Doomsday Wonderland

: 1256 bent over to look under the bed

[The text is almost the same, it can be sent in about half an hour. If you don't say a little card, then an hour should be fine anyway. I always want to eat sweets recently...]

"Is there anything wrong?"

A black shadow wraps around the cadre building, and it slams into the ground, causing a long ray of yellow smoke. In the yellow smoke, he quickly swept through the big one and two small figures, clenching his head and holding a black shadow.

After a few seconds, the three shadows are like this, and you chase me around in a circle.

"Less a fart, hurry up and let the old man bite you!"

Lin San’s wine rang an angry high-pitched voice. It was a brown-haired rabbit that ran too fast and vacated.

"Just kidding - say good cadres, rabbits don't count ah - why don't you tell me in Oasis?"

She won't stop - of course, her unnecessary protests, except for the greater anger of the brown-haired rabbit, did not work.

Lin Sanjiu, who was attacked by two cadres, did not dare to run behind the two chasing soldiers behind him, for fear of colliding with other people, and tired of companions. No way, she can only escape around the cadre building round and round, three, um - people, have run so many times.

Behind him, the ol woman "snapped" and slammed her foot. She turned back and ran back, intending to intercept Lin Sanjiu from another direction.

When the brown-haired rabbit saw her movement, she didn’t know what to do, but she rushed, and the woman yelled, “I’m coming again—”

The voice was gone, the rabbit eyes were a flower, and a figure had already flown over the top of the head. It fell behind the rabbit, and the foot continued to rush forward - it was Lin Sanjiu. In this way, the three people just changed in one direction, there is no difference with the previous one; only this set of Lin San wine is familiar and smooth, obviously I have not known how many times have passed since the rabbit head.

The black-haired rabbit's black eyes were all red and screaming, and shouted: "You don't turn around! She has passed over my head! I am so angry!"

The ol woman's glasses are cold in the night, she almost ruthlessly pointed out: "This is all too small for you to stop her relationship, useless!"

"I am killing you!" The brown-haired rabbit's eyes have become a blood-red inverted triangle.

The ol woman ignored it. Although the foot has been desperately accelerated, the distance between them and Lin Sanjiu has not been shortened. Pursuing is based on its own physical fitness, while "physical reinforcement" and "full physical growth" are the basic abilities, but the difference between them is basically equal to the hamburger package and the Christmas family luxury meal...

Not only these two chasing soldiers, most of them are created by the ordinary "burger set".

Looking at the woman in front of me, the brown-haired rabbit finally couldn't stand it. Its four rabbit claws slammed down and shouted in a depressed voice: "Amazing rabbit!"

A cultured rabbit!

Still not waiting for the thoughts of Lin Sanjiu’s brain to turn over, he has already rushed over a group of brownish-yellow shadows, shot like a rocket barrel, and suddenly rushed to her back. Inertia combined with the strength of the rabbit itself, suddenly knocked down the running Lin San wine.

Between a few breaths, the ol girl has already rushed up and stopped.

It’s not realistic to climb up and jump over the rabbit at this time. Lin Sanshui stood up and patted the soil, boasting to the brown-haired rabbit: “...very fat.”

"I must kill you -"

In the angry whistling of the rabbit, Lin Sanjiu easily escaped a pair of rabbit-legged rain-like attacks.

The cold light on the ol female glasses made people unable to see her expression, but the two flat arms were rapidly reddening and brightening, emitting a burning light, and the air around the arms was distorted. .

Being touched by that kind of arm, you will definitely become a fireman immediately - the face of Lin San wine is dignified. However, the process of ol female heat is not finished, starting from the shoulder, the red light with white in the red gradually moved toward the chest and waist, and soon her upper body became a dazzling white human figure. The wind blew through her, and even the sand in the wind ignited and turned into a small Mars that landed on the ground, and immediately burned several lines of fire.

[Hot hug]

Introduction: The terrible temperature of the upper body is as high as 260°, which can melt or ignite most of the world's things. For a list of specific objects, see the common melting point table.

Although the obvious weakness of this ability is in the legs, but Lin Sanjiu really has no way to get close to the other side of the time - because the ol woman is much shorter than her, the visual only 152 look.

"Unfair!" She had no choice but to turn around and continue to run. This time, she wouldn’t be able to catch up with other people. Because the fights and explosions in the four corners of the oasis have just ended, returning Calm.

Although I don't know the victory or defeat, if the situation is not optimistic, she can just stir up the situation.

"My potential value is also very high! Why do you have a killing in the beginning, I have nothing?" This low-pitched complaint spit out from Lin San's lips - naturally, no one answered.

I didn’t run far. I just shouted a brown-haired rabbit that suddenly increased in speed after “stunning and taking off the rabbit”. I have already chased it again with the same move, and re-engaged with the ol girl to pose a bounding posture for her. The ol girl didn't say anything, and when she got a foot, she rushed over to Lin Sanjiu – she dared to let the ol woman approach herself, and hurriedly fled and hid.

Just at this moment, I only heard the rabbit and shouted again: "The three caves of the rabbit!"

I haven't waited for Lin Sanjiu to react. Two small rabbit legs have fallen on her shoulders, just like being hit by a shock wave. The next second, a **** flesh like a cave from her shoulder. It was sprayed out and spattered.

"Call this out, Lao Tzu can open a hole in you!" The brown-haired rabbit laughed happily and set a posture for temperament.

Lin Sanshui looked down at his wound and slowly raised his head.

The expression on her face, somehow suddenly made the brown-haired rabbit tremble.

Lin Sanjiu’s right hand swayed as if she couldn’t feel the pain at all; holding a long knife horizontally, she fluttered over to the rabbit on the ground, and looked like a hungry wolf--the brown-haired rabbit was surprised and hurried on the spot. Hit a roll, long ears and a flat back, this dangerously called the blade to cross the top of the head.

After rushing an empty Lin San wine, not only did not jump and chase, but the body fell, and actually fell to the ground. She didn't even return her head, but she only raised her hand, and a card flew straight behind her; behind her, it was the ol girl who followed the ——

The appearance of the card made her unprepared, and then the card suddenly became a long nail when she was about to reach her knee, piercing the ol woman's knee.

She screamed low and looked at her body. Before she fell, the dazzling brightness of her body disappeared.

[Masser's nails]

Fresh nails that have just been picked up from Mather's hand. Although the ability to "wash the soap itself will be dirty", but the body of the nail, regardless of the form, can only exist for 10 minutes alone.

An ol woman who has no ability, is a piece of meat that will struggle. Lin Sanjiu has two punches in front, and she has been beaten by people.

All of this happened within five seconds, and the brown-haired rabbit looked at the tail in a foolish way, and did not react.

When I catch up with myself, the opponent’s goal has already been placed on the ol woman; even if she knows that she has not been trained in combat, her accuracy is just like the eyes behind her head –

The thoughts haven't disappeared yet, and the rabbit feels that his vision suddenly becomes higher – as the roots hurt, it knows that he is being lifted.

Lin San wine licked its rabbit ears and watched it sneer: "... red dragonfly, or barbecue?"

The brown-haired rabbit trembled. Being shackled in the air, the short rabbit legs are not enough for Lin Sanjiu. Even if there is a previous "three rabbits" effect, it is useless. The current situation is very unfavorable to it... I also had to use the trick at the bottom of the pressure box.

It is obviously a rabbit face full of fluff, and somehow, Lin Sanjiu saw a sneer from the fluff; the brown-haired rabbit opened his mouth and said in a low voice: "...the carrots are mine!"

[Carrots are mine]

Introduction: Extract one of the most combative advanced abilities from the enemy target and gain 5 minutes of access. After 5 minutes, the carrots are in my cool state, and I can't use any idioms with rabbit characters during the cooling process.

"Ha ha ha! You are stupid! Your biggest fighting power is now on me!"

The brown-haired rabbit that felt a familiar heat flow in the body immediately smiled loudly: "Let me see... oh, huh? What?"

The rabbit's claw turned over and a diary card appeared. Don't try it, you can't use it at a glance.

Lin San wine looked at it with no expression.

Brown fur rabbits don’t know why, suddenly they panic: "Wait, wait for you... aha! batons!"

The batons that were held by the two rabbit claws, after a "sniff" sound, were completely out of power.

"Yes, there are... ah, this nail is what you just used..."

The card with the nails of Mather's nails turned into a smoke - 10 minutes.

"Is it enough?" Lin San wine stared at it coldly.

The brown-haired rabbit finally collapsed: "How is this? This is your main fighting ability? How did you live to the present? I don't believe, there must be something to be hidden by you!"

Lin Sanjiu’s mouth was pumped up: “I have only one level of advanced ability, and it’s still useless. I’m sorry... I haven’t eaten barbecue for a long time, I’m more inclined to barbecue. What about you?”

If the rabbit has a lacrimal gland, the brown-haired rabbit is probably already starting to "snap, lick" and tears.

"... forget it, let's let it go."

From behind one person and one rabbit, a familiar voice suddenly came.

Lin San wine turned his rabbit ears and turned around.

Behind him is a tall, one short and two figures, talking is Xu Xiaoyang standing next to the small gray.

"Do you want to fight?" Lin Sanjiu asked the rabbit coldly. The cooling time of the Pygmalion collar has passed, she has not used it, just can coerce the rabbit to describe a power for himself... there is a chance of winning!

Unexpectedly, Xu Xiaoyang shook his head: "No... I am not coming to fight with you. I know that you are not a human traitor, a fallen thing, not your fault... I have a request, I hope you can promise."

The air was silent for a while, only the screaming wind, and the few ignited stars left by the ol women, reflected the faces of several people present.

"What do you think."

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