Doomsday Wonderland

: 1228 The ship of Sansius

Before leaving the toll booth and looking for the new ward of the puppeteer, Lin Sanjiu had not forgotten other trivial matters. Several people used the way of changing the pass to transfer the extra points of the puppeteer and Bohemian to her; in addition to being able to pay debts when she was discharged from hospital, she still lacks a whole left hand and one kidney.

After applying the [lava injury repair cream] on the skin, Lin Sanshui looked at the color of the flesh and spread out from the left wrist fracture point, as if there was a painter who could not clearly understand her limbs. After a few smears, she brought her left hand back from nothingness. Yes, it really belongs to her left hand - she is too familiar with the wrinkled texture and shape of the bones on her hand. After all, she has been squatting at it for twenty or thirty years.

... This is inevitably called Lin San wine quietly relieved.

She has not carefully looked at the arms that have re-emerged in the sleeves. In addition to the constant turmoil, no chance to sit down and look good, it is also because she is faintly worried, it will be the arm of a stranger that she can't recognize. What if the length and length are asymmetrical? What if you have loose pines and soft fat? Even if it is very symmetrical, it is not quite right; she can accept that she grows out of the bones, but feels that she has been attached to another person's arm, which is a bit uncomfortable.

"The original so-called engulfed by lava'... was only temporarily "deducted"," she repeatedly looked at her palm and whispered: "The hospital provides the opportunity for you to take it back, so the things that are brought back are also certain It is your own."

In this way, she quite understands how the "head reconstruction surgery" of the doll division is going on: the name is listening to the monk, but in fact his head is always there; for example, the surgery is like On a channel they could not see, the image of the head was dialed on the channel they could see.

"Yes, it is not. For the limbs, this is the case, but the organs are different." The male npc pulled out a manicure set and started to grind his nails. "The first organ you redeemed is definitely your own. For example, you lost a kidney," he said. He smiled at Lin Lin's wine. He had many things in his stomach, but he refused to say it. That kind of laugh. Until this moment, Lin Sanjiu had not had time to tell him that he had to change the kidney back - "The first kidney you took back is yours. But if you want to take another kidney, it is someone else's." Then, when the person comes to change his kidney, he will not have his own kidney. He can only change one's kidney."

Lin San wine nodded subconsciously and immediately glimpsed. "Then I definitely can't get my own kidney!"

Npc a pair of "ah, you think of" expression, and bowed his head and went to nails.

“Why?” Bohemia asked.

"Isn't this just like a domino?" Lin Sanjiu said with a bit of anxious rushing to NPC. "As long as the first person takes two kidneys, all the people behind will not get their kidneys because of the chain reaction." Unless," she turned to Bohemia and explained, "You can redeem the organ before the first time after your organ is sold. I have long been unable to catch the ship." It is."

As for the "first person" that has not appeared so far, it is a question that is not to be asked. Just the group of gamerclub, I have used a few ways to "organ monopoly" to earn points.

Bohemia wiped his face hard, and his face looked like the speed of the teacher’s lecture. "Where... the brain in the head shell, is the organ still a limb? Oh, but if it can be replaced with a gentle one, The brain seems to be not bad..."

Lai Da-Lin Sanshui looked up, npc just replied: "Your uncle's situation is special, the brain is taken away with the head shell, so surgery can be restored to the original state. Your kidneys are different, He smacked his tongue in his mouth. "Change?"

Can you change it?

Fortunately, organ transplantation is also a common concept, and it is much better to accept than others' left hand. Lin Sanjiu handed in points and watched npc rummaging through a big book for a while.

"Hmm..." The sound continued in his nose for two or three minutes.

"What's wrong?" Lin Sanshui raised a heart and asked.

"Well..." npc is like constipation. After a long time, I finally squeezed out a half sentence: "That, the amount of kidneys in stock..."

"Nothing?" Lin Sanjiu did not expect this situation. "There is no kidney in the hospital? Have you been replaced?"

“It’s not that ‘all’ has changed,” his tongue slammed. “There are still two left.”

“Disabled?” Bohemia took a counter: “The gap? Is there uremia?”

"That didn't..." The speed of the male npc speech can make people die: "Yes, it's not the same as the general kidney. One of them is chicken kidney."

"Chicken kidney?" Bohemia raised the eight-degree trick. "Would you like to switch back to eat?"

"It’s useless to call me. It’s really taken from an evolver and belongs to his own kidney, so we only accept it. My guess is that he definitely knows our system, so I used it. What kind of protection means that if someone takes it away, it is chicken kidney. Only when he takes it is the human kidney..."

This conjecture is reasonable, but it is useless at all.

"There is another one?" Lin Sanjiu asked quickly.

The male npc hesitated for a few more seconds and said slowly: "We registered it as a kidney, but... it is actually a black shadow."

It is estimated that the hospital was brought in when the flood was disturbed by the flood. Lin Sanshui raised his eyebrows: "Shadow?"

"Yes, it was taken from a person's body. When it was taken out, it was also a kidney... or it played a role in the kidney. Otherwise, we wouldn't accept it." npc looked at the registration Ben, a look of stunned, "But I don't know how... After I took it out, it was a black shadow. I guess, after putting it in your body, it should also play a role in the kidney... I guess. I can tell. You only have so much, do you change?"

"Change a fart," Bohemia said without hesitation. "Who knows what will happen after being put in -"

"Change," the word spit out from Lin San wine mouth, she also shocked herself. She pondered for a few seconds in the contempt of Bohemia, and the warmer sense of certainty in her heart became clearer: "Change now!"

Ask her to say why, she can't say a word.

"It's just to be right with your mother," Bohemia looked dissatisfied and dissatisfied. He watched the npc take out a group of shadows that constantly swim, as if they were carrying life, and wrinkled his face: "This thing looks like it. It is the essence of night and nightmare!"

It is worthy of a person who has recited many poems and immediately described the feelings of the group of black shadows. It is like a group of dark black mist, condensed and flowing, the edge of the smog drifts, but never scattered. If you look at the dark black for a long time, there is even an illusion of dizziness, as if you are about to be sucked in.

“Ready?” npc asked, holding it.

... Lin San wine is also a bit scary.

[Keen Intuition] Although keen, but not necessarily every time; she did not say a word, after the group of black shadows into the skin without any hindrance, quietly felt for a while, found that in addition to nervous because of nervousness In addition, there has been no strange feeling in the body, which is a little relieved.

Next, just let a few people draw a prize each time, and draw a goal to complete lava. However, this matter is very important - according to npc, some people just need to clean the front floor of the counter to be discharged; some people have to accumulate 211 organs to be discharged. Taking into account his own luck, Lin Sanjiu decided to wait for the person to wake up afterwards, ask him if he has any items that can enhance his luck, and then draw the lottery.

When the group was almost satisfied with the new ward of the puppeteer, several people once again saw the fifty Ming. Far away, Lin San wine can see that he is so nervous that he is even harder; he is kneeling in a corner, constantly looking around, for fear of being stared at - if she found it early, I am afraid He jumped up and ran.

But even if he was so nervous, he did not use points to change a ward. He used the points wherever the answer was. The answer was obvious: Fifty Ming was holding the lava injury recovery cream in one hand, and the other hand holding the head of the fifty sails, almost nervously over and over again on the fracture.

"...useless?" Bohemia also stopped to look at it for a while.

Lin Sanjiu turned his head and didn't want to read it again: "Go."

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