, control, record, image, Li,, I, male, one, female, go, out, Korea, country, material, science, door, mouth.

When I recognized them at a glance, I couldn't even say anything. When I shot my mom, I pointed to the past. Even if I saw **** coming out, I guess it was this reaction. Well, because they are coming to have dinner with friends, a big **** helps people out together. It turns out that they are eating in the private room.

At that time, I had an idea in my heart, and my fate still had an ambush. ? With so many miracle factors, as long as one is not right, we can't find anyone.

At this time, at this time, we still don't have 100% evidence that they took the mobile phone... But things have already reached this point. After we went up, we didn't even ask questions, and said to the man in the past. You picked up my phone."

At that moment, I felt that I saw a blank that was too shocking in the man's head—because he immediately said, “Oh, yes.”

"Give it back to me."

He opened the bag and pulled out the familiar red ihone and gave it back to us.

"Thank you, Happy New Year!" We finished a few, turned and left.

... I think that man is still in a state of arrogance.


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