Doomsday Wonderland

: 1211 There is no other way.

For a time, the tool room was quiet and there was only breathing.

The guard did see this npc - not any npc, but this fat man who was cut off from the legs, this one just knows who is the npc of the gamer. She is right, the reason why the fat man knows who the gamer is, is that the two must have met each other; then those who have not seen him before tonight, it is impossible to be a gamer.

The logic of the guardianship is self-consistent and reasonable... but Lin Sanjiu still looked at the remaining two people with great fortune.

“What about you?” she asked. “Have you seen this npc before?”

Both of them have a stiff neck, and even if they carry her deep gaze, they can’t keep going. The red-faced man stared at the side of the guard. The former guards held their hands and no one spoke for a moment. From their demeanor, Lin Sanjiu can see that they themselves know that they have not met with this npc.

"They even lie that they have seen it, npc will not cooperate, of course they have nothing to say." The guard himself was like a sigh of relief, and came over to her: "I said, I know I was sorry before." you……"


The red-faced man screamed low. From the mottled red paint, for the first time, there was a bit of confusion: "I don't understand why this is happening. I am obviously a gamer, but I have never seen him... how come back What? How do you know that I am a gamer?" In the last sentence, he said to npc.

Npc just shook his head and said nothing.

"I am like him," the former guard rushed to add a sentence, "This is what I want to say!"

The guard shook his head: "Just like this? If there is no way, you can only lie?"

Seeing that both of you are arguing with each other, Lin Sanjiu reached out and pressed in midair, slightly raising his voice: "Call shut up!"

The tool room then fell into silence again.

Lin San wine frowned, always felt that she had hidden a place. After thinking for a few seconds, she suddenly raised her head and rushed to NPC and said, "I have a question to ask you."


"You know that someone is a gamer," she asked, referring to the words. "Is it because you met with that person?"

The guard played a trick. She just proved that she had met with npc - if npc knows the status of the gamer from another way, then it does not make any sense to confirm this.

However, the answer from npc suddenly made her disappointed: "Yes, I just knew that the other party was a gamer because of that meeting."

Npc and gamer met, and it is obvious that only one of the three people has seen npc - how Lin Sanjiu thinks, and can't think of the situation, the gamer may be someone else; However, it is too embarrassing to ask her to honestly recognize the guard and cooperate with him. She still added a sentence: "So, is this woman gmaer?"

"I can't answer this question," NPC is still the same expression. "You know. You can only make your own judgments. When you really want to get points, you can see the results."

"I, I also have evidence!" The former guard suddenly jumped up and almost hit the red-faced man. "I forgot, I also have... you see!"

He put his hand into the collar, pulled out a thin chain, and hung a small glass box. "I don't know if this is a special item, because it really doesn't make much use... It's just a memento that I gave myself after I joined the club. Very, many people will bring a souvenir, I heard... ”

Just like the crystal ball in the magic story, this small glass box also reflects the picture that does not belong to this place: several strange men and women stand in a space between the tool and the tool, from the side of the button Looking at the screen, this should be inside an elevator. The perspective of the small glass cube seems to be thrown out of the camera. The heads of several men and women are together and separated from time to time. I don’t know what to discuss, but no one has ever gone out of the elevator.

"This is the first game I participated in," the former guard whispered. "It's a layer of escape game. I struggled to get out. When I left the game, I got this gadget. can't do anything, just pass me the image in the escape game in real time."

"That is, at this moment, are these people really in the copy of the elevator?" Bohemia pinched the small glass box, and the former guards also leaned over.

"Well, really."

The guard is the first person to regain his gaze.

"I can't understand what this can prove." She raised her arm. "You have taken a copy of the game and got a souvenir... So? Many people have participated in the game copy, which means everyone is a gamer. ?"

Although she is not willing to admit it, she is indeed reasonable.

The former guard seems to have returned to this time, and his face has turned red. He is not too much to say than the red-faced person: "This, this proves that I am a game player! The players in the club, many people will bring souvenirs... ..."

"Unless it has club souvenirs on it, it's useless." The red-faced man said this, but he turned his head: "But I really want to confess to him. If I want to choose from these two people, I will choose He... because he carries such a useless thing with him, he shows that he is obsessed with the game. Obsessed with the game, it is more likely to be a player, isn't it?"

This seems to be a set of logic that makes sense.

"What about you?" Bohemia asked. "Do you admit that you are not?"

"I don't have it." The red-faced man sighed. "I certainly know that I am a gamer, but I have no means to prove it. Who can think of being a club member and one day trying to prove his identity? Just like today, our luck is not good enough."

His attitude, instead, called Lin Sanjiu hesitated. The possibility that the red-faced person is a gamer is not small. He knows the club so much, and there is no other reason to redeem his face... Of course, he was defrauded by the police to the basement of the hospital, but no one can stipulate that the gamer can’t be fooled. Is it cheated?

"I gave up." Bohemia slammed his hands and was not angry: "Why everyone is sincere and sincere, they have been bet with their mother."

She paused and lifted her chin to the guard: "But let me say that the person who is most likely to be a gamer is still a woman who looks like a general."

"General?" The guardian couldn't help it anymore. After playing again, she had a lively popularity for the first time on her face. After all, she couldn't even praise the "beautiful". Where did she get the "general"? "I understand, even if you don't have a facelift, you are like me."

Bohemian seems to be shocked by this sentence, and even the gas has not come to life, just a face is wrong: "Ah? Do you really think that you are beautiful?"

Is this important now?

Seeing that the guardian sentence has to become the third red face, Lin Sanjiu is one of the first two big, and quickly waved his hand to indicate that both of them are shutting up - perhaps her look is too annoying, and everyone is quickly quiet.

If the gift pack is here, she secretly thinks. How much of her consciousness is spent, and the little bit that is now easy to recover is not enough to be mimicked; and Bohemia and Kurosawa are both types of intuition faster than the brain... Yourself.

Lin Sanshui thinks more about a few people just now, the more he feels that he is only one step away from the answer. She just needed a little inspiration to poke the layer of window paper... She glanced at the npc in the corner.

I don't know if this fat man can give her a hint?

The face that was submerged in fat could hardly show any look, and even the eyes were squeezed into two thin lines, let alone suggesting - wait, fat -

Lin Sanjiu grabbed the two words that flashed in his mind, and he did not dare to let go, and his thoughts twirled back and forth on the word "fat".

Npc said that he can freely move fat, let the body size enlarge and become smaller according to his wishes... When he is not on duty, he will remove the fat and mix it into the players... So the rest of the two can't recognize this. The obese-like npc is simply not enough to show that the two have not met him!

"What do you want?" Bohemia asked a word.

Lin Sanjiu dared to let her interrupt her thinking route, and she waved her hand to the wall. She could feel that several people’s eyes were sticking to themselves. On the back.

But npc can't just remove fat by himself... This question was asked once before she walked around with npc. Is there any other way?

"What attitude," Bohemia was not happy. He reached out and stopped several "suspects" in front of him. He squeezed in front of Kurosawa and told him: "Hey, I can't see her." Otherwise, you interrupted all their hands and feet. Let's take the room with me! I don't believe it. What can the three disabled people bring to the wind..."

"Step aside,"

Kurosawa suddenly whispered and slammed and slammed from the ground; Bohemia just slammed him and pushed him to the side, then immediately felt an arm stretched out from her ear, wrapped in the wind and caught Behind her. Almost at this moment, a scream rang from her back - Lin Sanshui and Bohemia at the same time turned to the direction of the screaming, and then stunned.

Even if it was the first reaction, Black Ze was still half a step late.

The throat of the former guard was cut open to a deep **** mouth, and the blood bubble spurted out of the throat, mixed with the desperate, bellows-like squeaking sound he tried to inhale. The guard was standing beside the former guard, and a blood spot was splashed on his face and arms; perhaps she couldn't believe that she actually succeeded, and she was so excited that her chest could not stand up and down.

"I admit that the real gamer is him," she wiped the blood on her face and smiled at the inside of the tool room. "It's neither me nor this red face. But now that he is dead, I guessed him. The hidden way to earn points... I think, now that you have brought me, there is no other way."

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