Doomsday Wonderland

: 1213 I have overcome this problem, please ask Lin Sanjiu to find your own way.

The next few people have to face is the corridor that is full of guards.

They are too many people: even if the guards are not moving, sticking to the wall, sucking up the belly and letting them pass, Lin Sanshui and his party can't walk without touching it, even if it is black and blue. - This is not a military issue, it is a physical issue.

"If they really stand still," after listening to Lin Sanjiu whispered, Heizawa whispered in a low voice: "Then you are right, we can't go. But they can't move... This is a good thing. ""

How is this a good thing?

"Moreover," obviously no one opposed him, but he was impatient with himself: "The point is that they can't move?"

What is the point?

Now is not a good time to talk, Lin Sanjiu did not continue to ask even if he had a stomach question, but he went two steps away and silently turned a corner according to the instructions of npc. The three were like a dumpling skin, just wrapped up in the middle of the red-faced person and guarding the sentence, so that they are always under the eyes of the surveillance; red-faced people have to say a few times, as if they are still struggling with the It’s time to follow them all the way to the present.

When they were a few meters away from the target corridor, the pedestrians stopped.

"If you want to go," Lin Sanjiu said to the man with red smudged face on his face, "Now is your last chance... The next corridor is full of guards."

"I... I stayed." The red-faced man licked the deep lips of the lines. "I have no place to go when I am gone. But the ugly words are in front, so many guards, I will not help. Besides, I I don't think I can help you."

"It doesn't matter if the ugly words, I am afraid of the beautiful words." Lin Sanshui nodded. "You have to stay, then stay honestly, don't need me to say more?"

The red-faced man glanced at the black zebra, the default, and a few steps back, standing at the other end of the corridor - in case they failed in the corridor, he could at least escape.

"Then the next part, we will rely on you." Lin San wine whispered to Black Ze, "Is your physical strength restored? What should I do?"

"Almost," Kurosawa has always been a stinky face. At this time, it is like the snow and ice in the sun. There is a luster of hope in his eyes: "I thought I could fight this way for the first time. You also come over and watch. ""

Does Bohemia look at the guards alone?

Lin Sanjiu thought of this, just turned back to Bohemia, the latter quickly waved his hand: "I think it's good to stay here with the fat man, no problem, you can rest assured. If you are caught, I will run with that red face."

... one is more honest than one.

Kurosawa seems to have been waiting impatiently, and as soon as he turned around, he stepped out. He didn't even bother to cover his footsteps, and his attitude was naturally as if the hospital was his. Lin Sanjiu rushed to catch up a few steps, squatting down the corner, watching him carelessly walked into the corridor door full of guards, stopped his feet, and smiled at the rear of the corner, the guards blocked by the wall : "...good, all right."

The guards in that corridor must have never seen such a big intruder, probably stupid, and there was no movement for a second or two. Could it be that he intends to use his own attention to transfer the attention of the guards and create opportunities for her? But that doesn't make sense -

"Catch him!" Someone at the back of the corridor shouted aloud, and then the guards were caught in the black zebra. The distance between the two sides can be as close as possible with a wave of arms, not to mention that at the same time, there are four or five hands caught by him. The heart of Lin Sanjiu is pinched, waiting for the black hair. A moment of reaction.

Unexpectedly, Kurosawa did not do anything.

He just casually and naturally stood between several guards, and he almost put his hand in his trouser pocket. He couldn’t see a tight force on his muscular body like a wild leopard. The traces were only slightly staggered with both feet, and the body tilted to the right. Of course, the guard closest to him grabbed his shoulder - Lin Sanqu felt that the hand seemed to grab himself as well, and couldn’t help but shrink - the next second, Black Zebo There is no doubt that it fell to the ground.

What is he doing?

The question of this moment flashed from her mind, and then was overwhelmed by surprise. She didn't know if it was a coincidence, but when Black Zeze fell, the other guards' hands arrived at the same time - because there was a small space and many people, one of them just hit another. Only one; the remaining guards were out of reach, even though Heizhao had lost his strength, but still did not respond, still continued to play on his side neck.

The blow that should have been hit on the neck, but because the body of Akazawa is falling, it is falling behind his left arm and kicking his arm from a seemingly impossible angle. Into the air. Seen from the eyes of Lin Sanjiu, the arm lived like a sudden consciousness, crossed an arc from midair, and slammed into the first guard’s face. He gave a face to his face, and his hand involuntarily released the shoulders of Kurosawa.

This series of changes was so fast that it was too late to react; until this time, the guards not far from the back said the first sentence: "Well, catch him!"

In this gap of less than a blink of an eye, the body of Kurosawa was disconnected from the hands of the guards and regained power. Instead of jumping up, he turned his body and twisted it out, cutting it out between the two guards. The gap between them was probably no more than a nail clip - if Lin Sanjiu was always staring at him, I am afraid I still think that he just fell from there.

"You are careful!" The first guard squinted and yelled at his robes, not realizing that Black Zeji had entered the hallway like a slippery fish; he turned and reached for his intention When he grabbed the back of the intruder, Heizawa was as if he had grown his eyes behind his head, and the guard who had surrounded him with his fist hit him.

Before the fist hit them, the power of Kurosawa was so shocking. In the sharp sound of the rapid tearing of the air, the wind gathered in a moment and fell with the fist on the front guard; his hand immediately lost support, softly falling toward the ground, but the wind is like an oath To engulf everything, the guards flew out and smashed and knocked down several people behind him.

Because of this moment's contact with the guard, Kurosawa's body sank another inch, and it was an inch away from the fingertips of the guard who grabbed him. With an unbelievable flexibility, he rolled over on the ground and stood up a few steps away – now he is only a few meters away from the “Replica Engine” door.

"Very interesting, right?" Kurosawa said without saying back. Before and after him, I don’t know how many guards who are still confused and don’t know what happened. They are climbing up and turning their heads. They are throwing at him and grabbing them. He is standing in a raging dry black. In the shadows, it seems like the rocks standing tall in the waves, and they can all be crushed by a foot. "By understanding your own body, controlling your position, predicting the strength and angle of the attack... you can use them to make you lose power, but knock them down one by one."

Rather than saying that Kurosawa is explaining his own ideas, it is better to say that he is more like a child who has discovered a new game and is showing the game to the guests with great interest. "Their movements are not fast enough -"

This sentence was only half said, and Black Ze was hit in a place with the guard. As he did just now, he recovered his strength again after just a few breaths and continued: "...the challenge will be even bigger and more interesting."

In the continuous short-lived contact, there was a wonderful scene in the corridor. Even the bohemian and others who stayed behind did not hold back, and they quietly followed up and looked out with Lin Sanjiu - the guards were the ones who could lose power, but at first glance Going up, it seems that they have been overthrown by the invisible power of the black body, and the impact between each other is exclaimed; if he only allows each guard to touch himself for half a second, then the guard will never be in one After the second, I let go.

"You see, isn't this the time?" Kurosawa put his hand on the doorknob with a slight gasp in his voice - not so much because of this rare battle, it is more like a new way of fighting. After the excitement.

Yes, he did come to the "Replica Engine" door between the beards.


Lin Sanjiu's nails were caught in the wall and pressed the urge to shout.

Kurosawa can go in, what do they do?

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