Doomsday Wonderland

: 1230 He also helped me.

... [eBay] How many users are there?

Lin San has forgotten the specific figures, but knows that this number will not exceed a few hundred. In the endless world of endless worlds, there are only a handful of [eBay] users, and she happens to be here and become a friend. It is not probable, but it is not impossible.

Another possibility...

She fixedly looked at the former guard for a while and collected [eBay]. If you say your expression and look, the former guard looked at you with a look of sorrow. It seems that you don't understand how one thing you can talk about can cause such a serious look. It is indeed the most likely reaction of an innocent person.

Of course, she can't believe the appearance.

Then again, perhaps she linked the unrelated things together, so she created an emergency that did not actually exist. No matter who has problems with the Yajiang River and the former guards, even if there are problems, then there is no explanation - can't explain -

"You haven't said it yet," Bohemia suddenly inserted at this moment, and it seems that she is a bit wrong: "You just said that the fate is really a joke, what happened?"

Lin Sanjiu wiped his palm over his cheek and gave a sigh of relief. If everything is her cup bow and snake shadow, then she really can't explain why fifty Ming will return from an empty corpse to a living person with perfect limbs...

"I and Gong Daoyi, I have met since a long time ago." This sentence slipped out of her mouth unconsciously, and when it fell into the air, it seemed as if she once again heard the Eden Colosseum. The gray hurricane. "At that time, I met a woman with a strong temper, called Xue Yu."

When the name rang, the former guard’s face was only confused and cautious. "That... you don't need me to avoid it first?" he whispered, pointing to the door.

"How is she?" Bohemian waved his hand to signal him to sit down and continue to ask. Although she still didn't understand what Lin Sanjiu thought, she subconsciously understood that the former guard could not be left at this time.

"The Gongdao gang has made her a lot of help. It can be said that if there is no Gongdaoyi, she may not have a chance at all..." Lin Sanjiu searched for a while in the mind, the only one that jumped out, but Familiar with her, she called a light battle: "Regeneration."

No one spoke in the room, both of them were watching her. The former guards were ashamed, as if they were strong enough to get out of the water.

"However, after she finally escaped, Gongdaoyi turned her head to a group of people who wanted to torture her to death. At that time, she was not an evolutionary. From the roots, the group It’s the reason why Xue Yu will be in trouble at first and need help... I always feel that Gong Daoyi seems to appreciate the irony of this.”

Both of them could not help but take a breath.

"I can't say more about the past of the doll division. From my understanding and speculation, during that time, Gong Daoyi also helped two people including the puppet teacher..." She said here, Once I thought about how the palace road should be brought back to the AI ​​system in the long run. Ironically, Ayun at that time, expecting the AI ​​system to be as urgent as other city people.

When Gong Gongyi stood behind Ayun and gently handed the manipulator that could destroy Yunzhan Ninetowns, his hand as if it was a cool breeze blowing from the dark abyss, In the second half of the cloud, life has changed.

"I don't need to talk about it later? A person rots into a pus first, and it takes a long time to die... Another person becomes the doll of today."

No matter how powerful the power of the puppeteer, no one will want to be like him after seeing him.

Bohemia understood - she stood up and turned two circles in the room, and seemed to be upset and unable to say anything; after a few seconds, she suddenly stopped her feet: "Fifty Ming The deputy virtue can still come alive, it really seems to be helped by a life-critical!"

"Yes, after this life is very busy, as you said," Lin Sanjiu took it slowly, "...he found something that made him worse than his death. His sister died. His sister, not us killed."

That being said... The only person who could enter the ward to kill at that time was the Yajiang River.

"I was thinking, would it be that I thought more?" Lin Sanshui turned his head, but Yu Guang gave the former guards a cage. "Life is full of sorrows and joys, and it cannot be said that it is a palace." ”

"You don't want to comfort yourself," Bohemia interrupted her. "I wasn't helped. Fifty, an ignorant empty leather bag, how can I put my own organs back? Big witches put the palace When the road came over, he couldn’t get it long ago. He also passed a message with you. Everything shows that the old boy is nearby! What are you doing, I will pile you a pile of sand and bury your head in it. ?"

When she said this, suddenly there was a gap in the eyes of the blind man, and the voice stopped.

"You also thought about it?" Lin Sanshui looked at her and reacted, and she also smiled. "If the palace is really here, then I have to consider it... at the bottom of the hospital, he Helped me a lot."

"That is, you have one..." Bohemian's face gradually whitened, and the long golden brown eyelashes trembled a few times, flashing a shadow in the eyes of the water that seemed to hide honey: "There are A bad thing... waiting for you."

Lin Sanjiu did not say a word.

She is now trying to remove the heavy stones in her chest.

No matter what is waiting for her in the future, she must first confirm one thing: Where is Gongdaoyi?

The Raven River has the key to enter the ward to kill the fifty sails; the Raven River can then enter the ward and take the head of the fifty sails; the Raven River has [eBay] - for the time being, the former guard said that the truth is good; When they entered the hospital, the Raven River was just together with Wu Ming.

... Will he be a disguise of the palace?

On the other hand, the former guard is unlikely to be the palace road; after all, when the 50 Ming was helped to resurrect, the former guard was still a true guard in the underground of the hospital. And if he is not a palace, he will not realize the meaning of the two [ebay] at the same time, naturally he will not think about making an article on this point.

Thinking of this, Lin Sanjiu realized that he had missed a very important thing.

"You said that when you were alone with Rujiang, you felt that his performance was different." She looked at the look of the former guard over and over again, and she still suspected that this was his means of arrogance: "You have not Tell me, what is the different method? Is he arrogant about you? Ignore you?"

To be honest, if the Yahoo River is really one of the palaces, it is difficult for her to imagine that the palace will change her face after she turned around. This kind of omission is too much like the style of Gongdaoyi.

"Oh, that's not there,"

The former guard was suddenly asked about his head, and he thought about it for a few seconds. He seemed to want to find a suitable description: "It’s a feeling of mine... He should talk to me, let me do what I want. What do I do...the performance is different, not that his specific behavior is different..."

Bohemian is impatient: "Where is it different?"

The face of the former guard was wrinkled, and he wanted to translate his feelings into words: "Well, how do you say, let me make an analogy? It’s like he was originally a person who didn’t need to breathe, but when you were around. , has been ... has been forcing a breath, very laborious."

... forcing a breath? What is this analogy?

"When you are not there, I guess it may be because I look stupid and weak, the sense of existence is very low, and I don't have a deep relationship with you. He sometimes... will forget to breathe. Because of forced breathing It’s too hard, I think he needs to rest subconsciously.” The former guard seemed to be confused about himself, and hurriedly waved: “It’s not that he really doesn’t breathe, this is an analogy—”

Lin Sanjiu thought for a few seconds and said: "What you mean is that he has some very unnatural places on his body. When he is around us, he hides this unnaturalness."

The former guard was saved and nodded in a hurry. "Positive, precisely because of this, I am afraid!"

Of course, this may be his current compilation, because the so-called "unnatural", in addition to the suspicion of the Raven River, there is no evidence to see and catch. However, I don’t know why, what he said is “unnatural”, as if shaking the bell in the depths of Lin San’s mind – she faintly felt that she was not the first to contact this “unnatural”.

However, no matter how she remembers, she can't remember what happened to the other side when she met with the first encounter. At that time, he did not seem to know her completely.

"You guys have too many doubts and can't fully believe them." Bohemia sweared a few words to the former guard. "How about the Raven River, not all of you are listening to you-"

In the memory, a "shutter" sounds, a white light flashes, and immediately illuminates the Polaroid camera in the memory of Lin San. It was held in the center by the fingers of the Raven River, and slowly spit out a photo of the 50-year-old body.

... Ravenjiang took a picture of the misery of fifty Ming.

When this thought was passed, Lin Sanjiu did not realize that she was striding toward the door.

At that time, the fifty Ming was basically like a dead man. He did not know what happened to him. If she is one of the palaces, how can I let the 50 Ming know that he saved his life and gain even temporary trust?

She gripped the door handle and pulled the door open.

The Raven River was standing by the door, his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked into the distance under his feet. He heard the sound and turned his head and smiled at her. He had some eyebrows like a girl, and there was a layer of familiar femininity.

"...Ayun woke up?"

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