Doomsday Wonderland

: 1283 Meat, meat, meat!

The eyes of the people swam and collided, and finally a young man spoke.

His appearance seems to be no more than twenty-five, and his appearance is average; his hair and eyebrows are all white and bright, and even a trace of iron and gray that is often used after age is not mixed - "We don't rush to start." Everyone thinks about what questions they can ask," he suggested. "The more information we can get now, the easier it will be after the event starts."

The gift bag got close to the ear of Lin Sanjiu and whispered a few words. Lin Sanjiu looked at him, and then he turned to the chef and asked: "...How long do you usually get simmered by hand? Is it stopped immediately after it is acid?"

This is a very critical issue. I don't know why the gift package refuses to ask for it.

"The problem is good," Green seems to be a straight temper, and immediately praised her.

"Oh, this is not good." The chef sighed for a few seconds and said, "I have been soaked for five minutes and I have been baked for another hour. But I will remind you when I am sour. Then stick to it for a few more minutes. But after the sour hands, I can hold on for a few minutes at most."

In other words, there will be a pre-warning a few minutes before the end of the barbecue time.

"Before filling up four pieces of meat..." The fifteen-year-old boy of the envious bag, hesitated and said: "Is there any restriction?"

The chef patted the grill with a shovel, and when he slammed it, everyone jumped. "You have a good question," he said with a smile. "You just remembered me when I mentioned it. I almost forgot! If you have four pieces of meat on your plate, you can't take the fifth one."

There is still a hidden message - it seems that the first step in beach barbecue is to find a way to dig out the complete rules from the mouth of this forgetful chef.

That boy is a glimpse. "Hey? If four pieces of meat are different..."

"You have to eat different meats, come back to me and get a piece of meat. You can't throw it away, you can't give it away, you can't take it in your pocket, you have to eat it yourself." The chef shrugged and took it for granted: "I baked it." It’s so hard, don’t you just hope that everyone can have a good time? You don’t eat it, pile it on the plate, what's the point?”

To eat the meat provided by this unscrupulous copy, how to say it makes people feel a little bit guilty. The gift bag came together at this time. He was shorter than Lin Sanjiu. When he whispered, he had to pick up a little toe. He didn’t know what it was for: "Sister, you asked him, how many pieces of meat?" ”

Lin Sanjiu swept a villa owner and found that most of the attention of other people was on the chef; she only cleared the scorpion and asked the question of the package.

"One hundred pieces," the cook replied.

Even if the gift package didn't make a sound, Lin Sanjiu could feel that he had bowed and seemed to have some surprises about this number.

One hundred divided by four, is it not exactly twenty-five? Does it mean that there are 25 sets of the same meat in the bag... This number seems reasonable?

In the case of Lin Sanjiu’s digital work, the villa owners whispered for a while, and raised a few questions about “taking the meat order” and “how the chef is defined”.

"I haven't said it anyway? No matter how you decide the order, anyway, as long as you don't take the meat continuously." The chef was a little impatient, and shot the thigh: "So! I will give you some restrictions, so that you I know what can be done and what can't be done."

Twelve people are close to each other and listen to him: "First of all, the nature of the battle, which will have a negative impact on others, the camouflage class, and the storage class props can not be used."

As his voice fell, the villa owners had their movements: some bowed their heads to touch their belts, and some took a sigh of cool... Lin San’s heart moved, trying to call a [tornado whip] and [The power of description]; but they seem to be locked up, and they can't be called out.

Ji Shanqing has not forgotten to turn around and the people around him explained: "My sister is accompanied by a type, which is not awkward." However, it seems that few people care - anyway, Lin Sanjiu is standing still, Explain that she is definitely not a powerful item.

"In evolutionary capabilities, only enhancements to your physiology can continue to be used."

As soon as this sentence fell, her several evolutionary abilities seemed to have lost the light, and it was dark and silent.

"Your movements are best lighter, and the splashing sand can't be ten centimeters off the ground."

Immediately someone squatted and measured how high the ten centimeters was - looking at the woman who looked like a young woman, after a height of ten centimeters above the beach, everyone's look was not very good. Not to mention that the evolutionists have fought for each other by force. Even if a child kicks a kick on the beach, the sand that is stirred may be higher than this.

"Once the meat is cooked, it will be handed out immediately, and it will be handed over to the person who has been on the yellow sign for a moment. If the meat is cooked, there is no person on the yellow sign, this piece of meat will be I lost it. If I stand up after roasting, it doesn't count."

To say that everyone’s face is not good, it’s even more ugly.

"Although you can't trade meat, but other things can be done... for example," the chef said, suddenly grinning, his cheeks bulging high: "You see someone got three pieces of the same meat, right away. It’s going to be full, you go up and push him, he puts the meat out of the sand, this can be."

Everyone looked at each other and their faces were a little alert. Or the boy raised his hand and asked, "That... in this case, the meat that fell into the sand..."

"It’s gone, it’s sanded, and you can’t eat it when you pick it up,” the chef said. “The unlucky one has to make four more pieces from the beginning.”

The villa owners met for a while, and finally the dark-skinned woman spoke. She seems to have African blood, shoulders and legs, long face and thick lips. When she talks, her look is not moving: "I have nothing to ask. Compared with previous activities, the number of people eliminated this time is not much, only three. People, I don’t think it’s too difficult, let’s start early.”

"Wait," the white-haired young man raised his hand - Lin Sanjiu remembered that he seemed to be Sen Ping. "I have a few words to say."

When the eyes of the people turned to him, the white hair said: "The old people who have been living in the villa may know that we always maintain a minimum qi when we participate in the activities... We fight each other because the copy is forced. I have to fight, there is no need to kill you to the point where you live and die. Even if someone leaves the villa, it does not necessarily mean that there is no life."

Someone coughed, but everyone didn't interrupt.

"This time, although it is not a group cooperation, I don't think it is necessary to tear the face."

When Sen Ping spoke, his tone was calm and well organized, and he felt that he was a thoughtful person: "You think, if you have any kind of four pieces of meat, then we will get the first and second pieces of meat." What kind of meat is actually not important. When you first arrive at the third piece of meat, there is a need to compete for the seat... So I suggest that in the first two rounds we will line up the meat according to the villa number. So we don’t have to hurry to do it. Can observe more observations."

Lin San wine looked at other people - Green frowned slightly, didn't know what he was thinking; the black-skinned woman still had a calm face and no expression; the boy nodded, stopped for a while, and nodded again; As soon as Mr. Ito noticed her sight, she immediately shot back with a sharp eye.

"I see," said Kelan, who is about to send away. He agreed very quickly: "Just do it."

Everyone thought that this proposal had no problem; when everyone started to report their villa number, Lin Sanjiu whispered to the gift bag: "Does the chef not say it? No one knows how to bake at the moment when it is cooked. What kind of meat is... I can't grab the position after roasting. Everyone has to grab the position in the case of blind guessing. Why don't you just queue up and take it in turn?"

Jishan Qing took a look at her. "Sister," he sighed. "If you think like this, it's hard to get four pieces of meat..."

Not waiting for her to ask, the front four villa owners just finished the number at this time; see everyone's eyes swept back and forth, waiting for the next person to open, the gift hurriedly shouted: "We are F05!"

"F06." The fifteen-year-old boy followed.

The person who reported the number quickly stood in front of the grill in order, and was lined up in a long queue. The owner of Villa F01 is just a small fat man, Li Xing; he stands on the yellow sign, holding a plate in his hand, and swaying his hand toward the team behind him: "Carrying, I am coming first, everyone is optimistic. ”

“Can you start?” the chef asked. He was baked by the charcoal fire, and he was still sweating.

Li Xing nodded. Everyone in the team had a long neck; the owner of the villa standing behind the tall man complained that he would bend his knees - in the eyes of everyone, the chef took a black out of the bag. The meat was thrown on the grill. Its shape is very irregular, and skewers, beef ribs, leg of lamb and chicken intestines... no one can touch the side.

The smell of oil on the charcoal grill, accompanied by the gradual clearing of the meat aroma, quickly floated over the beach. The gift bag couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of water, like a cat, squatting, stretching the neck and looking forward, while still holding the arms of Lin Sanjiu to balance.

The time to bake a piece of meat is not very long, but in half a minute, the meat is baked. Just listening to the chef in front of the announcement, "It’s a chicken intestine!", then the little fat man Li Xing turned and showed the plate to everyone. I just saw a piece of meat that didn’t have a shape. Now it’s true. It turned into a chicken fat sausage that was short, fat, shiny and hot.

When Li Xing took the plate and showed the crowd walking past Lin Sanjiu, she heard him snoring: "I am really hungry."

"The second one," the chef threw a piece of darkness on the grill. The owner of the second villa, Kelan, quickly took a plate from the side table.

After the second piece is cooked, it is a beef rib. Mr. Ito is the third person, and he gets the meat. The fourth person gets the leg of the lamb. When Jishan Qing and Lin Sanjiu went up, and also got a leg of lamb, she felt that the gift bag might have lost her mind—because he actually offered a suggestion she never even thought about.

"Sister," he looked at the leg of the lamb for a while, and then looked at the chicken intestines on the next plate and said, "Do you want to eat it?"

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