Doomsday Wonderland

: 1279 Entering the room

[So, why do I write a gift pack... When can I write this paragraph, I have to be stuck?]

Under the bed, there was only one piece of sheets that had been smashed.

When Mather grabbed the sheets and immediately looked at it, he suddenly realized that he had just played badly. 12 must not know when he woke up. After the 120-second whitewashing effect disappeared, he resumed physical strengthening; Of course, a bed sheet could not hold him down... regretted, nothing, and a little panic, quickly attacked her.

- If it is not for more than forty minutes, he may not run away.

But the biggest problem at the moment, just like a boulder, is in the hearts of two people: If 12 deliberately ran out far, wouldn’t Martha disappear again?

As soon as I read this, Lin San was not sitting still: "Math, he probably is not far away, let's go find him? After all, the door is kept -"

Mather heard a sigh: "He hasn't left the oasis yet, I can feel it."

Looking at my companion, she explained with some anxiety: "For example, I can be active within 100 meters centered on Luzer... When we reach 70 meters, I will feel a sense of crisis. But now I have no sense of crisis, indicating that he is not far from me, I am sure of this."

Lin San wine frowned, but I don't know if this is good news; although Mather will not disappear for the time being, it also shows that 12 is staring at them at close range.

The question is, where is it?

After thinking for a while, she clapped her hands and finally made up her mind.

"Mather, let's go." Lin San wine looks very serious. "I have an idea, you can listen."

Now the visa officer has found it, and the oasis is complicated. Not to mention that Chen Jinfeng still wants to be unfavorable to them. If it was not for the first few days, the fool would stay. Now that 12 has disappeared, if the two of them can get out of the oasis one step earlier and stay away from the oasis, they will always catch him.

“Oasis has been rebuilt in the factory area, but for the sake of safety, the back doors have been sealed, and the places where the crops are cultivated are all protected with high-wall iron doors. 12 If you want to go, you can only go straight ahead... Turn over the wall, or forcibly break through the gate. No matter which method he chooses, it is enough for us to be outside."

Although it was only a general idea, it was very feasible - Mather heard his face gradually light up, and he was less worried: "Don't say that this method is indeed worth trying."

There is only one problem that needs to be solved in this plan: how can people and cars leave quietly.

People are easy to handle, the problem is the team... Don’t say that the team is going out, even if you move a position, you can attract a lot of people’s attention.

"I see, if we don't wait for the daytime, we will sneak out and inquire about the situation." Lin Sanjiu frowned and thought for a long time, and only came up with this way of not calling the way: "Everyone sleeps during the day, The alert should be loose. At the same time, you must be vigilant. If there is a situation that is too far apart from 12 or too close, you should tell me immediately."

Mather nodded and looked uneasy. She is the witness of the death female doctor's incident. Before she was in the same body as 12, no one could hurt anyone. It was suddenly the case, and the shadows of the past all floated up.

Lin Sanjiu looked in his eyes and sighed secretly; the two men discussed the action plan during the day and they all calmed down.

There was a murderer stalking around, they didn't dare to separate, and they squeezed together in the single bed of Lin Sanjiu, so it was a closed eye to rest for a while. I don’t know how long it’s been. I only listened to the vocals and noises that came down from the lobby on the first floor. It’s getting louder and louder like the tide. As people walked, the smell of food gradually spread in the air—Lin Sanjiu knows The work of the day is over again, and it is time for dinner.

Concerned about the action during the day, the two did their best to eat a lot despite their lack of appetite.

Going back to bed and lying for another two or three hours, the light in the local lower room faintly brightened a little, and the people in the oasis calmed down and sank into the sleep one after another, making a long breath.

I feel that everyone is almost asleep, Lin San wine quietly sat up and waved to Marshall. The two walked gently in the aisle and the pace was slow.

In the single room No. 1628, Fang Dan put down a book that was burnt in black, staring at the two feet in the past under the curtain, and licked his head.

"...I am a little worried about Luzer." The two men walked through the aisles made up of more than two hundred cubicles, and Mather suddenly said this in a soft voice.


"Women's doctor, he didn't know." Mather smiled a bit. "When things got out, it happened to be another personality. The doctors and 10 of us discussed it and decided to smash it." Luzer."

She sighed and said: "Luzer is still not an adult. He is still a child... When you first met us, you saw it. He felt that the personality division was very handsome. He was very proud of his multiple personality. If he was told that he knew himself The body has hidden a monster, and he used his hands to kill an innocent woman..."

When she said this, she stopped.

Lin San wine is also silent. Indeed, although it has survived for two years in the last days, perhaps because some people have accompanied me and have not experienced too dark experience, Luzer still retains the soft and straightforward heart, just like many ordinary people, this age. Like a boy. He certainly can't accept this kind of thing - don't say Lu Ze, if you put it on yourself, you can't stand it.

Mather and his feelings were very deep. Lin Sanjiu didn't know what to comfort. He had to pat her shoulders gently; the two went to the stairs and stopped their feet.

Sure enough, today, Xiao Yu is sitting on a folding stool and guarding the door. She looks tired against the wall, her eyes closed, and her head sinks bit by bit.

"How can she be so afraid of going out during the day?" Lin Sanshui said with a low degree of doubt, carefully looked at her for a while; she was sitting in the middle of the door, I am afraid it is really difficult to go out.

Just as Lin Sanjiu went forward and tried to try it, she suddenly thought about it and re-adjusted the scene that had just been incorporated into the [Consultation Mechanics Hall] - she suddenly understood everything.

Just a short time less than half a second, I actually accommodated such a large amount of information, I really can't help but feel that I used to be a blind eye.

A small cup of water and a folded paper were placed next to the rain, and the contents written by the black pen were faintly revealed from the back of the paper. Five days ago, Lin San had seen such paper in the rain. .

Almost subconsciously, she pulled out the scene of the day - the handwriting on the back of the paper was zoomed in and out, and the content on the paper was quickly drawn.

Written is a list of five life officers in the Oasis, as well as some considerations. In contrast to the two papers, Lin Sanjiu found that in the past few days, the officers have been replaced by three, one of them is Li Jie - the same reason: in the building where they are, someone went out during the day.

The reason why the rain is nervous, probably the source is here.

"Be careful, we wandered around her." Lin Sanjiu stopped quickly before he consumed too much; after a few seconds of slowing down, he immediately said aside with Mather with a low voice.

Mather nodded and tiptoed, carefully crossing the cup from the rain. Her actions have always been very light, and she quickly came to the front of the stairs, put her hand on the doorknob, and opened the door bit by bit, very slowly and very slowly.

She turned back and made a mouth shape to Lin Sanjiu behind her, indicating that she was keeping up. The two men silently drilled out of the crack in the door, and did not make any noise.

All this, the rain did not notice. Her head was already on her shoulder and she fell asleep.

When the door was quietly closed, a head was extended in the aisle not far away. She looked at the direction of the rain in a puzzled way, and reached out and raised her hair behind her ear. It was just a moment of curiosity and followed Fang Dan.

Looked around, there are no people around, and the rain is sleeping very well; it feels like a thief, so Fang Dan’s cheeks are slightly excited red. Learning the appearance of Mather just now, she quietly opened the door.

From the negative level, it is the stairs leading to the lobby on the first floor. The footsteps of the two men could not be heard at all. Fang Dan listened to his ears and went upstairs.

There are no lights in the corridor, it is very dark. Fang Dan touched and walked up. Suddenly, he was almost smashed by a few broken bricks. She hurriedly stabilized her body, but there was a piece of broken bricks that was smashed by her. When I got off the stairs, I suddenly slammed into the door of the first floor. When I arrived, I heard a reply, as if there was a commotion behind the door.

Fang Dan’s heart was almost scared, and he did not dare to delay. He ran up the stairs in two steps and rushed into the hall on the first floor. Although he didn’t know how to go back, but at least now she Can't let the rain catch!

Somehow outside, it was much darker than she thought.

Fang Dan had some reaction at the moment, and blinked in confusion. It belongs to the sinister sunshine of the day, and loses half of its power. In such a time when it should be fatal, there is still a little dim in the lobby.

When she looked away, she saw the backs of the two people. At this time, she stood still at the gate; the light from the outside came in, and both figures became dark black. Fang Dan turned back and was busy. Going over to them.

The footsteps are still not close. Lin Sanjiu is like a long-eyed eye in the back of his head. He suddenly slammed his head back. Fang Dan was shocked. He just wanted to talk, and his eyes were immediately caught by the scene outside the door. Then, with his mouth open, he was there.

In the hordes of fallen, I don’t know when I grew a pair of black wings, coming and going in the sky outside the door, even the sun was covered, casting a shadow on the ground. On the roof of several buildings in the Oasis, there are at least dozens of walking figures, the wings are gone, and each one has a long mouthpiece in front of his face.

Lin San wine's face is tight, and a finger is placed in front of his lips, indicating that Fang Dan should not speak out. She is already a cold sweat, nodding her head.

However, at this time, a screaming scream from behind, suddenly slammed the air; in that scream, for a moment, a few women only felt that their blood was cold.

Xiaoyu didn't know when to follow up. At this time, she was soft on the ground, her face was pale and her face was full of tears; her lips trembled several times, and finally it made another meaningless scream: "Ah, ah... !"

Lin Sanjiu’s “worse” has not yet been said. On the ground outside the building, several fallen seeds have been thrown down, which has stirred up a dusty smoke.

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