Doomsday Wonderland

: 1217 But Gamer is dead.

Although I don't understand how the big witch is doing, Lin San wine still sees it: she moves the body of the doll, and like the river's thighs, it is neither flexible nor very hard. When the puppet teacher stepped "walked" to the side, he looked like a dead body standing up, his joints were stiff and his movements were sluggish. Once the big witch was confused, he almost connected his right leg. Go out twice.

But why does the bohemian robes cover the big witches, or the puppets? Where did Bohemia go? Have they had any contact? Moreover, how does the body of the doll teacher appear here?

Of course, the big witch can't say a word.

"Can you write?" The white paper book that Lin Sanshui got from the Raven River once again came in handy. "Can you write down what happened?"

The "head" under the cloth was turned to her. The shape of this "head" is obviously that the big witch did not know how to form it with consciousness. Naturally, it was not restricted by the physiology. At this time, it turned 180-degree, and she was shocked by the ghost film. Jumping - Lin Sanjiu still put the pen and paper over and persuaded: "You try, you can write the word a little bigger..."

The pen and paper "啪嗒" fell to the ground, and the hand of the doll was just half open, but did not have time to catch them. The great witch drove the body of the doll, barely sat down and grabbed the pen like a knife. Lin Sanjiu just had to bend over to see if she could write. Suddenly she felt that the air on her back suddenly shrank tightly--at the same time she realized that she was not right, she also controlled herself without resistance; Rotating and blasting around, she and the body of the doll were swayed out by the whirlpool, and the two slammed the door panels slightly.

On the ground, I gasped and looked up. Lin Sanjiu just saw a long, thick branch, sticking out from the night, like a beckoning man, and rushed into the hospital room. The brown bark and the twigs of the green leaves look almost out of tune under the fluorescent light. When did it touch the back, she didn't notice it at all - if it wasn't black, it was a timely vortex that would fly both of them, and that branch would just touch her shoulder.

"There is no light to look at," Kurosawa still had a face on his face, as if he had nailed his nails at the corner of his mouth: "These things are weird-"

He only said half of his words and suddenly stopped his words. Even if he was not willing to let others notice, Lin Sanjiu still heard him breathe a low breath, which stabilized his breathing.

No matter what happens to catching his copy, it is necessary to block it and not expand further. Obviously, it has already consumed a lot of power.

"Can you get out?" She whispered, knowing that the other party would probably not answer well, and turned to ask npc: "Can he get out? How can there be other copies here?"

"I want to swallow up this hospital, not only me alone." NPC replied with a natural tone: "I haven't said it? The flood is not a force swept from somewhere, no process. This said."

"What do you mean?"

"It spreads all the time and in all directions. It is the power to devour all rules and order, so it is neither rules nor order."

If Bohemia is there, maybe she can understand this mysterious and mysterious ghost. Lin Sanjiu now has no patience to study the nature of the flood, she just wants to take everyone away from this place - even if it returns to lava.


"These copies, I don't know where they came from, but for a variety of reasons, they all touched the side of the hospital. Expanding their territory, swallowing, covering another copy. For each copy, this is an instinctive desire..." NPC said here, looked at a few people in the room, and whispered: "It is the same as your human beings. Once the rules that bind you humans do not exist, Everyone you meet, in your eyes, is another unconquered territory."

Lin Sanjiu has no intention of arguing with him.

"So, these copies..." She found a suitable word, "Invaded?"


When she didn't know what to continue to ask, Blackpool took a sigh of relief: "The one behind me has always wanted to push me back and get inside."

Probably seeing the eyes of Lin Sanjiu, he shook his head: "No, I can't pump it back."

Npc nodded: "After you get involved, it can continue to expand into the hospital. Since the copy invasion, now I can finally catch a living person, probably it is also very happy. I did not expect you to hold on. Sucking in, but also blocking its expansion path, it is really admirable."

Kurosawa’s mouth was slightly twisted; even Lin Sanjiu made a slight battle under the fierce murderousness that emerged at this moment.

She frowned and thought for a moment, muttering: "After falling into the copy, it is true that you can't get away with power alone. In general, the only way to get away is to meet the conditions of the copy... but..."

Black Zebao now only has one foot "caught" by the copy, how to meet the conditions of the copy? It’s always impossible for him to give up his resistance, and he’s been asked to be taken in by a copy—who is involved in this copy that has been mutated by the Flood, who knows what will happen?

"If you cooperate with me," NPC said slowly, "I might be able to release him."

"How to put it?"

"They invaded the hospital, but it doesn't mean that the hospital is not resistant." NPC sat under the wall. "If I can absorb this hospital and swallow it, then I am already in the hospital." This little brother is still in this hospital, no risk, he is free."

There is no snoring in Kurosawa, and there seems to be no opinion.

"So how do we cooperate with you?" Lin Sanjiu paused and added: "What effect did you have on the player after you swallowed the hospital? After all, we have a friend outside, I got to find her. ”

"There is no impact. When I am integrated with the hospital, I can give you some convenience. Whether it is going out or looking for someone... After all, you helped me, I have to give you a little reward."

"Wait a minute," the guard suddenly inserted. "After you swallow this hospital, you can let me out, right?"

When npc laughed, it showed a row of extra small, especially dense teeth. "I don't care if you are leaving, you don't care. If you want, you can go out from the toll booth in a big way. I won't stop you."

The guard was relieved and his shoulders were slightly relieved. Lin Sanjiu gave her a look - even if she was almost miserable by the other party, she still couldn't help but have a few minutes. This is not because of the sympathy of the guardian, but when she sees the world's misfortune, she is naturally born to be unbearable.

Therefore, she did not remind the guardian of a word. Everyone has their own way of living and the end, just like seeing the fox in the documentary killing the rabbit, she also taunted the future of the guard at the same time.

"First of all, I need to get in touch with this room." When she spoke around her thoughts, NPC said, "It's not enough to just sit in this room. You don't want the points in this room? Now it's a Great opportunity. Security,"

The guard was agitated when his name was suddenly called.

"You have to tell me quickly, you and they are a team, your knowledge is equal to their knowledge." NPC **** looked at her eyes - although the appearance of the two is a man and a woman, but a glimpse of it Appreciation of the opposite **** can't be found either. "Come on, don't be too late."

"Of course," the guard looked at Lin Sanjiu, "...we are a team. I know, it is equal to them."

"Okay, then you will tell me the hidden way to earn points when I ask. Then," NPC turned to Lin Sanjiu and said, "You tell me how much you need. I got the points of the dead, and When I hand it over to you, I have a real connection with this room."

No wonder npc is so worried about finding a gamer for them. Lin Sanjiu always thought that it was her own idea to ask for the number of dead people. I didn't expect to be in the middle of this fat man.

"And then?" Everyone's safety is tied to this action, she has to ask a few more words.

"Then... it's a bit hard to explain, but I will try to explain it." NPC is a good-tempered look, patiently said: "I am part of this hospital compared to the two foreign copies behind you, of course not Will cause the hospital to reject me. When I contribute to the hospital myself, in order to gather the power to resist the invasion of the copy, it will immediately absorb me. In order to maintain the normal operation of the hospital, in general, the hospital will not go When I touched the staff... but I took the initiative to come to its most critical place and provide it with my strength, it would be different."

Perhaps he saw the look of Lin Sanjiu, and he showed a strange tooth: "As for what I absorbed, it was the struggle between me and the hospital."

"So how do you need us to cooperate?"

“It’s very simple,” said NPC. “When I’m competing for control in the hospital, you should try to make it worse. The little brother blocked a copy, unfortunately... but fortunately there is another. You can attack another copy. In the surrounding area, the hospital will be broken as much as possible to provide it with the road to continue the invasion. As a result, the hospital is difficult to see at the beginning and end, and the possibility of being swallowed up by me is even greater."

Lin Sanjiu now only wants a quick fix.

Every moment that Black Zebao can hold it can be called a small miracle; he has blocked the expansion of the copy with his own power - but no matter what power he uses, he always When it is exhausted. She looked back at the big witch and found that the figure that was under the robes was still struggling with the pen and paper, and then nodded to the npc: "I know."

Under the direction of npc, the guardian sentenced him up half-shouldered.

"Take me there," he pointed to the middle of a row of white trees and said, "Where to tell me what the hidden path you guessed."

The guard gave a look at Lin Sanjiu's several people - her look clearly showed that even at the last moment, she was not willing to let Lin Sansuo hear a few voices. She placed the npc in front of a white tree, and the latter could touch a branch as soon as she reached out; the guard squatted down and leaned closer to the npc ear. From where Lin Sanjiu is located, she can only see her lips flying fast and one by one, but nothing can be heard.

It doesn't matter if you can't hear it, as long as you can get the points smoothly. Others have to pay for it, and the number of points required by the doll teacher is too large. It is not enough to hunt for the organ...

Just as she was driven by a burst of uneasiness in her heart, when she came to the lap, NPC raised her head - she immediately stopped.

"She guessed it wrong," NPC seems to be embarrassed. I don't know what to do: "She said that it is not a hidden way for gamers to earn points."

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