Consciousness is a small element produced under the infinite rules of the doomsday world; and the Great Flood is the power that can destroy all the order of the doomsday world. Then, to resist the Great Flood with consciousness, is it equivalent to the arm? Blocking the car?

When the bright color reflected the vision of Lin Sanjiu, she was not nervous at all. All actions such as turning around, exerting force, and escaping are more like muscle memory, or a program that is set up early in the body. She did have a big flood, but compared to the last time, the flood had more emotions: the light seemed to stretch out her arms and hug her, trying to bury her deeply in her warm body. - Lin San wine also found that she actually did not resist being swallowed by this light.

The concept of “all things collapse, collapse, and disappear” is like destruction and death, sometimes with a desperate appeal. If she still remember her friends, she might have walked into the beautiful light.

This may indicate that the power of the flood has risen one step further...?

Lin San Liquor is now innocent to think about this problem - she has to distance herself from the Flood. The usual way of wrapping the body with consciousness is absolutely impracticable at this time. Even if she is blocking her arm, she has to stop it. She has already condensed all the consciousness that Bohemia has lent to her. Together, when they turned around and fled, they turned a large amount of consciousness behind them.

Using consciousness as a barrier separating her from the Great Flood is like separating the fire with marshmallows.

She does not have to look back, she can feel that a large piece of condensed and compact consciousness is being swallowed up and dispelled by the Great Flood at an alarming rate; if it really blocks the flood, it is only extremely At a subtle moment, even people can hardly feel the difference - gentle as a wave of light, and half the distance between the nail tips, it is necessary to run Lin San wine.

In this way, she will not be able to wait until she reaches the place where Kurosawa is located. She will be sent away first.

In addition to the part Bohemia had lent to her, a little bit of consciousness that she managed to recover during this time was thrown behind her, as the second barrier to the Great Flood. Even if it is just a flood that lasts a thousandth of a second, it is better than nothing.

If these feet can be faster,

Bohemian in the distance kept staring at her, and suddenly she took a sharp breath. As soon as the sound came into the ears of Lin Sanjiu, she immediately understood what was going on behind her; she bitten her teeth and forced herself to hurry above the full speed, and finally got the chance to twist her head - that moment of surprise, Almost gave her a trip.

In the gloom of the flood, the consciousness was dissolved in a flash, and then a new scene was created in the water wave: the universe full of stars, a house, the wide-brimmed hat of the big witch... The head of the j7, which is as big as a car, came out of the light wave in a cold, and when it was pressed against the back of Lin Sanjiu, it turned into a weeping low.

Consciousness lost its power and lost its form. In the flood, it broke down into countless images in her mind.

"Don't be affected," when he ran halfway, he suddenly screamed and screamed, but it was from Black Zewa - "Right foot!"

Bohemian must also pull him into the garden of the cross path!

The body memory that was trained by him was still there; Lin Sanjiu rushed, and subconsciously seized the right foot that was about to land, and the body fell straight. She had already prepared, her right hand was on the ground, and she was turned over in the air. It was only after seeing that there was a flood of halo. I don’t know when it had already filled the place where she had just settled. As soon as the foot touched the ground, he immediately rushed forward and did not delay the first half of the second.

"Fast!" Kurosawa has not been far from her. At this time, she leaned forward and extended an arm to her: "Catch me, I will take you out!"

This will escape the flood!

Lin Sanjiu passed through this thought and did not hesitate to grab the other hand.

Just as her fingers were about to fall into the black palm of the hand, there was a small voice that raised questions in the depths of my mind.

... Was the black zebra so close to her?

He is not at the other end of the room, blocking the copy... What about the copy?

When she raised this question, she also heard the bohemian scream "Don't touch!", and the black robbing of her own roar "shrinking hands!" - Lin San Liquor slammed and realized When the "black zebra" was faintly lit on the body, she had already lost her momentum.

The real black zebra, still standing a dozen meters away. At that moment, his **** eyes burned into the vision of Lin Sanjiu.

It’s over.

...The flood that she stirred up is not just one. The Great Flood, obviously, is not the only one.

It’s hard for her to say what happened next – as if her hand had fallen into the palm of the “black zebra” wave, a shadow rushed from the right side like a cannonball and ran into Lin San The wine, the two fell together and rolled out. In the next moment when she was dragged away from the fingertips of the Great Flood, the two rays of light merged in the front and the back, and the "black zebra" disappeared. More than just a glorious tsunami swept forward, swept through most of the room, and swallowed the real black zebra into the glittering layer of color halo.

Lin Sanjiu had no time to look back and see who knocked her out of the flood, and she had to jump up and slam into the deepest corner of the room - Bohemia was standing there, her back tight Sticking to the wall, a pair of eyes smacked like an owl; the figure behind her also rushed over, the light of the flood from one behind the other, the gentle color and grand release, then suddenly smashed.

She was kneeling on the ground. After a second or two, she realized that she was still there from the undecided, she was not touched and was not sent away. Bohemia withdrew consciousness, her sensory senses returned to normal, and the light of the Great Flood finally disappeared. She gasped and looked up and saw the black taboo not far away.

"I was hit," he looked down at his palm and couldn't hear what it was. "...but it doesn't seem to work."

Lin San wine wiped a face.

"There will be other ways," she said dumbly, and then she glimpsed. She found that the big witch, covered in a robes, was standing stiffly in the corner opposite the room, close to the door - then, the person who had just knocked her out -

She turned her head and looked at the woman behind her, slowly rubbing her eyes.

"Don't say anything," the guard sighed in a low voice. "We have to hurry."

"Black Ze Ji," Lin Sanjiu's emotions that were stirred up in the next moment, did not answer her, but quickly climbed up: "The copy behind you should also be hit by the flood, do you feel anything? ”

Her words are stuck.

... because the black hair bogey disappeared.

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