Doomsday Wonderland

: 1278 turbulent pool water

[I can't stand it, Kavin is uncomfortable, I just want to abandon the text]

"Feng Qiqi, I saw Chen cadre just now..."

Opening the curtain in the room, the voles sneaked into a head, and the expression was a bit odd.

"Don't you tell me, call me Mather!"

"Maser" who was sitting on the bed and wondering what he was thinking about - that is, Feng Qiqi himself, impatiently raised his head and trained him, then asked: "What is he doing?"

"Yes, yes!" The voles walked into the house and smiled carefully. "That, he seems to have drunk a lot of wine, his face is red... I don't know if he saw you there, just suddenly. I took hold of me and asked me if I saw Mather - that - I think he seems to be interested in something."

This is the voice that the man can understand, and Feng Qiqi brushed his head and looked surprised.

"It turned out that he had embraced this thought that day." He said to himself.

On that day, when he went to find Chen Jinfeng, he only tried to sneak into the other side, and vaguely knew what he had done; but Chen Jinfeng naturally could not shake his own unspeakable things.

Because of the disappearance of Mather, and how she was able to get her back, Feng Qiqi did not say anything to anyone, so after the two were deformed, he also carefully avoided Chen Jinfeng, that is, he was afraid that the extraneous branch would not explain well. Now that he has suddenly come this way, he really feels bad.

"Forget it, don't pay attention to him." Feng Qiqi thought for a long time before he said.

The field mouse suddenly suffered a face.

When he left the infirmary just now, Lin Sanjiu made a snap and made the shackles on his shoulders hidden. But even if he couldn't see it, he still seemed to feel the pair of cold sickles, and he was going up with his throat... and the woman named Lin said very clearly: since the voles So much, then he has to find a way, you must let Feng Qiqi call out the real Mather, or don't want to sign a visa, but also hand him over to Black Ze.

"No, no!! Chen cadre drank a lot, and mentioned Mather with a sigh of relief. He also said that he would find it later! I managed to send him away. Do you still think of a way?" The vole said in a panic.

"Mom!" Feng Qiqi felt a headache and whispered a foul language. It’s not good to offend Chen Jinfeng now... He really thought about going to himself; but he didn’t know anything about men and women, worried that Chen Jinfeng would not see it right – thinking about it, he suddenly gritted his teeth: “Forget it, Go to Martha! Anyway, he can't get it..."

I haven't waited for the voles to understand what this means. Feng Qiqi has stood up and dismissed the two men with a wave of his hand.

The voles who had recovered their original condition looked at their short, fat hands and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Qiqiyi’s eyes stared at him coldly for a moment, and his tone restored his usual dullness: “I’m calling Marshall now. During this time, you can show me tight, absolutely can’t let Lin Sanjiu Close to where she is, do you know?"

The voles nodded like garlic.

"She knows you, it's not good to see you. Go out!"

In this case, the voles were stunned and turned around and went out to the single room. He provoked him to look at him more than seventy-seven, but did not say anything.

Looking at the curtains at the door, the voles’ footsteps went far, and Feng Qiqi closed his eyes. After a while, as he slowly floated on his forehead, his body suddenly took a flower like an old movie, and then a figure fell from him and stood on the ground. It is Mather.

Mather still kept the look of the day when it disappeared: a fluffy red hair was standing upside down, and the clothes were shackled on the body, and even the face was still excited with the flushing after the fight - the person in front of him was Feng Qi Seven, her eyes turned bright, and she screamed in surprise: "You are back? How to run so far, I have not maintained it!"

"At the time I was in danger." Feng Qiqi rushed at her and smiled: "This is not, I just called you out when I came back - how do you look like this? What have you met?"

"Don't mention it," Mather remembered Chen Jinfeng, and his face became very blue when he was on the face: "I won't let go of the scum."

She shot her face and body in disgust - as if to wipe herself clean, and then sat on the ground a little tired.

Feng nodded at seven or seven, and was about to talk. Suddenly, only the front of Mather opened his mouth and looked horrified. His eyes moved to his head - just when he was looking up, he only listened to his head. A gust of wind blew, and then a heavy pain, immediately lost consciousness.

Mather - this time is finally the real price of Mather - stunned to watch from the sky, a baton to Feng VII to knock out the past Lin San wine.

"This...what is this doing?" She wiped her face, seemingly not quite sure, looked at the narrow top of the partition, and looked at Lin Sanjiu. "Why beat him? That's Luzer's body."

Lin San wine gave her a look, as if she had finally unloaded a big stone from her heart - she took a long breath and took a few steps to look at Mather, her smile was almost too light. : "...I finally let you out."

Mather didn't understand the situation at the moment. She patted the shoulders of Lin Sanjiu. At the same time, she looked at Hu Chang in a confused way, coming in from the door carefully, greeted her, and quickly stunned Feng. Seventy-seven were tied.

I will tell all of the ins and outs of these days to Mather, and spent about half an hour with Lin Sanjiu.

When she finished, Mather snorted and her eyes never moved away from Feng Qiqi on the ground. After a while, she sighed: "It turned out to be like this... It has been five days."

"I know... you 12 people have been together before, this time Feng Qiqi did this, you must be very upset..." Lin Sanjiu feared that she was hit, and quickly whispered comfort.

"No, I'm fine, you don't have to comfort me." Unexpectedly, Mather smiled at her, and although it was somewhat pacifying her, she was not depressed. "Small wine, I thought of one thing, now I have to confirm it. You handed me Feng Qiqi, I will definitely find you after a while, can you?"

Lin San wine raised his head with some hesitation.

Mather's pair of green and clear eyes contained soft water: "I have upgraded my ability when I was taken back, so you don't have to worry about me... Also, thank you." Her tone is very good.

Lin Sanjiu thought about it and nodded. "Then he will give it to you. You must be careful."

After that, she screamed at Hu Chang, and the two silently left the single room, leaving Mather and Feng Qiqi alone there.

Almost all of the people on the negative floor were gone, and the footsteps echoed in the empty basement and spread far.

Just coming up from the stairs, an anxious face immediately came out: "Lin sister, how is the matter going? Can you take it back now?" It was the voles.

His neck was unnaturally trying to lean toward the other side, as if to avoid the huge embarrassment on the right shoulder.

Lin San wine gave him a look.

The cockroach was the effect of the Pygmalion collar, which had long since expired in five minutes - and it was for this reason that she was blind. This time, Hu Chang’s illusion that she described her is “calling a horrible insect that can be invisible.” It doesn’t involve fighting ability. If the voles are bigger and stronger, they will find that this is a paper. The tiger is gone.

"You, it is too much life." She sighed and said, "If you are too diligent, you will not care about anything..."

As she said, she extended her hand to the vole's shoulder.

The voles were grateful and smashed through the body. Just said half a thank you, Lin Sanjiu suddenly smashed a hand knife and stunned the second person today.

"What are you going to do with him?" Hu Chang was shocked and pushed his glasses to ask.

"Bundle up, wait for me to be free and squeeze a few visas from him." Lin Sanjiu smiled coldly.

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