Doomsday Wonderland

: 1222 to try the three spirits

Lin Sanjiu promoted the npc, and the branches and leaves in the jungle trembled, and the fat man was swallowed up. After the line of sight was obscured by the clumps, only the sound of a heavy body "squeaky" fell, it seemed that it fell just down the hill; even if she could hear the tumbling sound, she could not hear npc. Even if it is half-sounding - it seems that he has lost the ability to shout in a short period of time.

Her heart snorted.

The copy apparently suddenly got nutrients, and the night suddenly rose four times. In a blink of an eye, it expanded a few inches toward the outside, causing the ground to shake again and again. Lin Sanjiu hurried back a few steps, just avoiding the copy and turning to another Several people shouted: "How is his situation? We have to hurry!"

The big witch couldn’t speak and could only shake her head. Bohemia replied: "His calf has been completely engulfed by that mud copy. I don't know how he can hold it for so long, but also block the mud..."

One foot is in one copy and the other is stuck in another copy - this is probably the first time since the end of the world. At this time, force is completely unusable at this time; and Lin Sanjiu can think of only one way.

"Bohemian," she screamed.

Perhaps it was some kind of emotion in her voice that told the latter to be alert at once. "what happened?"

"Your dog leash," Lin Sanjiu said than his own neck, "Quick, take it out and tie it to me."

"What dog--" Bohemian asked aloud, and was interrupted: "Your conscious cultivation, the garden, what divinity can be reached or the spiritual level of the universe..."

Lin Sanjiu has not remembered how Bohemia had been a godsend; the latter was not impatient to listen to her interpretation, and waved his hand and asked: "Do you want me to take you into the garden of the cross path? Why? ”

"Last time we didn't see the big flood? This time I want you to take me to the flood." Lin Sanjiu speeded up the speech. "From this planet, the world, lava has no doubt been received." The impact of the flood. It must be somewhere nearby, I need you to take me to find it!"

Bohemia looked at her with a sigh of relief, and suddenly turned back to look at the black zebra, a little understand.

"You want to use the big flood... send him to the next world?"

"I hope that it will be so smooth." Lin Sanjiu licked his dry lips. The Great Flood is anti-order, and it does not contain any rules. It may also be rolled over from him without any effect.

“Not to mention,” Bohemia added, “What if the flood is far away from him?”

Lin San wine feels that his throat is tight, as if he has been stunned by something, and there is a layer of sweat in his hand. When she was plugging the npc into the night, she faintly outlined the answer to this question in her mind - "I... I have an idea, I want to try."

Bohemian glared at her, and Kurosawa also frowned at her.

"If you don't try it, you can't really come out," Lin Sanji sighed at him. "You can't give up resistance and be swallowed by a copy of the mud."

The reason why she put the npc into the invading copy is to think about what will happen - now she knows that the person who is swallowed will become a nutrient for the copy.

Bohemian bit his lip and nodded. When she took out the tape, she hadn't forgotten to turn back to the black hair of a bad face: "Remember, I saved you twice."

... Once again entering the garden of the cross-path, the constant tremor in the hospital room is like being compressed into thin slices, and sinking into the bottom of the perception. Lin Sanjiu knows that his body is still in a rickety room, but it looks like it is from a very high place, watching the bottom of the body stand unsteadily - it feels insignificant now, and can't even catch her Attention for even half a second.

She allowed herself to rise and blend in a deep, silent and silent universe. The reality became a translucent paper, leaving a trace on the edge of consciousness. If you look at it, you can see the white trees in the room. , furnishings and a few figures around. A strip of bright red fish slid through the darkness, as if it were a short-lived idea in the deep sea.

"The flood is not here," Bohemian voice sounded, even though she did not hear any noise. "But the Great Flood has been here."

Was turned in a direction by Bohemia, and Lin Sanjiu understood. Originally it should be a dark, deep, invisible universe, but at this time it is glowing with a gentle and beautiful light, just like the piece of water that remains on the beach after the ebb tide, but also like A black curtain was penetrated by the light, flickering in the eyes of the soul - she was familiar with the light, this is the color of the flood.

... The flood has already gone.

"What now?" Bohemian's voice was very anxious. "Let's go out? In this case, I am not at ease in the garden."

"Wait," Lin Sanshui stopped her. "Do you remember that npc once said a word?"


“‘The flood is spreading all the time, in all directions.” Now, in the face of the shimmering luster left by the flood, she almost felt like she was dreaming. "I didn't understand what he meant at the time... No, I don't really understand it now. But..."

Bohemia repeated the words of the fat man twice, and he was puzzled. “In the literal sense, isn’t it saying that the flood has always existed everywhere?”

Maybe npc is what this means.

If the flood is not swept from one place to another... then why all the order, the copy, and the evolution of the doomsday world have been affected and affected, and it is explained. If the Great Flood is not a mysterious force from a foreign source, but is brewed from this crumbling doomsday world system, from the inside out, ignoring time and space to penetrate everything...

Lin Sanjiu rushed to a place where the gloss was flashing. She knew that she was in the real body, and obeyed her will. She took off the hand of the great witch and turned her head to somewhere in the material world. But the feeling was far away, not real. It seems that the material world is just an illusion created to maintain the audience.

"What are you doing!" Bohemian called, and seemed to have hurriedly followed.

Lin Sanjiu could not put his thoughts into the language for a time. She just knows what she should do, but she can't explain why; her body rushes all the way to the deepest part of the room. Soon, her "gaze" is given by a piece of gentle swaying light. Reflected - she stopped her foot when she was about to touch the light.

"Don't follow me," she yelled at the Bohemian who had caught up. "Go back a little further, so that if you succeed, you will be swept away."

"What?" Bohemian stunned.

"I think the flood is likely to be generated from the inside," Lin Bing suddenly believed in its authenticity when it suddenly blurted out: "It is generated from within the system of the end of the world." So it's everywhere. You still don't remember, when you first saw the Flood, what did you say?"

"What did I say?"

"You said, 'Garden of Crossing Trails' is your way of cultivating consciousness. It is like a window, just to provide us with a way to see the flood. Since the flood is in reality, then in the garden In the spiritual universe of creation, it can't touch us... remember?"

Bohemian remembered. "Yes, but in fact it can meet us both mentally and realistically... I don't know why."

Lin Sanjiu calmed his mind. "That is because your conscious cultivation method is also part of the doomsday world. If the flood is generated from within, then whether it is spirit or matter, as long as it is an element in the doomsday world, it can come across... It’s well understood, isn’t it?”

"First, don't say if this is true," Bohemia didn't know how to panic. "If it really came from within the doomsday world, then what?"

Lin San wine took a sigh of relief.

"So..." She looked at the water in front of her, and whispered, "That means that the flood has ever been produced and emerged from here... Is it possible, we use some kind of stimulation to make it come out again here? ?"

“The ‘stimulus means’ you mean is—”

The way Lin Sanjiu can think of is actually very simple. She didn't know if she could succeed, but in any case she had to give it a try for Kurosawa.

The consciousness borrowed from Bohemian, at this time, swayed and rolled in her body, like a beast that constantly hit the cage. When Lin Sanjiu tried her best to throw herself into the piece of water, she seemed to have heard a scream in the back of Bohemia.

... The "stimulus" she thinks of is her own.

The planet, including the mushroom society, the lava world, the hospital copy, and the npc, have all been affected by the Great Flood; the order and rules have long been swaying, and it is difficult to maintain. The evolutionists are different: their own existence proves that some rules and order are still vivid and effective.

In the face of such a "fresh meat", the little flashes of light scattered in the dark universe, like suddenly waking up from sleep - countless spots of light bursting out from the invisible, gathering, gathering, like the underground eruption The magma that is out of the sky generally rushes into the air; the dazzling change of the light wave, the head of the little evolver silhouette down to the bottom.

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