Doomsday Wonderland

: 1239 insecticide

The alarm sound of the elevator error will sound loudly every once in a while, and the sound is sharp enough to cut the air almost. Lin Sanjiu was shocked and almost slammed his fingers into the eyes of the doll, and then turned his head and shattered the outer door of the elevator; the door of the inner elevator was not bad. Severe, just a little bending deformation, she like a blacksmith to beat a metal glove for a while, finally called the door of the elevator car reluctantly closed.

As soon as the door was closed, the elevator began to rise. As the elevator car climbed up, the lower edge of the foot also showed a dark, faint elevator shaft. She stepped back two steps, a little nervously turning her eyes, seeing the corpse turned into a man who was still dead and pressing the thin man, Bohemia also stood next to her and nodded, this breathed a sigh of relief. .

"No one...the elevator can go up too?" Bohemia regained his gaze from the electronic screen and glanced at the thin man at the foot of the doll: "No wonder he insisted on getting in, he could really go out." ""

Now think about it, what NPC said in the saliva, it is really secretly doped into a few very important rules, but the place that really should be watched and watched at that time was all diluted by him. It is. For example, the npc said, "If the elevator starts to run, there should be people present who are not present, then you will be disqualified from the discharge." He did not say what would have been done without the qualification of the discharge, and did not say In this case, if the discharged patient is not in the elevator, can he be exempted from punishment.

"The elevator is now going up, it will not affect us to go out for a while?" Bohemia pressed the operation button, see the up button is lit, there is still some unreliable.

"Should not," Lin Sanjiu answered as he walked toward the doll. "...When you just came in, did you wait for a while, wait for the elevator to come down? If a wave of people left, then The elevator should stay at the top floor until the next wave of people. I don't think there is any difference in the current situation."

She was not far from Bohemia, but she had to raise her door several times before she finished speaking. There was no problem with the thin man's eyes. Of course, I saw the doll teacher early and felt the level of the latter's combat power, but he is not afraid at all. His reason seems to have been broken. When he was struggling under the body, his mouth was splashed with white foam and his mouth was swearing. After a while, he smiled for a while and cried for a while. Sometimes the sound was harsh and even the skin of Lin Sanjiu jumped. A few hops.

Although he was one of the swearing objects in his mouth, the doll teacher only slightly turned his head toward the thin man, looking peaceful and motionless, as if he didn't hear it.

...because you can’t see it, don’t you want to shoot it at will?

As soon as he thought that he had quietly said "Well", Lin Sanjiu quickly stepped up the pace, patted his hands clean and called a handkerchief. "I want to start," she wrapped her fingertips around her fingertips again and shouted: "Don't move your eyes."

The doll teacher snorted coldly.

The moment when she touched his eyes across the silk, the gentle, rounded, smooth touch flashed through her heart, and then he shrank slightly - in fact, the body of the doll did not But Lin San wine seems to be faintly sensible. Under his skin and in the body, there is nothing to be touched and can’t help but shrink back, as if the teenager who is hiding inside is not there. I thought that I would be suddenly hit. The puppeteer has always given people the impression of death and abyss, and they have been living for a moment, and then they have died.

When she took the "photo" on the second eye, the doll did not reveal this reaction. He was like a stone statue. After the "photographs" were taken down, it slowly blinked and his eyes swept over the crowd.

"Say," he looked down at the thin man, but he asked Lin Sanshui: "...What happened?"

“Do you remember that you let me keep up?” she asked. “When did you look at me, how far away from you?”

The puppet teacher was silent for two seconds and replied: "It’s very far, as if you are going to sneak yourself behind."

...I don’t have to say the hope in my heart?

"Actually, I was only a few meters away from you. I felt strange when you told me to be tight." Lin Sanji swallowed a sigh of relief. "My guess is that this guy's ability can be like taking photos. Copy and copy part of the real world, then paste it in the air, let people see the image on the photo, and think that you are seeing the real world."

Even the shouts of the thin man gradually stopped.

"He took the picture of me going upstairs, 'posted' in the depths of the stairs, and then took an empty staircase, 'posted' behind you, blocking the real me." Lin Sanjiu thought about it and turned to the thin man and asked: "Your 'photo', is there a difference between the inside and the outside? It looks like a photo from the outside, and it can't be seen from the inside out?"

The man closed his mouth and said nothing, but from his expression, Lin Sanjiu had already got the answer.

"I think that's the reason. When I looked up at you, there was no difference. But from your point of view, I am in the empty stairs, and in a far place, there is a Lin San wine." She looked at the crowd and said to the other two: "So the doll teacher will call me to keep up. This guy seized the opportunity he created and quickly moved me in front of me. Tightly following him... At this time, I heard that he was retreating, I should have been paying attention, but... I always went back."

Later, she kept a distance of seven or eight meters. In the middle, she was able to put down a few people. The puppet teacher was satisfied. Naturally, because the photo of Lin San wine was not far behind him. - In fact, the real Lin San wine has never been known. There is a picture of a doll and other people going upstairs in front of her eyes, and the outside is directed at her; on the other side of this photo, there is an empty staircase. The photo, the outside is directed at the doll.

In this way, when the doll teacher looks back, Lin Sanjiu is a few meters away from the back, and there is no stairway in the distance; in Lin San’s wine, everyone in front keeps the same speed upstairs, even The light fish are turning back and forth very regularly - no one knows, under the adjustment of this thin man, Lin San has actually moved farther and farther away from everyone.

"You later, is a person in the stairs... Looking for us?" Bohemia trembled. In some respects, she is much more sensitive and sensitive than others – almost the first time she subconsciously felt the mental state of Lin San.

Even if it has dissipated, but now looking back at the fear in the stairs, she still feels like she has crossed a pen in her heart - the pen tip sweeps over, and the dark ink gradually spreads in place. Lin Sanjiu did not want to talk about that period of time. He only nodded and asked the thin man: "But there are still many places that I don't understand. Your photos can't separate the sound, but the stairs are all sounds. They are absorbed, so that you can quietly mix in and move hands; you need someone to pretend to be one of us, let yourself take the opportunity to hide in the corner of the elevator, here is just a body... Is it true that you are inside the stairs? understood?"

The thin man laughed happily.

"Understanding?" He licked a pair of **** eyes, as if the whole person had to smash out from the skin. "You asked me if I didn't understand? I came in four times, and I tried to find a way in this corridor." Countless 'lenses', staring at it for eight months, day and night... You ask me now," he pointed his voice and changed his face when imitating the tone of Lin Sanjiu: "'Are you on the stairs? Is the internal situation well understood?'"

Lin Sanjiu picked up his arm and looked at him for a few seconds. "You can go out four times when you come in. It’s a good luck."

The thin man slammed his mouth shut.

"So, when did you get in?" She clearly kept pulling the door with her consciousness, and never felt any shock from the line.

The thin man squatted on the floor, gasping for two mouthfuls, turning up a pair of eyes from the bottom up, and when she smiled, a bubble came out from the corner of her mouth. "Are you not very smart? Are you just right in my ability? Since you are so powerful, why don't you think about it?"

"Ah, the elevator is here." Bohemia suddenly screamed.

Lin Sanshui turned his head and saw the elevator car gradually fell from the elevator shaft; when she looked back, she spent a little time – even with her dynamic vision, she didn’t see it clearly. What happened in an instant. Only when she felt a hot hurricane rushing past her face, her hair, and her shoulders, she must have looked at the wall opposite the hall.

... she has not seen the shape of a thin man.

It seems that there is an abstract painter with an abnormal spirit, crushing the flesh and bones as a paint, and splattering a **** red painting on the wall. Life was smashed into pieces that could not be seen, and the color of death was turned from the inside out. The blood began to flow down the wall. "Beep", half of the arm fell into the pool of blood, and a few fingers trembled in the air for a few moments.

Even though Lin Sanjiu had no intention of letting go of this person, he still was shocked for a second or two. She has seen the murder of the puppeteer. She has seen many people killed by the puppeteer--but it is rare when there is no such violent and uncontrollable power...not to mention that he personally caused this death.

The doll teacher gently swept the dust that did not exist on his finger and turned and walked into the elevator.

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