Doomsday Wonderland

: 1257 Record of maternal love

When people are really frightened, they can't even speak out of their voices - cold sweat and cold hair blasted on the skin together, Bohemia rolled down and walked back a few steps, the pink sheets fell down, covering Lived in the big and small treasures under the bed.

... In a dead night, she stared at the slightly swaying pink sheet, and only heard her heavy, rapid gasping.

After a few seconds, her hands and feet gradually did not tremble. She took a hard breath and forced herself to re-close the cot and slowly opened the sheet.

Boa once again looked at her. Some Boa chins are in the sky, some Boa squinted their heads, and some Boa are looking straight at her.

A fisherman fell down and stopped under the crib bed. After seeing it completely, Bohemia sighed out and sighed softly. She wiped her face and wiped the tears from her face. She snarled and grabbed her hand and grabbed the treasure that looked at her. Child, I took it out.

... said that it is a doll, it is too much to afford it. Although it is the size of a toy, it is only a round head with a white cloth and cotton, a body with a long pillow, and a thin cloth limb, which is sewed into a human form by the grass. Boa’s photo was washed out and enlarged, nailed to the head of the cotton man; the plain, paper-like face was pushed up, and the position of the eyeball was punctured and hollowed out on each face.

At first glance, I don’t know how many black lacquered holes seem to be facing her.

Bohemia slammed the cotton doll into the corner; it knocked over many of the children's bookshelves and rolled them down on the ground, and the sound jumped a few hops at night.

"Is it okay?" In the distant place, the voice of the darkroom opened the door, and the vagueness of the Yuan to the West.

Without a voice, Bohemia opened the pink sheet with one hand, supported the ground with one hand, bent over the ground, and once again confronted the big and small treasure faces, and they couldn’t make a sound. .

Who did this work? Yuan Xiangxi? Still herself? If so, why did she have to do so many dolls and put a photo of Boa? Why are the pupils in each pair of eyes still smashed with a knife?

One round and one round face, embedded with one black hole after another, under the close illumination of the light fish, even the texture of Bao's face is clear and clear.

Did she have seen this child carefully before? ... The child's face is round and nearly standard. The facial features are stretched out on the face, like a disease that is deformed and bulged.

As soon as he thought that this kind of thing came out of his stomach, Bohemia only wanted to break into his belly with one punch and one punch.

But even if Boa is such an uncomfortable appearance, she can only stare at it for a while. No, it is better to say that it is because of Bo's round and big face, and now she is staring at her under the bed, she can't move.

Each of the faces of Bao's face is different, and the limbs are also intertwined in confusion. It can be seen that when she first stuffed these toys into the bed, the movements were very rough. Only one thing, she was very careful at the time: each doll was rushing to the wall and rushing out of the head; this way, when the doll was stuffed, it would not crush the photo on the head.

Bohemian observed the dolls under the bed for a while, and the emotions gradually stabilized. The panic just faded. These things are strange and awkward, scaring her to jump is normal; now look at a few more eyes, the strange feelings of the photos have long melted in the light, but a bit ridiculous.

Boa's bed is facing the door. Kneeling on the ground, looking under the bed, Bohemian's afterglow just happened to hug the floor of the corridor outside the children's room - eyes staring at Boa's face, she slammed Head, the light fish under the bed immediately swam outside the door, illuminating the empty corridor.


She always felt that there was a wind blowing from the door.

Perhaps she is so hearted, perhaps the three children that can't be seen in this house... What happened in this house in the past five years?

Bohemia turned to his eyes as he thought. In the round face under the bed, she saw a Boa doll in the corner quickly regaining her gaze from the door, facing her without moving.

This time, the scream really shredded the silence.

Until she stepped on the toy, fell, knocked over the bookshelf, and rushed into the west to the west, Bohemia realized that she was screaming; she avoided the hand that the Yuan handed to her. I climbed up and squatted, and I could only make a bellow-like gasp.

"What are you scared of?" Her husband softened his voice, as if he couldn't bear it, patted her back gently: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here."

"Bao... Boa..." Her voice was hardly a word. "under the bed……"

... The result is almost taken for granted.

It’s hard to figure out what she meant, and Yuan opened the sheets to the west. He was also taken aback when he saw the doll under the bed; but after pulling them all out and checking them out, the two found that none of them were alive and would turn their heads.

"Not only Boa, there are now three children." Her husband sighed, not saying Bohemian fuss. "In this copy of the house, except for the two of us..."

Bohemia desperately held down the temple, feeling that a certain wire was piercing through the brain, and it hurt like a jump. This house is called a copy...? No, here is a copy of the house. She is going to the house with Yuan Yuanxi... Yes, the most important thing is to quickly understand what happened in the past five years, and she can complete this according to the historical content. Play house.

Together with this thought, she felt a lot of fear. This place is so strange, I want to go out with this guy to find a way to go out. He is not the thing in this copy after all... Bohemia thought of it here, looking up, facing the yuan and staring straight to her face. .

Under the backlight, his face was immersed in the shadow, only in her eyes, flashing light.

"...I, I know. I will take a break. You should wash the photos first." Her hands were clenched in the back, holding a ring and smiling at him. In the flickering light and shadow, the Boa dolls were silently piled on the floor of the room.

"You... really okay?"

"No, nothing."

Yuan Xiangxi will look at her suspiciously, trying to encourage her to smile, showing a row of white teeth in the shadow. "Then I will go down first, you have something to call me. Hey, have you written a baby note?"


Bohemian glimpsed, and immediately realized that he was talking about something behind him; she did not dare to turn around and illuminate her back, only to look back a few times, grab a few books from a local children’s book, bow At first glance, she found her own handwriting: nursery notes - Boa.

After Yuan went west, she put her back close to the corner and sat on the floor, opening the note in the children's book.

The time period of the baby record is partially coincident with the diary. The hostess and other treasures are six months old, only to suddenly think of a baby record; at first, she does not seem to know what to record, can only remember some trivial things, and many daughters Talk.

"I never thought about it. There are such precious little things under the sun! Her little hands, little feet, pink and tender, I don’t have enough ten times a day. You grow up, mom. can not wait anymore."

Bohemia looks at the date, or mid-1975.

"She is called Dad! She is Dad! This is the first word she will say! My God! My baby! You don't know how happy and complicated your mother is... I want to call my mother next time! This is the record of Boa's six and a half months.

Next, there are two or three weeks of records that are very short and deal with the same thing.

"In the past few weeks, I have been trying to get Boa to call my mother. She finally called me for the first time today... I cried for a long time. Anyway, my mother will always love you. For you, my mother can sacrifice anything. ”

The little things that Boa will walk, break milk, or giggles are also presented in the notes. However, the length is getting less and less, the description is getting simpler, and it is not obvious that there will be a record in the next few months. The last one was even added when Boa was three years old.

"Boa, don't forget, your mother loves you very much!!!!!!!!! You are a good boy, you are a good boy, mother loves you, mother loves you, mother loves you, mother loves you. Mother loves you, mother loves you, mother loves you, mother loves you, mother loves you, mother loves you"

The last stroke was long and seemed to fly in midair.

Bohemian took the baby hand into his arms and did not look at the pile of Boa dolls. He walked back to the master bedroom. She found the diary in the dressing table and put it in the storage props together with the notes; before going out, she looked up and down nervously, and saw nowhere else before she re-entered the corridor.

"Hey?" When she was about to leave, she suddenly stopped her feet and looked up.

...When I swept the ceiling, there was a piece of wood that was not the same color, and there was a small iron hook. She did not live in a normal house, so she spent a lot of thoughts on her mind and wondered what the little iron hook was. Bohemia threw up consciousness, hooked the iron hook, and pulled it down. The board was suddenly opened; in a dust that was stirred up by the group, a ladder leading to the attic was dropped from the ceiling.

The darkness in the attic was defeated when the light fish swam near, and a layer of gray floated in a faint manner.

Bohemia hesitated for a few seconds and looked downstairs. She couldn't see the darkroom below the stairs, but it was quiet everywhere, and the Yuan seemed to have not come out to the west; the three light fish swimed around, and the surroundings were bright and bright.

Cautiously, she climbed the ladder, did not rush into the attic, stood at the height of half of the ladder, and looked inside.

Old furniture, last year's Christmas decorations, a lot of cardboard boxes full of dust... The next rays of the fish swim from the darkness, and then fall back into the darkness after the light fish swims. It seems that this is just a place where a family has accumulated old things. Nothing is surprising. Because the loft is small in size, if three light fishes follow her, they will not even have a black shadow.

Bohemian eyes swept through the cardboard box again, was taken aback, and hurriedly stepped up the ladder. She hurried to a stack of boxes, licking her nose and taking dust, revealing the words "Bohemian" below.

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