Doomsday Wonderland

: 1214 Everyone thinks that they are siskins

Lin Sanjiu regrets very much.

Think carefully, she has learned a lot from Kurosawa, such as pure touch, air whirlpool, and the perception of space just now... However, she should never have to learn. Kurosawa today apparently had an unrealistic expectation for her ability to learn: when he cast a look at the corridor, his face clearly showed that he felt that this was over, nothing. Said it - the rest, just waiting for Lin Sanshui to come to school.

As for the bohemian and npc streams, it may not work, and may never have been within his consideration.

"What is he doing like that?" Bohemia's snoring sounded in the ears of Lin Sanjiu. "Why do you seem to be encouraging people? Who can he encourage him?"

Kurosawa avoids the side of the body, and avoids the arm that swings toward him. When he is not able to talk now, let the guards doubt it again - seeing him turn the doorknob, the word "wait" will almost immediately rush out of the throat of Lin Sanjiu; followed by black Ze Ji opened the door and disappeared behind the door of the "Replica Engine".

"Really his mother went in," Bohemia murmured. "I can't believe it..."

"You stare at the point," Lin Sanji shot her shoulder, quickly stepped back two steps, grabbed the fat collar: "He went in alone! What is inside the room? What will happen next?"

"Small voice," npc is sweaty, but his mouth is smiling: "Don't let them hear. There is no danger in the room. It is a good thing to go alone."

Before Lin Sanjiu answered, he turned his head and looked at the corner of the corridor. She subconsciously thought that she would see a group of guards yelling and rushing out; but unexpectedly, it’s been a few seconds since the black zebra avoided it, but behind the corner, even a person who came out to warn the police nothing.

"We all seem to be programmed, each with its own responsibilities and scope of activities." NPC hurriedly explained, "Guards can't enter the replica engine, but they have to catch the intruder... when these two When conditions conflict, they will fall into chaos. Isn't that a great opportunity for us?"

"They seem to be panicking," Bohemia just turned around. "A group of no flies, no place to put your hands... Come and see!"

When Lin Sanjiu rushed over, he understood the meaning of npc. It is said that this group of guards is like a pile of computer programs that have collapsed. It is a bit of a look down on their humanity. But they all suddenly have no idea, some stupid, some come to the circle, and some also dry branches. Like a hand inserted into the hair, "What to do?" and so on, the low voice is endless.

"Let's find a place to wait," NPC dragged his body across the ground with two hands. "Because I don't know what action they will take after they get into chaos."

"There is an office near here. I don't think they will go to the office now." Lin Sanjiu quickly decided to pick up the fat man. Bohemia had long been ready to leave, and she did not forget to go to the guard. She looked away and found that the red-faced man was still standing not far away, and a pair of people who wanted to run and not run, said: You also come up!"

Just when a few people were about to leave, a guard on the corridor suddenly stopped and patted his hands: "Listen to me!"

Including the few people hiding behind the corner, everyone's eyes turned to the guards who spoke.

"He entered the room, and he still has to come out. We split half of the people, and don't go anywhere, just guard at the door!" The man is not the same as the other guards - his entire lower part of the skull is a Black secluded deep hole. "As for other people... go around and search, the intruder is more than one person, first find his associates and say!"

Well, the so-called "benefits" in npc's mouth have not lasted for more than a minute; after all, they used to be true evolutionists, and they wouldn't simply "program crash." Lin San wine snorted in his heart, screaming in the direction of Bohemia's U-turn, and said: "You return to the tool room first! The guard follows me!"

"how about you?"

"I want to get them out of the hallway. The fewer people around the door, the more likely I am to get in," she said in a hurry, and the npc, which was about to slide down from her shoulder, was lifted up again. "They are coming out soon, you are going!"

"You bring them both alone?" Bohemia lived on his feet. "You have to lead the guards? Can you do it?"

Lin Sanjiu is very clear about what to say now, and can tell her to go away simply: "You don't have to look after you."

"Go to your mother," Bohemia turned and left. "I will pick you up for a while."

The red-faced man did not hesitate this time and immediately chose to keep up with Bohemia. Seeing that they both went to a safer tool room, Lin Sanjiu did not dare to waste a little time, raising his hand and rolling out a swirl of airflow in the air, throwing it out in the opposite direction of the corridor. There was a loud bang in the "bang", the wall cracked and fell deep, and the dust and powder shuffed far and wide, like a huge creature in the dark, and the echo was all the way in the corridor. .

When the guards searched for the past, Lin Sanjiu had long gone. She has a live map on her back. As long as the intention is said, npc can quickly give her a direction; and the guard seems to know that the situation is urgent, and she is always firmly behind her.

"They won't be led for how long," NPC warned. "If you find someone there, they will come back... What are you going to do?"

"When you eat burdock, do you have to cut it?" Lin Sanjiu said incorrectly, "Is it impossible to swallow it?"

She could feel the eyes of npc coming to her, as if she was full of doubts about her normality. Without waiting for the other person to speak, she took a breath and smiled: "Don't you want to eat this copy? I will help you cut it into small pieces."

The walls, corridors, and ceilings in the basement of this hospital can all be broken, and Lin Sanjiu happens to be a hands-free demolition expert.

[Tornado Whip] Although she was taken away by the hospital as a collateral, she also had metal gloves, containers and airflow vortex. Under the guidance of npc, she ran all the way to release several false movements, and she turned the guards a little bit to the place she wanted them to go: the end of the basement.

I didn’t wait to see that they really walked into the dead end, and Lin Sanjiu turned around and ran back. When she came to the intersection of several corridors, that is, the only way to return from the dead road, she stopped.

"You stand a little farther," Lin San’s head of wine did not return to the guard. "I will not let me accidentally kill you."

The next step is simple effort.

A corridor in the basement of the hospital followed by a corridor is like a rabbit hole extending in all directions. If you want to catch a rabbit in a rabbit hole, the most effective way is to destroy the corridor and trap the target in an area. The most effective way to get rid of the corridor is to break the ceiling.

After only a few vortexes of airflow, the ceiling could no longer be supported. In the heavy cracks of rapid cracking, several pieces were broken one after another; one of them crashed into the corridor without walls, and the floor hit the turtle. Cracked. Lin Sanjiu used the container as a means of attack, repeatedly carding it, then releasing the card, and hitting the walls on both sides again and again with containers. Lamps, wires, signs... All small objects have been crushed and deformed and broken; the walls are staggering and can't stand, and they are scattered under the impact - not a few minutes, the entire corridor The collapse, as if it had suffered a strong earthquake, completely blocked this entrance.

Lin San wine wiped the gray and sweat on his face, turned back to the guard and waved his hand, grabbed the npc again, and rushed back in the direction of the "copy engine."

The collapsed corridor could not trap the guards forever, but the time I won should be enough for her. On the way back, Lin Sanjiu glimpsed the other team’s rushing guards; they were probably shocked by the mountain’s shaking, and no one noticed their goal from a few meters away. It slipped outside.

The more people rushed to check the situation, the fewer people stayed at the door of the "Replica Engine". Lin San Bar could not meet more teams - but unfortunately, until she returned to the corner, Did not see the second team.

"But there are guards at the door," the guard said at the first time. "How are you going to get in?"

If the number of guards is less than half, then maybe she can also try Black Zebo?

Lin Sanjiu had a little bit of heart, while pondering, the probe quickly looked at it. The remaining guards have at least a dozen people. At this moment, they have learned to squat, and they are surrounded by a semicircle, and it is difficult to borrow from the station like Black Zeji. She thought about it, put the npc down and ordered the guard to say: "You walked over him."

"I?" The guard's face changed. "Even if my task is to deceive people into the lab, it does not mean that I have permission to freely move. I can only wait for 30 minutes each time, I have to find the one we are together with." The female npc I have seen has taken me out again... I can't find her this time, and the time spent has been far more than 30 minutes! If I go over like this, I will be caught, then how are you still? Take me to count?"

"Less nonsense," Lin Sanjiu is too lazy to explain with her, push the fat man to her side, "Call you in the past, I will not let you get caught."

"You just want us to attract their attention?" The guard hesitated and asked.

"You don't know this very well?"

The guardianship is really a deaf person. When he measured the situation in his heart, he nodded immediately. Not only did she decide to go faster, she quickly understood the plan of Lin Sanjiu and added: "You have to rush to the right position before they have to catch it. I will come back after you enter the door. Pull us in -"

"I really don't need you to teach." Lin Sanjiu interrupted her. "Are you ready?"

The guard was quite nervous and "hmm".

Before pushing her out, Lin Sanshui glanced back into the corridor again. It was this eye that made her all condensed.

She didn't find it just because the man was standing on the corner of the other side, just being covered by several guards. At this moment, he seems to be a bit uneasy, taking a few steps back and forth, revealing half of the body from the shadow cast by the guards. This is why Lin Sanjiu notices that a group of guards don’t know when they are still standing. Even if she was far away, her vision was dim, and she still recognized the face dotted with mottled red paint.

He is not just a person.

He was holding a long pole in his hand, and a huge insect net was hung on the top of the pole; the net pocket was bulging, and obviously a person was installed. At this time, the surface of the woven fabric was constantly undulating and twisting, but no matter how the people inside struggled, it could not be transmitted even with a little sound.

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