Doomsday Wonderland

: 1229 eBay User Group

There is a saying that is very mean, but Lin San wine can't afford it.

... With the former guards, it really seems to be a good dog.

The “reconstructive surgery” was finally completed a few hours ago; the next step was to let the person stay alone and regain consciousness in the room. Not long after a few people came back, four or five so-called "surgeons" wearing surgical gowns and actually NPCs all went into his ward and locked the door behind them. A few people in Lin San wine waited outside the door, waiting for a round of lava games in the first place - if she bought two rounds of wards in advance, I am afraid that half of the surgery will be thrown out.

In the process, the former guards from the beginning of the tea delivery, errands help, and gradually upgraded into a few people's chores: to the gatekeepers in the recovery process, or go out to inquire about the news, and even help Simia washed five or six pairs of socks - now they are like a gliding colored flag, hanging on the door of her room - although to be honest, Lin San wine does not remember when she passed through socks and serious shoes .

As long as Lin Sanjiu can occasionally give him some points, he seems to be willing to be a broken reminder.

Of course, she always secretly left one eye to observe him; but she had to admit that the former guards could not find anything suspicious.

... Until the door was closed behind the river, the former guard immediately jumped up from the floor and rushed to the moment around Lin Sanjiu.

“What?” She sat on the hospital bed and was about to start her meditation practice of renewed consciousness. She couldn’t help but frown.

"I have something to say," he lowered his eyelids and was a bit sloppy: "It's all about what I feel, maybe you don't think it makes sense to listen..."

"Say it."

"That... I think," the former guard glanced at the door. "When he goes out, you should go to the door of the doll's room... or, let me go, but I No fighting power, no special items..."

Lin Sanjiu spent two seconds, only to realize that the "going out" refers to the Yajiang River. "What do you mean?" she asked.

The former guard bite his lips tightly. After a while, he squeezed the toothpaste and said, "I... I feel that he is not right. I am a little, oh, I am a little afraid of him. I don't know what he usually does." However, isn’t the doll master still not awake? Although the outsiders can’t get in, I feel that it’s fine...”

That thin waist ant like the Raven River? Scary?

She looked up and down the former guard. "Why do you say that?"

"I have no evidence, it is a feeling that I see people." The former guard hesitated, "I have always been a small, irrelevant character. It feels like I am born to be inconspicuous. Many people don't care about my existence... When I was in front of me, they couldn’t think of masking their own behavior. Ah, so I know that you are a reliable person, because you are the same attitude to me and to others... In short, I think he When you are with you, the performance is different."

To be honest, Lin Sanjiu is very tired.

Before the death of the guard, the former guard was not right. She spent a lot of energy observing him and found nothing. Now the former guards say that the Yajiang River is not right. It seems that as long as there are people around you, they cannot be completely assured. Mouth like. Regardless of whether they are genuinely or not, everyone in this place seems to be always speculating about other people, always pretending to hide themselves.

"I know." She only gave these four words that are neither hot nor cold.

The former guards stood for a few seconds at the bedside, and returned to their mats without saying anything.

Although he repeatedly warned that he could not fall into that mentality, he should not doubt his friends, but after returning from the Raven River, Lin Sanjiu found himself still couldn't help but quietly began to pay attention to him. Indeed, she and Raven River did not know each other for a long time. It was more like a companion who occasionally walked together for a while; but as far as she saw, Raven’s attitude towards her was as always, she could not talk about taking advantage of her, nor I am trying to hurt her. Who knows? Maybe the Raven River is a bit snobbish, and there is no good face for people who are not important - this is not a big deal.

She decided to put this piece into the "look and see" folder in her mind.

Once you have the number of points, you have the goal, and it’s much easier to wait for the doll to wake up. In addition to being wary of whether there are evolutionary people nearby, it’s like being in the old age – it’s almost the evening outside. Several people were still busy for a while, and moved the medical cabinet to the bed to serve as a table, ready to sit down and have a good dinner.

"The old man is a bit pitiful,"

Bohemian, in the wind and the clouds, suddenly took the time to look up from her bowl and said: "I didn't go out in the afternoon, I saw him nearby."

Lin Sanjiu didn't want to ask, but she didn't stop: "...Holding his sister's head, he walked down the corner of the wall, and he looked like he didn't want to be close to him. Hey, the recovery cream is gone, I don’t know who was scratching two **** wounds... I asked someone if I could give him some extra recovery cream."

"He hasn't died yet?" Lin Sanjiu just wants to sigh.

Bohemian fiddled with her beef intestines, but did not send it to her mouth. "No... that person's head, it seems that there is a point that starts to smell."

"Don't come near him next time," Rujiang inserted a mouth. "He knows how he reverted to his original state. If there is any hidden means, it is too dangerous to be close."

Bohemian thoughts are still in other places, and the words just nodded.

Lin Sanjiu wanted to change the topic, added some water to the cups of several people, and asked: "Do you know what method can you open the door of the doll's ward?"

"What are you doing!" Bohemia twisted his head, and the topic about Fifty Ming was suddenly left behind: "You don't get this kind of thing, you can tell him when he comes out. We saved him - now you do this kind of thing, what if you are aware of it!"

"I want to see how he recovered," Lin San said with a good voice. "The NPC surgeons didn't say they couldn't go in. Besides, if we can find special items from him, Then, while waiting for him to wake up, we can go to the lottery to complete the turntable."

"I'm fine, I can wait," Bohemia turned pale. "You don't want to say, you have a suicidal tendency."

Fine. When Lin Sanshui wants to bow down to eat, she only listens to her and whispers: "...If he really has the props to enhance his luck, can he meet you?"

Although people are very reluctant to admit it, this sentence seems to have some truth. Looking at the unlucky look of the puppeteer, she felt that she could not pin her hopes on him - fortunately, she had other backup means besides him.

After dinner, she went to the ward of Bohemia alone; only here, she can safely close her eyes and focus on what she should do.

The situation of the fifty Mings seems to have cast a shadow on the mind of Bohemia, and it is always lingering. When the second person sat down for a while, she sighed again and brought up the old man – it was a bit different from the bohemian style.

"I always thought that fate would be a joke," she whispered. "God made him recover from that miserable case. He came back with a life. He woke up and found that he lost his life. The important thing. I want to say, I am afraid that he now feels that he is not as good as dead... Hey? What are you doing?"

Lin Sanjiu showed her [eBay] to her.

“I used to take it out of the lab last time,” she explained. “This time we can also look for it on [eBay], and there are no props to enhance it.”

Until she closed [eBay] in her hand and closed her eyes, she heard Bohemia’s unbelievable voice saying: "Yes, you have already been in contact with Gongdao... We have to hold people There are too many things for the teacher."

After quietly in the room for a while, Lin Sanjiu suddenly opened his eyes again - [eBay] on the list of items for sale, she just finished reading the first page.

She turned the plastic piece into a special item, unconsciously turned a few times between her fingers, and asked a little bit: "You just said..."

"To hold on to the puppet teacher -"

"No, you just said that fate is really a joke?"

Bohemian nodded in a blank face.

Lin San wine now feels like sitting in a dark movie theater, feeling someone is kicking her chair from the back. Something that doesn't make sense is on the edge of her consciousness, wanting to tell her something; the more she tries to catch it, the farther she feels.

When she was fighting her own erratic intuition, the iron gate was ringed. As soon as the door opened, the former guard came in with the cat's waist and gasped and said, "Please, let me sit here, don't let me stay alone with him. Really, I can't breathe..."

"Who?" Bohemia looked at the expression of the ghost: "Raven River? Let you breathe?"

The former guard nodded, his eyes turned and fell on the [eBay] in the hands of Lin San. “Hey?” he glanced. “Do you have one?”

Who else?

Lin Sanshui stared at [eBay] and glanced at the face of the former guard. Her body seemed to react in the first step. The palm was slightly sweaty, and the throat was dry and tight; under her gaze as if she had weight, the former guard stuttered: "That... I When I was in that ward, because I didn't want to talk to him more, I was closing my eyes and keeping my eyes... Then I heard something from the Raven River, and I looked at it from the eyelids... just right. I saw him picking up this thing."

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