Doomsday Wonderland

: I can't put it down, I didn't forget this time, Ben.

I didn’t give thanks for almost two weeks. Actually, I didn’t forget it. (I owe it to the two now, I haven’t forgotten it!), it’s really busy and spanking, I want to send it together... The result is a enthusiasm for you. I was shocked by the strength of my support. Everyone gave the red envelope too much for the New Year!

I told you that this is the case. Because of my special religious beliefs, I have had 12 Chinese New Years a year... that oh... I hope everyone can actively respect my religious beliefs... (There should be flies here.) )

I waved a hand and rewarded hundreds of people who were more generous than my mother:

9:95 (I will tell you about this, the person who takes me as **** is this one. I appreciate too much, I feel that I am going to be banned)

XD00 (usually has been taken care of, there are red envelopes in the New Year... big enough and a small bunch)

Rejoice cool and cool (Is it a good thing for me? Do you want to encourage my special religious beliefs)

Ming Ming Yu She (also a small reward + big red envelope, which is interesting, I have seen you many times)

Falling lc (like the gold, the name has become familiar with it...)

Slow wolf (200+ small reward, really taken care of by your hands...)

The ink is stunned (the debtor is still in debt? The pants are for you, you take the flour)

Dark Feather Chensha (always can see you in the reward, hey, definitely a standard model for more money and less reading)

Ghost of the time (I didn’t appreciate it last time, is this the same as eating? There are pickpockets here)

White and white (I don’t want you to reward, just want you to hurry, but how can I reward me?)

Da Shu (?? fighting landlord money???)

Rape grass (usually a milk tea tycoon, the new year into a red envelope tycoon)

I also want to tell the rabbit leader who is always rewarding for a small amount of money. In fact, playing mahjong, I really didn’t expect to peel the rabbit sweater from you... Who knows that you have won three hundred ( ??) I will say hello to Spartan instead...

I also enjoyed two hundred (the student party eats snacks too! You can make me take a lot of cars...)

Pale BT people (thank you for your pale, thank you BT...)

Ofen month (the red envelope must be given to me, not the role of the outside, I am so convinced)

I would also like to thank you for giving the 50 red envelopes and a lot of small rewards to the light wind, and to enjoy a string of small islands, 汾驴12138, Junmi xi, 啾啾叽歪, tail leave notes, common regular rewards Ruize Er, a party called a party, a book friend 20190124155302250, a book friend 20180729203241673, slumberyt, a thief heart not dead cloud wine party, TAMMY, appreciate the pear's eyebrow, demon and Lin Lin, is Wuqi, book friends 141220234907838, cat loves to fight (Much like my Taobao user name), Beifeng Yi, book friend 20180919064425635, jessory, Bayinbulak sheep (true · new sheep), Xiao Honggang, monks (inexplicably feel that you and Xiaohong just have a connection )

Wrap it again: ameyama, book friend 150915220712182, book friend 20180606164937832, you will always owe the sun, turtle soy sauce (thank you for encouraging!), Wu Hao, leisure wine, deep winter smash, everything is occupied, then called this Bar, 黛 right, pig head 33, guilty me, the bankruptcy (that I have gone bankrupt), the big egg, the bell three er, the ancestor's A chick, the spring, the moolis, the book friend 201106270958958087, the favorite Kagura , a wooden tree, jolks make me happy, Lin Jiasan, generals pen outside Nanshan, where elegy, snake scales, Zhu Xi's paperweight... Thank you each, really, and monthly and recommended votes Everyone!

There must be a leak in the list, why? Because I saw the old eyes dizzy in the list... After a few years, the eyesight is not clear. The first few days are eaten to the dizziness, and now it is all kinds of support. The eyes are full of grateful tears...

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