Doomsday Wonderland

: 1247 The tactics of the dolls are very straightforward

A gust of wind plucked from the distant sky, and the forests and mountains that covered the mountains and waves undulated in the wind. The rustling of the leaves and leaves that should have been soothing, when they rang together with the recollection of Lin Sanjiu, I did not know how to take away the moist feeling between her lips and teeth, which made her less humane - she sounded like A dry leaf can be melted into the forest at any time.

"……Do not,"

Lin Sanjiu still stood behind the tree, and it didn't move for a long time. After the conversation in Bohemia, she passed for a while and then slowly replied: "I can't go out."

"Why not? I am very hungry. You should come out and give me some roast and roast." Bohemia licked the doll with the corner of his eye and wiped his nose with big sleeves. He also felt that she sounded a little panic. panic.

Lin San was silent for a while.

"When I go out, I may not be able to find the traces left by that person. So," she said, trying to laugh outside because she saw her face push from bottom to top. Going up, the layers were fixed, and Bohemian couldn't help but shudder when her stiff facial features and facials finally barely fell into the "laughing" range.

", you are coming in," she continued. "Either I went to the depths of the woods to find him."

That's absolutely not good - Bohemia doesn't know where Lin San's wine is wrong, but she knows very well that if she let this guy go, I'm afraid I will never see her out of the woods again.

"You wait," seeing the face in the distant forest turned over. She didn't have time to look at the meaning of the puppeteer. She hurriedly took two steps and shouted at the fence: "Let's discuss it first!" ”

Lin San wine slowly turned back. She felt that even if she heard the dry sound of Lin San wine's neck turning, I am not surprised.

"I, we don't want to go in," Bohemia thought for a moment, glanced at the dimly lit horizon and found an excuse: "But look, now it will be brighter in a while, wait until dawn. Isn't it safer to go into the forest? If you don't want to come out, you don't have to come out first... you are standing there waiting for us for a while."

If you delay her first, at least they can think of a way.

Lin Sanjiu didn't make a sound, but the pale male ghost behind her was a little hesitant. Look at her for a while, and look at the two outside the fence. After a few seconds, Yuan looked at his clothes corner and said, "I am not so good... I think you should go out, your friends have said, she is hungry."

Bohemia glimpsed and looked back at the puppeteer and found his half of his face frowned.

How did this long-haired male ghost speak for himself?

"Hungry is really uncomfortable," Yuan Xiangxi did not grasp the situation. He advised Lin Sanjiu: "I hate being hungry most... You can't let your friends go hungry. But then again, I haven’t felt hungry for a long time.”

"I don't go out for her sake." Lin Sanshui's face slowly fell from the smile, and it recovered into a piece of wood without a wave; Bohemia always felt that if she was wearing a head now, With the leaves, she can camouflage a tree seamlessly.

When Yuan Xiangxi’s gaze fell on the face of Lin Sanjiu, he immediately jumped away, as if he had not looked very comfortable.

"You look at her here," the puppeteer standing on the fence suddenly whispered, "Hold it."

Bohemia, a spirit, did not wait to ask the export "what do you do," and then involuntarily closed his eyes in the raging wind - her long hair was blown over her shoulders, and then opened her eyes At that time, I just saw a thin, long black shadow that just jumped into the air and plunged straight into the woods.

Did the puppet teacher jump out?

Bohemian simply wants to call out. She rushed to the fence and found half of her body. There was only a blank piece in her mind. Lin Sanjiu, who had been standing between the trees, suddenly reacted and couldn’t help but rush forward a few steps, as if to meet the dolls, even open his arms; but the next second, mid-air The shadow of the black and white was hard, and from the perspective of Bohemia's flower, as if it had been thrown backwards, after a clean parabola was drawn, it fell back on the fence.

She turned her head and looked at the black boots that had just fallen from the distance and raised her eyes.

This... has violated the laws of physics, right?

The doll teacher just jumped, but nothing happened except the air: neither fell on the ground nor brushed a tree. The only difference is that he has a black leather cord hanging from his hand at this time; the leather cord is tightly wrapped around the neck of the Yuan to the west. I don’t know when to drag him out, and the rope is loose. The latter quickly squatted on the fence and gasped.

"I am fine in the air here. I am naturally fine in the air over there." When the puppet teacher spoke up, he couldn't hear it at all. He had jumped so far before: "Because the fence can't stop the air." Circulation. Now, you have two friends who are in my hands. Don't you want to come out?"

Yes, Bohemia can’t wait to shoot a thigh.

Lin Sanjiu is now a ghost. When you don't know the situation, it's best not to move her; but this long-haired guy has turned over the fence once, and it is natural to catch him. It’s really a puppet teacher... I’m not a puppet teacher. I’m not only cautious enough, but I can still think that it’s okay to touch the air. I can easily give people who hide in the woods a dozen meters away. I got out of it... For someone, who can step back and forth in the air, do not touch anything, and then grab someone from the jungle?

She sighed in her heart for a while, and suddenly her hair was vertical.

Two friends?

If Yuan Yuanxi counts one, then there is another one... She looks around for a circle and her eyes fall on her hands.

Lin Sanji rushed forward and slammed on the open space outside the forest. He finally got a little anxious: "You can't kill Bohemia."

... don't just recognize her as a friend!

Bohemian is in a complicated mood and can't wait to know who is going to be. No one even let the teacher let go of the yuan to the west, but let the spouse let go of himself - OK, although this point is still a bit of conscience for her Lin San wine, but this is not more practical, two people are friends, convenient Did the doll teacher use her to threaten Lin Sanjiu?

"It’s not okay to kill me," Yuan said, sitting on the fence and screaming. He suddenly said, "Yes, I almost forgot."

Bohemian's back teeth were tightly bitten, and now he doesn't care what he has forgotten. What if the doll teacher really wants to try it? Why is Lin San’s big fart-strand can’t come out? Even when she just told the puppet teacher that she couldn’t kill herself, she just stopped one step and stopped.... Yes, when the step just landed...

"She is very important to me,"

While thinking hard in Bohemia, Lin Sanjiu continued to use her woody look to continue, the tone was frank and unobtrusive: "Not only her, you are also very important to me."

Even if he doesn't turn his head to see it, Bohemia can feel the place where the doll is located, and even the air is gradually tightened and heavy, like a storm is brewing to smash the world.

"……what did you say?"

"You two are very important." Lin Sanjiu stood straight on the weedy gravel floor. "You both need to go into the mountains with me. It is better to have a lot of people."

Bohemian's shoulders suddenly loosened - not to be relaxed or disappointed, she lowered her head and wiped her face with big sleeves.

"She is really persistent about the matter of entering the mountain." Yuan said to the west. He was just like a hawk rabbit, and he was smashed out by the dolls, but he adapted to the situation in a blink of an eye. At this time, sitting on the fence, even the leather cord on the neck did not come down. Leisurely. "I still don't understand why you refused to go in and refused to come out. This is not a matter of principle."

Until this time, the puppet master finally bowed his head and carefully looked at the yuan to the west.

" are not a living person." He shook his head slightly, his black hair slipped down from his ear, and the corners of his eyes flashed a few thick purples, which seemed to be a bit less lively than the yuan to the west - "Sure enough." It’s a little useless."

With the last four words, the leather rope slipped from the Yuan to the West's neck like a life; the doll teacher lifted his foot and took him down the fence. Yuan Yuan fluttered to the ground and did not make a sound, but he still screamed at the scene - he climbed up and slammed his body, and when he looked up, he couldn’t help but say: "What are you doing for her?" Are you not all friends?"

At this time, Bohemia was tightly gripped by the back neck, and only the cool tears were flowing uncontrollably from the face. Really count, the doll teacher is still the first time to her; she knows that the other party is far above her own strength, but when she personally experienced the tip of the iceberg, his almost violent power is far beyond her imagination - if There is a soul in her body, and the soul is now being shackled, as if it is about to be withdrawn from the flesh and blood of the bones; let alone rebel, even if it is just struggling, she seems to be living and escaping to earn this pair of skins. The same - this feels too real, even compared to the pain, but the fear brought by this feeling, let her move more and dare not move.

... Has Lin Sanji been resisting this kind of power all the time?

"I will ask you again, come out?" asked the puppet teacher softly.

Bohemian was caught only to look up and look at the night sky from the blurred vision of tears; after a few seconds of silence, she heard Lin San wine said in a dumb tone: ""

She must never die here.

"Big, adults!" Bohemia struggled to squeeze the two words out of her throat. Every word seemed too big to compare her throat. She cut her pain and hurt: "I just Found...I..."

The puppet teacher bent down slightly and threw down a thick fragrance. "what?"

"She...when she lifted her foot," Bohemia said in a word, "She seems to have something under her feet... connected to the ground."

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