Doomsday Wonderland

: 1215 raccoon, raccoon cat Mia for the Prince?

Lin Sanjiu felt that the guard was quietly squatting by his side.

"Whether you believe it or not," the latter said with an anger. " least I understand that my heart is really embarrassing. I know this, except that I am a little better, I don’t expect you to listen later. What? What I want to say is, at least I still know right and wrong... You deal with me, at least more safely than just one person in this copy."

She did not say anything.

"It's not a straightforward role to be able to mix in today's copy." The guard smiled without a smile. "The illusion he set himself was a quick, straightforward, self-protection. Man... However, he is not the only one who has been established."

Just like the beginning of the guardianship, did you set it up for yourself? Lin Sanjiu felt that her last sentence seemed to mean something, but she was too lazy to ask. There are more important things at her eyes.

"You should go out," she suppressed her voice. "No matter how many people or one person, the plan is as usual."

The guard was swallowed and surprised. She stood up and reached out and picked up the npc and put it on her shoulder. When she walked out of the corner, she turned back and confirmed: "You will come out at the right time, right?"

Lin Sanjiu is checking the item cards one by one. As her fingers move, the metal gloves continue to glow without temperature, like a cold will.

"I said yes, do you believe?"

The guardian thought for a moment. "If it's someone else," she murmured. "I won't be relieved. But I don't know why... I know you will."

Without waiting for Lin Sanjiu to respond, she turned and walked out of the corner. The guards apparently discovered her immediately, and the clothes rubbed when they turned. The guardian hurriedly raised an empty hand and said like a surrender: "Wait a minute, I am not an intruder!"

Lin Sanjiu didn't have a probe to look at - the red-faced person is likely to check this direction first - she just stuck it on the wall, caught all the sound behind the corner and rebuilt it into a picture.

"You listen to me, I have npc permission to come in," the guard rushed, and it sounded like: "But I just found this injured npc, and I thought about handing him over to you."

The guards did not speak for a while, but from the motion, at least two people were coming to the guard.

"He told me that the intruder had cut off his legs--" When the guard said this, he suddenly took a breath: "Hey? How is he?"

"What happened to him?" finally asked. Listening to the sound seems to be the one who responded the fastest. He came to the guard at this time, only a few steps away from Lin Sanjiu.

"He and the intruders are a group!" The guards raised their voices and did not give the guards much reaction time: "I and npc were both caught by the intruders, and it was hard to escape when she was chased by other guards. So We know very well that he has been assisting intruders -"

The fat man also spoke up: "Yes, he is on the other side."

Even if it is a fact, if the red-faced person in turn bites the npc two talents to assist the invaders, it would be too untrustworthy - after all, the identity of npc is already guaranteed. When Lin Sanji held his breath and waited, he listened to the red-faced person for a few seconds of silence. Then he snorted and said: "You misunderstood, I was undercover. You see, I won't catch an intruder?"

The huge insect net swayed a few times and the rope creaked.

This is not enough, she sighed silently. The red-faced man stood behind the corridor, separated by a group of guards, and rushed out and was likely to be run away by him; the guardian must find a way to lead him in order to launch an attack.

The guard was not a stupid person. He quickly grasped the situation and immediately sneered. He said to the guards nearby: "Have you seen people in the net pocket? No? How do you know that the net is an intruder? I am looking for The female npc I licensed was just not found."

The guards paused. Through the wall, Lin San wine can detect their moments of sorrow.

"The things we want are the same," said the red-faced man. "You change with npc, I use the intruder to change, and they don't conflict with each other. What do you do for me?"

The guardian ignored him and only hit the iron with the guard: "You told him to come over and check the people inside the net bag. Isn't that worrying?"

This proposal is reasonable and the guards have promised. Although the red-faced person is extremely reluctant, he knows that the more he resists, the more suspicious he is; he raises the net of insects and walks toward the guard step by step, not forgetting to ask: "I will give her to you, you are sure Will you let me go out?"

It turned out to be a chance to use Bohemia for a go out.

As soon as she thought of how many new tricks she could make after she fell out of the net pocket, Lin Sanjiu couldn’t help but smile.

... When she threw herself out of the thunder, even the guards that had been waiting for her were almost too late to escape.

Just like seeing the lion rushing toward the antelope, the first reaction of the red-faced person was also horrified; until half a second later, he seemed to think that there were still many guards around him - but then late.

After the two feet squatted and leaped into the air, Lin Sanjiu almost never touched the ground again. Her right hand with metal gloves shattered the ceiling tube without any blockage, and then the fingers joined, and by the moment I caught the break, I stabilized my body on everyone's head - red face When the man was just black, a black shadow had already rushed to his face; Lin Sanjiu hanged in the air, kicking his face bones with one foot, and the boots tipped into the dough. Half a centimeter.

The red-faced man couldn’t even make a cry, and she was kicked by a wall next to her. The huge insect net suddenly lost its owner, and it swayed and fell to the ground. Lin Sanjiu did not fall and grab it. Instead, he shunned the guard arm that was waving underneath.

Fortunately, the number of guards is less than half, so she can be more comfortable. When she saw the faces below she all raised up to her and revealed a black hole of various shapes and sizes, she let go of the hand hanging from the ceiling.

[The sand of the chest and abdomen], this card she got in the Garden of Eden, has been forgotten by Lin Sanjiu because it has no effect, and it has finally come in handy until today. When the vortex of the air blasted open, a thick sand blasted open in the air, covering the eyes, ears, nose and nose of everyone. The moment the guards were blocked, she "咚" A voice fell in front of the red-faced person, and the hand that lifted the metal glove was pressed against the face that the other side even had a chin that was not formed.

The red-faced man is really an evolutionary experiencer. Even if he was squeezed out of an inspiratory scream, he couldn’t see anything in his eyes. He still caught the opportunity. The five fingers rushed over the forest and the three wines, and I didn’t know what ability on the fingertips. It was sizzling - she dexterously shunned the cat's waist and rolled it on the ground. When she wanted to pounce on the wall, the guards behind him rushed over.

[The sand of the chest and abdomen] is very large, and the corridor seems to have been blowing a sandstorm for a moment, which stopped the guards; however, they are not really humans after all, and they quickly reacted from the sandstorm to the flock. The shadow of the shadows - the place is too narrow, the number of guards is too much, Lin San wine just got up against the wall and was heavily shouldered.

The guard’s battle response was not slow. When he realized that he had physical contact with the target, he immediately changed his hand to catch it. He immediately took the soft Lin Sanjiu tightly and shouted: “I grabbed it. The invaders!"

"I also caught her!" Another guard said in an echo.

The guards holding Lin Sanjiu in his hand were visible to the naked eye. After the lights on the ceiling were gone, the sights of the guards and the npc were also darkened with fog; he leaned closer and looked at her carefully, and could not help but sigh from the black hole: "Hey, it turned out to be this red face." Was beaten very badly."

He let go of his hand. Before Lin Sanjiu fell to the ground, he regained his strength and stabilized his body. His eyes swept away and he reached out and took the insect net that was still rolling on the ground. Several guards pressed and stepped on the steps, and surrounded the red-faced people in the center; over their shoulders, she could barely see the hair on the back of the red-faced man—because Bohemian gave her a scoop. That hair was later shortened by the cat doctor, and it was like being **** by a dog.

After collecting the one that Gong Gongyi gave her [Mark Twain's novel collection: "The Prince and the Skull"], Lin Sanjiu knew that he had not had much time. She had just intentionally kicked the red-faced man's chin and told him that he couldn't say a word; but it didn't take long for the guards to find that his snoring was more like a man, and he wore men's clothing...

She sneaked around behind the guard and came to the door of the replica engine. The guard was very alert. She just dragged the npc early in the battle and hid it early. At this moment, the cat took a small step and caught up, just opening the door in Lin Sanjiu. When I first slid in, even the npc stayed outside.

Lin Sanjiu threw the insect net into it, stopped the door, and picked up the npc in a few steps. A guard just turned around at this moment, suddenly opened his eyes after a flash of confusion, and said: "Hey, don't open the door! The door has to be closed!"

There is no time to look back. Lin Sanjiu held the collar of the npc and immediately retreated. When several guards turned around, they fell into the back of the door. After the door was a near-absolute darkness. A little shimmer came out, and the silhouette of the guard standing at the door was smudged; when her heart jumped and thought that the woman had to start her again, the guard slammed the door.

When the door is closed, the outside world is like a sudden absence, and the sound disappears. In the darkness, only a few people’s breathing was clear.

"Black Ze Ji?" Lin Sanjiu screamed, while listening to the movement of the guard, while groping on the ground to catch the insect net: "Where are you?"

"You have spent a long enough time," said Kurosawa's low voice, which sounded vaguely unspeakable. "...Is there a fire?"

Bohemia has a fish that can be illuminated. Everyone can see it when she comes out. Lin San wine touched the net bag. In an absolute darkness, it took a long time to open it. She touched it long. The body wrapped in the skirt, whispered, "Get your fish out!"

Bohemian did not respond, she struggled to get up, but was stunned by her long skirt. Lin Sanjiu stabilized her arm, and the rest of her heart was getting deeper and deeper: What happened to Heizhao? Why is it dark here, not the same as npc?

"You look for the fire first," NPC said at this moment. "I know how to turn on the lights here. Is the guard? Is it helping you?"

Kurosawa did not speak.

The guard slammed into the npc and seemed to drag him to the other side. Lin Sanjiu couldn't understand why Bohemia was still unwilling to move. Someone was impatient and just wanted to rush, but suddenly realized that he was breathing a burst of familiar, cold and intense fragrance.

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