Doomsday Wonderland

: 1209 It’s time to take out the magnifying glass and the pipe.

A group of people in the tool room, except for nc, are fugitives. Even if they have just arrested the question, everyone will have a very low air pressure. Where is the person hiding outside the door, how can they just hear it?

Lin Sanjiu gestured Bohemia to let it go. He stood by the door and took a few moves with his right hand in the armor. He whispered, "How long have you been outside?"

"I just went to the door...because I didn't actually hear it here." The man outside the door replied with anger, "I am familiar with the terrain here. In order to avoid the guards, I have installed in many corners. Listening to the ear. I was hiding outside the two corridors and I went here after hearing your conversation."

“Listening to the ear?” Lin Sanjiu turned back and said that Bohemia hadtened to look for it and asked, “Where is it? In the tool room?”

Just when she thought she could finally verify that a statement was true, she only listened to the person whispering outside the door, "just outside the door of the tool, I can show it to you when I go in."

... Anyway, at least this person is not a guard. Lin San wine glanced at the black zebra, but the latter did not react; she thought about it, biting her teeth and pulling the door open.

When the comers saw her face, they narrowed their steps back. "Ah, are you?"

"You have to thank me," Lin Sanjiu looked at him up and down. "If I didn't kill you, you are still a guard."

His looks are similar to those of the guards. After getting rid of the black hole and the dryness, he looks small and soft, and he always hesitates and does not want to be sure when he speaks. It makes people think that he seems to be a person who has no idea. He looked at the right hand that Lin Sanjiu was ready to attack and could attack at any time. He couldn't help but shrink his shoulder and was urged twice. This was just a drill.

"Squeeze me," Bohemia clung to the wall, his tone was very dissatisfied. "So many people, the air is stinking, you have to say something, hurry, don't let the old lady wait."

"I am gar," when the red-faced person spoke, the former guard also spoke. " are the one you are looking for..."

"No, I am." The guard shook his head.

Why do you have to confess to gar?

Follow this thought and think deeply, you will find that the answer is obvious. The three people are trapped in the underground, they can't get out, and they don't dare to be discovered by the guards. They don't even know what to do next. I can only walk for a while for a while, and I am sure I am already anxious. At this time, I suddenly found another group of people not only understanding the situation, but also nc help, it seems very hopeful to leave the basement - how can we not hurry to find ways to join?

After all, in the doomsday world, mutual help is not the virtue that everyone has. Most of the "mutual assistance" is essentially the exchange of interests; if you have not proved that you are useful to others, even if others are willing to lend a helping hand, I am afraid that people in trouble will have to doubt.

Lin Sanjiu looked at nc and asked, "If you know that there is a gar in this place, then you must know which one is. Say, who is it?"

She hopes that it will not be a guard.

"If I can tell you the answer right now, then I don't have to worry about it." nc sat in the corner, and the obese cheeks floated another unspeakable laugh. "You have to decide for yourself." ""

This answer is not out of the expectation of Lin Sanjiu - she holds her arm and looks at the three people. "Since you are gaar."

Three people looked at each other.

"That's how it works," the red-faced man snorted, as if he was a child who couldn't understand things. "You think I was stupid."

"That... I am telling you now," the former guard whispered. "You know the way, I am not useless? I, even if I have to say it, I can only tell nc..."

The guard sighed and did not speak.

"Then go directly to him to verify," Lin San wine rarely wears these bends, but is made a little wolf. "The person who passed nc is gar."

"This," the former guard lowered his eyes. "Now it won't work..."

"He has a monitor ear," the red-faced person said with a natural suspicion. "Who knows what you have? If I used nc to tell what I used to listen to my words, isn't it the same?"

The guard shook his head. "There is no way to see rabbits and not eagle. You and my relationship can't be saved now. I hope you don't blame me for being careful. Before I reach the room filled with dead people's points, I am like them. Words won't say anything."

Lin Sanjiu just wanted to open his mouth and said, "Then we went to the room to verify it," but suddenly I was caught by a thought. The three men were full of suspicion and extremely careful attitude. They seemed to have infected her unconsciously, and she was a little suspicious. It was too unsafe to bring them all together with the "copy engine". ? Really gaar knows for himself that if he doesn't do anything, he will be dismantled sooner or later... After they get there, what they will do is hard to say.

"You can't take the fakes too." Bohemia also thought of the same place; she was impatient, and suggested that "Let Black Zeze beat them all, until they beat the fart and the truth." Come out."

She has been clamoring for the right to exercise a life-saving benefactor - Lin Sanjiu just thought of it, only to see that Black Zeji actually climbed out without a word, and quickly stopped him. "No, you sit back."

"Why not?" Bohemia is still more energetic than Heizawa. "If you are afraid of it, you will be recruited. If you really want to fight, you will not be recruited!"

"Which is so simple."

If she decides that "the real thing will not admit that she is lying," then they just bite their teeth and find that the other two people can't stand the trick before, and the remaining one will naturally be considered real. . The three of them are aware of this, and in this way, they will become a tolerant game; who knows that the real goods are unbearable? In case the real thing is this former security guard who looks weak and weak, what should I do if I just can't do it twice?

Not to mention, Lin San wine does not like to torture people.

"Like this," she thought for a while. "Let's solve it with a civilized approach. If you all have to say that you are gar, then you must know about the game playing clubs, and you should know about va and the hospital. You may wish to know. I said that some things that best prove that they are real goods, let me see who is the real gar."


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