Doomsday Wonderland

: 1240 Lin San Liquor's Epiphany

One, two, three, four... Four people, no more than a lot, are deities.

Finally went to the last step.

Lin Sanjiu regained his gaze and took a breath. He slipped down the wall and sat on the floor watching the elevator door begin to close. The bumpy elevator doors on both sides were “squeaky” and gradually reduced the picture of the flesh-and-blood red outside into a narrowing gap until they could no longer be seen.

For a time, the elevator was quiet, only the low sound when the machine was running. Bohemia and the former guards did not dare to speak, and the dolls of course did not take the initiative to chat; Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, and the more he thought, the more strange he felt.

"When I was alone in the stairway, there was a light fish swimming back. When I rushed back to the hall, the light fish swam back. If it weren't for it, I am afraid I couldn't find you so soon." Bohemia asked, "What happened to the fish?"

Bohemian heard a glimpse and glanced at the former guard. The latter narrowed his shoulder and smiled, quite a bit embarrassed.

"I didn't expect you to use it any more," before answering Lin Sanjiu, she sincerely praised the former guard, and then turned around: "At that time, I found the stair railings at the end, feeling that the stairs should be coming to an end. He said to me, I hope I can put a light fish back and quickly swim back the stairs. I asked him why, he said, in case there is someone behind, so maybe they I thought I was discovered, I stopped to look at the situation, it was a shock to the potential threat. Oh, yes, at that time you didn’t talk, I’m still a little strange, because you always have something to say.”

... Who are the people who have something to say between them?

Lin Sanshui swept Bohemia, and the latter continued to say without hesitation: "I didn't expect that this kid's proposal actually helped you. You know, I was not very willing at that time because I--oh, you remember, I said, my fish is not used without restriction? Before the hall, the light stored in the two fishes is used up, only two fish are left, and one less is not. Is it darker?"

"There are only two left?" Lin Sanjiu thought about it, and suddenly he understood it. "That is, from the stairs to the hall, the light is getting darker and darker?"

She seems to understand a little bit about where the skinny man got his idea. He has to say that even if that person’s mind is already mad, his mind turns fast enough. Just by acting on the spot and playing on the spot, he almost called them A group of people are planted. She looked at the puppeteer and sighed: "... Did you feel in the dark when you entered the hall?"

After two seconds, the doll teacher "hmm".

Both Bohemian and the former guards had a stunned look on their faces, but no one dared to say "Hey!".

Lin San wine has smashed his temples, and he has been able to reproduce the scene clearly in his mind: if she is missing, these two people can’t wait to breathe in front of the puppeteer and find that there is light in the hall. Just kill them, and they wouldn't think of going to the gossip with a few words, "Oh, there is a light here."

Along the way, the light fish became darker and darker, and it was suddenly dark when I entered the hall. It was really hard to think that the problem was actually in my own eyes. To be honest, even if the hall was dark, it would not make sense. When I think about it, it is even more strange that the dolls are very close to asking the question, "Is your light fish used up?"

If this is a flaw, I don’t know what the thin man will do next.

"You were at that time... didn't you want to get the lights out?" Lin Sanshui asked, looking up.

This time, the puppeteer is very ironic: "It's amazing, you can think of turning on the lights when there is no light. How long have you been thinking about this epiphany?"

Lin Sanjiu was stunned by him. When he couldn't find anything, he suddenly smiled: "...The lamp has always been the work of the doll. Since you are so intelligent and insightful, next time I let this woman give me a light. ""

The look of Bohemia is like being suddenly hollowed out by the core.

If the lamp has always been the work of the doll, then the lamp should also be on the doll's body... No wonder he saw the light fish getting darker and darker, and did not come up with lighting props. Lin Sanjiu stood up and took Bohemia behind him and shook his head: "That won't work."

The irritability of the dolls at that moment can simply be submerged in essence - but he immediately unscrewed his head, as if he was afraid of seeing her for a long time, and he would bleed in his eyes.

When the elevator slowly rises, there is no even a number on the screen, and only one upward arrow is constantly refreshing. After a while in the silence, Lin Sanjiu tried to make the atmosphere a little easier. He said, "I can't figure out what I said. Why can't I feel that the door has been pushed open? Is he already in the stairs?" ”

"Impossible," Bohemia stood behind her for a while, and her temper also recovered a bit: "I walked in the front, always afraid of hiding in front of the dark, so I have been very careful."

The man was so thin that he was flustered. If he leaned against the wall and covered his body with illusion, he walked down from the side of Bohemia... No, he had to go through the doll. The teacher's side is around. Lin Sanjiu thought of this and felt that he had crashed into the dead end. Even if his ability was undetectable when he started, the thin man did not walk through the doll's side and was not discovered. It’s one thing to hide in the corner of the elevator. It’s just another matter to take him through.

"The big witch said that you are stupid." The doll teacher who had been looking at the elevator arrow suddenly said nothing.


" found it a step late," he seemed to be talking to the big witch in his mind, but he said, "It is a stupid thing to dry her up."

Lin Sanjiu can almost complete this conversation automatically. She sighed and asked, "What did the big witch say?"

"Say you are stupid."

"No! In addition to this, what did she say?"

The man who is facing her, is not happy to talk.

... she wouldn't believe she couldn't think of it.

It is almost impossible to count on the puppet teacher to pass the message now; Lin Sanjiu simply repeats the whole process of pinching the line of consciousness. Everything is simple and straightforward: every step up, she will reduce the width of the consciousness "line" and increase the length until the consciousness is already long, she adds the second Consciousness. She was always cautious enough, even after Bohemian found the body and the entire team stopped, she did not forget to pull the line when she squeezed in front of the team.

"Ah!" Lin Sanshui’s brain lit up and screamed.

"The toilet is open." The puppet teacher commented.

Can't take care of him, Lin San wine shot his forehead and sighed at Bohemia: "It turned out to be!"

"How?" The latter was not very interested: "Sure enough, because of you?"

"When I squeezed in front of the team, I also extended my consciousness a certain distance. When I checked the body and returned to the end of the team, I did not reduce the length of consciousness. For example, if This is a circle of rope that I walked while walking, then it was too long to hang down at this time..."

"I understand," Bohemia waved her hand and interrupted her: "I know more about consciousness than you, you don't have to compare!"

Lin Sanshui was hard to figure out suddenly, but he couldn’t finish his words.

The "cord" of consciousness, which should have been close to the door, will relax because it is too long after the length has been increased and the owner has returned a certain distance. Because of the increase in the distance between the three people, the length of the slack is less than ten meters. At this time, if the door of the stairway is pushed open by a seam, she naturally does not feel the vibration of the consciousness. This commentary tickles in her heart, but she looks at it and finds that the only former guard who can be her audience is staring at his own pendant, and it seems that she is equally interested in her theory.

“The big witch said,” the doll teacher opened his mouth slowly. “Your consciousness sensitivity is as blunt as the twine.”

"Who told her to use her consciousness as a brick," Bohemia did not know whether it was an attachment or an explanation. "The hardness has gone up, and the sensitivity has come down."

This discussion of her consciousness, Lin San wine only listened intently to half, and the remaining half were blown away like the wind. She found that she was looking forward to the guards at a glance—they didn’t pay much attention to her after the guardian reminded her, but he was always honest, did not do anything that should not be done, and even helped. They are several times.

However, at this time, she suddenly felt the feeling of guarding the sentence: this person, the psychological state is probably not quite right.

The "叮" sounded and the elevator stopped.

The former guard looked up and the smile on his face could not be suppressed: "We can finally go out!"

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