... Lin San wine stood in the same place, still holding the bohemian robes in his hands, the tassels gently brushing her knees in the darkness; the nose smells, but there is no doubt that it belongs to the dolls. Unique aroma.

"Bohemian?" She screamed and screamed, but the response was only silent. She tried again: "... dolls?"

No matter who she is, the people she caught did not react at all, and even did not move. Instead, she heard the very impatient voice of Kurosawa: "What the **** are you doing? Lights!"

Lin Sanjiu can't explain it now, so he has to quickly find his own card library. The gift bag gave her a lot of flashlights. Unfortunately, she used one to lose one. Until now, she didn’t even know that there was nothing left. At this time, she only heard a bang, and the light suddenly dispelled the darkness. Full of vision.

From the absolute darkness, she was so bright and dazzling that she couldn't help but squint her eyes and subconsciously lowered her head, trying to raise her hand to stop the block – that is, at this moment, she suddenly stopped.

The person standing in front of her was very tall, far beyond the height of Bohemia, but her head was covered with a robe that was bohemian. This person will not be a doll, because the robes clearly outline the outline of a skull; under the bohemian robes, a long cloth draped over him is revealed, and he is decapitated. The feet are caged tightly.

Who is the red-faced person?

Lin Sanjiu retraced two steps, his eyes still staring at the man, and he didn't even have time to glance around, until Heizawa whispered and whispered: "Stop!" - She was a stunner and stopped her foot in time. .

"what happened……"

She murmured her head and her eyes fell on the reason why Black Zee prevented her from stopping.

At first, she didn't understand what she saw. No, it should be said that after watching it for a few seconds, Lin Sanjiu still didn't understand. There were so many questions in her mind that she had been there for a while, neither knowing where to ask, or whether she was in the hallucination.

Her feet are plain, no different from the rest of the hospital; but outside her heels, about a few inches, the floor melts like butter. It lost its original shape and texture, like a dune-covered sand dune, yielding and retreating in front of outsiders. Above the floor -

In order to describe it, Lin Sanji had to search for a suitable vocabulary in his mind.

"I understand that things here are hard to understand," Npc's voice shook her out of the shackles, raised her finger and said: "But I didn't lie to you, it's really a room with dead people. ""

The room was so big that when standing in the doorway, the wall at the other end was only the size of the fingernail. It was not so much a room as it was a giant warehouse. There is a tree-shaped white object in the room that doesn't know what material to use. Every "white tree" stretches out a lot of branches, and it is arranged neatly at the end of the room, as if it was stained with white snow. The orchard. The only open space where there is no "white tree" is where they stand at the moment, that is, near the door.

"Every branch represents a dead person," NPC sat down at the bottom of the wall, the only person with a normal look. "As I said, as long as the guardian says that it is a hidden way to earn points, I can change it and take the points out to you..."

Now, whether you can get the number of dead people has become the last question in Lin Sanjiu’s mind. The scene in front of the white woods is not as wonderful as the things not far behind her.

She glanced at the tall man in her robes, and looked at the things behind her for a while. It is obviously something that should not exist in this place, pushing the floor like a wave; if it is to be described, it is like someone who cut a night in a jungle and squeezed into the hospital. In the space - thick layers of leaves and leaves from the top of the floor, close to the ground, can also smell the faint grass and earthy smell in the woods. At the junction of it and the hospital, the light and the matter seem to be slightly distorted, blurred, and swaying, as if a group of ghosts are in another group of ghosts.

"This, what is this...?" she whispered, as if afraid of scaring the thing.

Npc asked: "What do you think is this?"

Lin San wine cellar stared at it. When she spoke again, she heard herself saying, "...this is another copy."

"啪啪" a few crisp sounds, so she almost jumped up - npc slaps two slaps, praised: "You guessed it? Because there is no basis for you to make speculation. I can guess, it’s amazing!"

Is it really a copy? How is this going? Why is there a copy in the copy?

Her mind was almost blasted by the problem; at this moment, Kurosawa made a heavy sigh from the throat, and did not know what it meant. Lin Sanjiu looked at the sound, and this was the first time he saw him clearly.

At first glance, he had no difference before entering the room. He was standing under the wall on the other side with his arms, and even the stinky face was the same; but after she looked at her eyes again, she suddenly condensed. .

After the black hair avoids the body, faintly reveals the same, distorted edge of light and shadow, but from the shade of the passing, the light and shadow are not wrapped in the jungle, but other scenes. The size of that thing is obviously smaller than that of Lin San’s body, and it’s almost stunned by the body of Black Ze’s body – but when I look closely, she can’t help but scream.

He is not just standing there.

He was "caught" by the copy.

"Don't come over," Kurosawa said, looking at what she wanted to do at first glance, said with a calm face: "This thing behind me... this copy is always trying to squeeze out."

"What do you mean?" Lin Sanshui slammed his temples. "You... can you say that you are blocking it with your own body... squeezing out?"

Kurosawa snorted and snorted from the nose. "I don't have to come over anyway. Who is that person?"

He always disliked others to help him - Lin Sanshui followed his meaning, turned his head and glanced at the tall man who was under the robes, and felt that he had never been so stunned in his life. There are too many problems, it seems that it doesn't matter which one to start with; she went up, stretched her hand and whispered, "I don't know... let's take a look."

The tassel robes belonging to Bohemia were smashed down from the man, and another long layer of cloth slipped down. The people underneath trembled a little, seemingly wanting to move, but Stopped myself.

...under the two layers of fabric, Lin San wine's gaze fell on an empty shoulder.

There is nothing in the area above the collarbone.

On the body below the collarbone, wearing a sick suit like the other patients; the sick suit is only loosely covered, she can see the black tight leather inside.

"Isn't it a living person?" Standing guarded by npc, I was a little surprised: "I saw the net bag move..."

Lin Sanjiu felt as if he was dreaming, and threw away his robes. She stretched out one of the other's hands - it was indeed the hand of the doll, she remembered how pale his skin was, and the cyan blood vessels on the back of his hand loomed like the veins of the leaves. His fingers were cold and thin, and only the slender bones were left. When they were not working, it was like a broken ice.

But - but -

She quickly picked up the bohemian robes, and once again covered her face with the doll. Sure enough, just as before, the cloth fell down the shape of a skull on the shoulders that had nothing to show.

"Who is this person?" Kurosawa probably didn't like to be confused. The tone deteriorated a bit: "He has a head?"

"Can you hear me talking?" Lin Sanjiu did not take off his robes and stared at the body of the doll. "You... are you a doll?"

The person under the cloth raised a hand. Under the gaze of several people, the hand was placed around.

"No, no?" Lin Sanjiu saw sweat on his forehead. The other party is obviously audible, otherwise it will not raise his hand to respond. But he is not a doll, who is it? No, no, if it’s a doll, how can he walk around without a head... "Who are you?"

The man under the cloth raised two hands. This time, he straightened his two arms and made a big circle in the air. This is a movement that can't be done by the dead man. Lin San wine sinks in his heart and realizes at this moment. People really are not dolls.

……what's going on?

"What do you mean?" she murmured. "Are you a big one...what is it?"

When this sentence was exported, she was almost stunned by her own saliva.

"Big - big witch!" Lin San wine jumped up in place, "The Big Witch!"

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