Doomsday Wonderland

: 1246 yuan to the west of the happy three days

The current "Feng Qiqi" is not my own.

After coming out of the Hall of Consciousness, Lin San, who had already been overdrawn by the spirit, almost immediately fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept. When she woke up, she had already gotten up again. Only when she blinked, the thought floated out of her heart without any hesitation.

"Little wine, have you got up?"

She opened the curtain and took a step, just met Fang Dan from the next door. Lin San wine's gaze quickly swept around her. She just tried to call the information in the subconscious and immediately understood the meaning of the "Italian teacher."

Nearly terrible observation with excellent five senses, her eyes, ears, skin... Everywhere, everywhere, receiving a lot of information from the outside world, it is like opening a past that she never knew. door--

"So I don't like people, just say it." When a few unconsciously collected materials flowed from Lin Sanjiu's mind, this sentence did not know how to blurt out.

"Ah? You, what are you talking about?" Fang Dan suddenly turned red.

Lin Sanjiu gave her a look: "Even if you go with me, your pursuer may still be entangled."

"Hey, hey? Why... you know?" Fang Dan immediately groaned and stammered.

The answer is actually very simple.

When Lin Sanjiu was still awake, there was no movement next door; she just slammed, and the bed next door suddenly slammed, and then Fang Dan’s footsteps rushed to the door, indicating that she had been waiting for Lin. Three wines come out.

At this time, Lin Sanjiu is like a center for giving instructions. A thought goes on, and even the information that was remembered by the body when he was sleeping has been flooded up - not to mention the moment when the curtains open, Lin Sanjiu sees the ground. Throwing a pink card, from the vague handwriting on the card, it is from a persevering pursuer; and she has to go with her, probably indicating that the pursuer is waiting nearby Dan.

Only after a few scenes and enlarged details flashed from the mind, Lin Sanjiu had to stop and slow down the spirit--[Awareness Mechanics Hall] was just formed, the so-called "consciousness" There are still few pitiful things. If you do something a little, it seems that there is a danger of "fuel exhaustion."

Fang Dan is almost stupid: "... How do you know that I don't like him?"

"I got up late, the people in the building almost finished eating, you still hungry and waited for me to go together... obviously?"

Fang Dan's trouser pocket slightly bulged a rectangle, her own chopsticks box. The chopsticks were still on the body, apparently not eating yet - looking at her stunned look, Lin Sanjiu added: "Right, tonight is your least favorite boiled mushroom."

"Ah! You didn't just get up, how did you know it!"

Because... the skill of the oasis chef is not good, the earthworms that the mushrooms are boiled in the water and transpiration can be seen in the people who have eaten. However, this sentence Lin Sanjiu did not say, because she just called this little information again, and she fainted in front of her eyes - obviously it was very expensive.

Just like when people put on their clothes, the brain will forget the feeling of skin contact with the clothes. What she has just heard and heard is changed by the brain before it is changed. Otherwise, the amount of information can be easily changed in a few days. Explode any super computer.

But now, she feels that all the information and materials are in a strong co-ordination, running in the depths of my mind; if her consciousness is stronger, she must be able to call and can call more things.

. . . If it is not restricted by the "fuel" of consciousness, this is an amazing ability.

Feng Qiqi, the two people looked like they were going to eat first; when they walked toward the door, Lin Sanjiu glanced at Fang Dan, who was next to the enemy, and smiled: "Hey, I will help you solve the man." Off, can you do me a favor?"

Fang Dan was very grateful, and did not know why he hated the poor pursuer: "You said, I went through the fire, I am not leaving!"

"When you eat, you go to Mather, say you have a headache, let her take you to the infirmary to prescribe medicine. Simple?" Lin Sanjiu said, narrowing his eyes. "If you ask me, I will say that I went to the well group to get a hand."

Fang Dan didn't notice anything. Although he was a little confused, he nodded. "No problem!"

Speaking, the two have already left the door. Sitting on the steps, a man who was splitting in the middle of the car saw Fang Dan, and immediately ran away with his eyes shining - before he came to the front, he was stopped by Lin Sanjiu.

The cold eyes and the bandages between her neck and white were mixed into a breathtaking momentum, and the man swallowed back with a half-say.

"Give me away from her today."

Any animal has a natural instinct for a powerful opponent - Lin Sanjiu is very satisfied, and this splitter obviously did not throw this instinct; he paused, even though the face was ugly, it was blue, but in the end Still stopped, did not keep up.

Fang Dan, who was amazed, did not delay the time, and went to the cafeteria quickly; Lin Sanjiu did not keep up, but looked for a quiet place to wait quietly.

Twenty minutes later, Mather stared at the painful Fang Dan from the dining hall.

She did not move and continued to patiently monitor the entrance to the cafeteria.

After waiting for a little longer, I saw Feng Qiqi walking away while picking his teeth.

If you think about it, this may be the first time in a few days that Feng Qiqi has been singled out – he has a very laid-back look, scattered around, yawning and dragging his feet to the building where he lives. Somehow in the past few days, there have never been any squad missions, and several of them have become idlers.

Lin San wine is as quick as a black cat in the dark night, quietly hands-on.

The distance between the buildings in this factory area is very narrow. I have never heard of Feng Qiqi’s song. When I walked through a building, I was suddenly stunned by the back, and my feet were unstable. I fell into two buildings at once. In the path between the buildings.

Not waiting for him to scream, followed by a cold hand, he grabbed his throat and lifted him to the wall.

"Cough, cough, who is..." The path is very dark, and he hasn't seen the attacker yet.

Lin Sanjiu provoked a smile without a smile, and Bai Sensen’s teeth became the only conspicuous thing in the night. She whispered: "If you can't see clearly, take a photo of your mobile phone - Tian Minbo."

The man under his finger was quiet for a second, then he slammed his legs and said: "Small, small wine? What do you say... I, I..."

"Shut up. Do you think that you have been turned into this by Feng Qiqi, I can't take you?" Lin Sanjiu approached, and the words screamed like a sigh in her teeth: "...not as good as, Just smashed you and see if your body will return to its original shape."

Men don't talk, they struggle only hard--the voles are also natural evolutionists who have been strengthened by physical strength. Lin San wine will not let him resist. The silvery silver of the metal flashed, and the chef's knife in her hand was already on his neck. He didn't move at all - in the hot air, the slight coolness of the knife penetrated into the skin.

"I am not threatening you." Her tone was calm. "You can't beat 110. I don't have a reason to leave you alive."

The murderous murder of the face finally told him to collapse. "Feng Qiqi" suddenly softened, crying and screaming and shouting: "Wait, etc... It is not my idea to become like this to lie to you... ”

Even if he begged for mercy, the voles still retain Luzer's appearance, and it seems that he can't take the initiative to lift the deformation. Lin Sanjiu has been very tired of him, and smiled softly: "Do not kill it. The leg is interrupted, and you are handed over to Heizawa."

The face of the voles became dead as white - he did not expect that Lin Sanjiu had already known the black zeal. It’s better to give it to her, and it’s better to die in her hands – he’s shaking and sifting, “You can’t do that!”

"Oh why?"

He managed to take out a piece of paper from his pocket and lifted his hands and feet softly. "Because I am a visa officer!"

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