Doomsday Wonderland

: 1210 Decisive evidence!

After the voice fell, the tool room was quiet. Everyone seems to care about the other two people, who are not willing to speak first; until Lin Sanjiu began to be impatient, the red-faced talent coughed, and finally said: "Then I will come first. Who said first, don't tighten, important It’s really no, it’s really impossible.”

He thought for a few seconds, a touch of his face, and the cracked red pieces were carefully touched.

"Look, this is just an ordinary red pigment, not a special item. I redden my face and it doesn't have any practical effect, nor is it my ability to ask... You may have guessed it, I painted red just because of the club. Only. This red face is my player name."

"Player name?"

"In our club, when you mention who, generally do not call the name. Everyone has a unique, significant logo, I am the red face ... 'player red face', or 'player blue hummingbird', is our code name I know who it is."

Bohemian huddled in the corner, not forgetting to ask: "How does the blue hummingbird say?"

"That guy wears a blue hummingbird's hood, just like a real bird. If you go there, you won't pick it off. If you call it wrong, he will correct you and say that it is a hummingbird." The red-faced man compared his hand. "...the bird's mouth is so long!"

He stopped and said: "The club is loose, there is no strict regulation. Some people will send a notice, for example, when is the time to 'wear a crown!' copy, how many people are needed, and the day of registration, The package does not include a visa... If you are interested, you can participate. If you are not interested, you will wait for the next one. No one will take care of you."

“What is the copy of the crown?” Bohemia seems to be very interested in this club. Even the red-faced person may have been forgotten on the spot. The more details, the easier it is to confirm the true and false of the rhetoric - Lin Sanjiu nodded to her for encouragement, but she blinked.

"A copy of chess," the red-faced man frowned. "It seems that I borrowed the form and rules of chess. The evolutionist made the pieces and teamed up. I didn't play because I didn't have any interest in playing chess. And this kind of game has to make up enough 16 players, otherwise it will be easy to destroy a whole game if you mix one or two laymen who are not sensible. If you have more people, it is not easy to get together, and generally not Give a visa."

"Wait a minute," Lin Sanjiu raised his hand to stop him, and quickly said to the guard: "You also give me a detailed game example, now, don't think."

"Playing the hamster," the guard said without thinking. "The two sides of the hamster and the hammer team are fighting against each other. It is also a group game. Both sides are four to four, and they are carried out in a square array of four rows and four rows. When the signal sounds, the gopher must emerge from the round hole. If there is a hammer standing outside the round hole, it is counted as a hit, the hammer team scores one point; if not hit, the gopher team scores one point. Each player's The speed of movement is limited to one frame at a time."

Lin Sanjiu can hardly imagine that this game will be edited by the guard. Maybe she happened to have experienced a copy of the game and took it out... She glanced at each other with resistance and said to the red-faced man: "Continue."

There is no need to ask the former guards - with the time of the guardian's speech, he can already think about what to say.

"Hat the hamster?" The red-faced man snorted. "I have never heard of it. There is a 'Top 100 Game Ranking' in the club, and this lava seems to be the 80th. But the club has not teamed up. Participation, I came here on a whim. Anyway, this game can be played by a single player."

He said here, a hand: "If you have anything to ask, just ask, I don't think I should introduce anything at a time."

"Too many loopholes." The guard shook his head.

Lin Sanjiu refused to accept her. - To be honest, she did not hear any loopholes. The red-faced person does not say much, but every sentence seems to be reasonable.

"Why are you twisting and twisting like a bug in the bottom of your ass?" Just as she thought about what to ask, Bohemia glanced at the former guard. "If you have something, say it."

Until Lin Sanjiu also gestured to him, the soft and hesitant former guard whispered: "He, he is telling the truth, but I have not heard of the player's name. I joined. How long... maybe I don't know..."

"Do you still give him a guarantee?" Lin Sanjiu was a bit surprised.

"Our club is still a bit famous..." the former guard whispered. "They are not surprising when they say it right."

“How have I not heard of it?” Bohemia asked unhappyly.

"That, then you may not be the person before the end of the day..." He was a little embarrassed. "Our club has found itself inside. The people born after the end of the last day almost never like this copy of the game. They only have a little autonomy. I am more willing to do anything in Anan. We are different... I like playing games from the end of the day... This club is also famous among gamers."

The red-faced man and the guardian nodded and said that he was also the person before the end of the day.

"You don't feel dangerous?" Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but ask.

"Dangerous," the former guard replied naturally. "The previous games don't want you to be killed. Some of these games are really terrible... But how can I say that, as far as I am concerned, I think... every time I take a copy of the game? I gave you a kind of... Hey, I can’t say it, it seems because I decided to play it myself, so it’s no different from the game before the end of the day. It seems like... it’s back to the past. ""

"What do you think in your own mind, how do we tell the truth?" Bohemia waved. "Why are you here?"

"Say you may not believe," he hurriedly looked at everyone in the tool room. "I came here because it is safer."


A game in which lava devours the player's limbs so that the players have to hunt each other's organs, how can it be linked to safety?

"There are... there are seniors who wrote the Raiders." He swallowed a sip. "If you follow his method, it is easier to get points... I don't know, it is not a 'hidden way' because it seems It is a customs clearance idea, not a hidden way to brush... Well, it is very advantageous to have enough people and find the right organ. Right, unlike this big brother, I saw a notice in the club. I have to set up a team of four to five people to get through the customs. I tried to sign up."

The word "small", I do not know how to touch Lin San wine faintly - she seems to understand why there is such a play club. Compared with the unpredictable life, the "game" is more acceptable.

"How come you are left? What about other players?"

"Speaking long..." He swayed for a while, and did not explain how Bai was "talking long". Bohemia asked him several times. He only slowly thought: "Everyone I made an appointment to gather here, but when I got to see it, I found out that I only came to three people. There will be records when there are more defaults, but like this big-faced big brother said, even if the other party does not come, you There is no way."

"But are you still coming in?"

"No, I didn't see enough people at the time. The other two were also newbies. I thought I couldn't take it... I just wanted to come. But when we were leaving, we met another player in the club, he said. When he saw the notice, he had already obtained the visa for the world, so he took a look at it. I didn't expect that we were just missing someone. We followed him down."


The former guard pointed to the ground: "Come to the bottom of the hospital."

"how did it get here?"

"I, I only remember a little." He glanced at the fat man who had only half of his left, and immediately turned his eyes. "The predecessor had an item that let us cross the wall. He came to talk to the npc and distracted. We I sneaked in... I was a little confused when I was going back. When I had another memory, I found myself killed by you."

"This is really convenient." The red-faced man snorted.

"You said that you are a gamer and know the hidden way to earn points. How many points do you have now?" Lin Sanjiu asked him.

The red-faced person raised his chin slightly: "23 points. And my body, organs and combat power are complete, do not believe, you can let npc tell you how many points I have."

This number is already a lot, especially if he doesn't use it at all at 23 o'clock - and Lin San has not enough points to redeem the mortgage. She frowned and asked: "In this case, why are you not discharged?"

"I am different from her," said the red-faced man, pointing to the guard. "She has already won the prize, I haven't. What about the turntable, you should know?"

lottery……? Turntable?

Lin Sanjiu just asked, but he felt that the word "turntable" was somewhat familiar. She seems to have seen it on the documents she has taken out - but the papers that have just been printed are incomplete, and a lot of information is said to be half, and the next page is gone.

"25 points to draw a prize," the guard seems to have revealed that she did not know, and explained: "That is a big turntable... When the turntable stops, the pointer points to the content, that is, you must be in the lava world. The goal is achieved. After the goal is reached, you are free to leave the world. Some people's goals should be done outside, such as how many people are sent to the hospital; and my goal is a similar version in the hospital, I want to make up I have thirteen people and sent them all into the lab. In order to accomplish this goal, I have been here for a long time... I thought I could finally go out..."

The red-faced man suddenly turned his head and looked up and down at her, as if to say something, but did not say it.

Lin Sanjiu knows a bit why Bonnie Rabbit will continue to catch people in lava. She held her arm and silenced for a few seconds. She finally said to the guard: "What about you? What are you going to say?"

"They have problems with their arguments, and I, I can provide evidence that I am a gamer. You think that since npc knows who is the gamer, it means they must have met, right?" The guard said this, turn The head said to the npc who had never heard the sound: "A week ago, about six in the afternoon, we met, isn't it? You can answer this question?"

Lin Sanshang held his breath - after waiting for two seconds, npc finally spoke.

"Yes, I have seen it."

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