Doomsday Wonderland

: 1284 limited alliance

I think my boyfriend seems to... want to kill me. ”

On Sunday, McDonald's was crowded with parents with children, and the slides in the children's area couldn't help but scream and laugh. In such an environment, Zhu Mei naturally has a hard time taking friends' words seriously.

"Don't talk nonsense! Even if you both quarrel, don't make people say so bad." White fat Zhu smiled and laughed. After a pause, she raised an eyebrow and asked a little hesitantly: "...when you quarrel, don't you?"

Sitting across from her is a girl in her twenties. Her facial features are in the crowded international city, but it is not a rare beauty. The most striking thing is that she has a pair of big eyes that are slightly picking up. In the light pupils, the amber luster makes people think of the cat that wakes up in the morning.

Lin Sanji shook his head and did not continue to say.

It’s no wonder that Zhu Mei doesn’t believe it – this kind of words is even ridiculous. Probably not sleeping well these days, the spirit is a bit anxious...

Lin Sanji took two colas and relaxed his expression. He said half-jokingly: "If one day, there is a policeman who asks you what I usually hate with everyone..."

"Go to you!" The banter in the tone of the friend made the doubts that had just floated in Zhu Meimei disappeared instantly. She waved her hand with a smile. "Really, you have gotten cheap and complained! You said, What are the disadvantages of Ren Nan?"

In the latter case, Lin Sanjiu has heard it countless times; this time, it also blew from the ear like a wind, and did not listen to it. Just then, her eyes suddenly swept out of the window, and the lines of her chin suddenly tightened.

She was busy hiding her head and biting a burger.

The moment the bite broke the bread, the noisy McDonald's door suddenly calmed down for a few seconds. As the light at the door was dark, a tall man walked in without a break. Several customers who were waiting in line saw him and unconsciously stepped back two steps, giving him a way.

The tailored iron-gray shirt with the iconic Armani waist design reveals a solid texture from every piece. The elegant dark trousers have no extra wrinkles, and it seems that there is a special person to iron and care whenever and wherever possible - plus the rare nine-headed body and handsome appearance of Asians, no matter when, Ren Nan looks It looks like a top model that has just come down in a fashion blockbuster.

Walking in a McDonald's, it's no wonder that everyone is watching.

As he settled, the air was immersed in a faint smell of Davidoff's cold water.

"How come this kind of fast food again?" He nodded to Zhu Mei and said hello, and his relatives and helplessly licked the hair of Yulin Sanjiu. Patek Philippe on his wrist was half hidden in her black hair. "I am going to take you to the last Japanese restaurant in the evening."

"It was just hungry when I passed by, so..." Lin Sanjiu smiled reluctantly, avoiding Ren Nan’s gaze, and picked up a French fries and put it in his mouth. Long hair slipped from her shoulder and covered her look.

- Zhu Mei is right, Ren Nan has no shortcomings.

He is like a man who came out of an idol drama. After a few months with Lin Sanshui, Ren Nan quickly conquered her gang and friends with his impeccable demeanor, let alone the party of Lin Sanjiu – no, not only demeanor. His looks, wealth, and character are as perfect as every place... He is simply what a woman can dream of.

Everyone said that her life was really good.

When I first started this relationship, Lin Sanji couldn’t believe her good luck. At that time, every morning, she woke up with a smile and faced a new world that Ren Nan brought to her.

Until... she is getting more and more happy.

...when did you start to feel wrong?

Suddenly Zhu Mei’s passionate voice interrupted her thoughts. "...I have occupied a small wine today for a whole day, so I will not delay your private time! Just as she said to me just a little tired, go home -"

Lin Sanjiu was pulled back to reality.

In the voice of Ren Nan Wen Run, there is always a decent smile: "Let us send you, it is too hot recently."

Zhu Mei is a child's heart, immediately smiled and said: "Hey, then I am welcome! Today is hot enough, I just walked for a while, it was all sweat..." The clothes on her back are now Still wet.

Anyway, I have no appetite. After seeing my friends finish eating, Lin Sanshui stood up from the good, and walked out of McDonald's with her boyfriend and friends.

On the outside street, the afternoon heat wave was moxibusted by the sun, and the three people were wrapped in the ground. It is already October, but there is no sign of a half-decrease in the heat, and it still firmly rules the city. People who are hard-working in the heat of the street, some with umbrellas, some with sweat, everyone is uncomfortable - it is too hot, even in the midsummer has not been so hot!

Zhu Mei was most afraid of heat, and she did not take two steps. She had already sweated and could not help her forehead. Lin Sanjiu felt that the hair on his back neck was also stuck to the skin. This uncomfortable feeling made her feel uncomfortable and could not help but ask: "Where is your car parked?"

Ren Nanchao lifted his chin not far away, moisturizing clean skin, and even a little wet.

"Just in front." Suddenly, his posture is as elegant as ever: "I have told you several times, no car is too inconvenient. Since your driver's license has also been tested, you want to buy a car. ?"

Jumeidun admired one sentence: "Would you like to buy a car for a small wine? But it is really a handsome man. You are my birthday, my boyfriend only sent me a bear..."

Lin Sanjiu ah ah ah ah ah, perfunctory two sentences, the mind is not in the car. Fortunately, Zhu Mei is a lively person. She talked to Ren Nan with awkwardness. Ren Nan did not seem to notice her absent-mindedness.

... Three months ago, after Ren Nan’s numerous requests, Lin Sanjiu finally compromised sweetly and agreed to live with him.

She packed her belongings, retired the house, and moved into his penthouse in the city center. The friends and colleagues who visited her new home were all envious and broken. When they went out, they pulled her and said, "Small wine, such a good man, you have to catch it!"

"Is there a brother in Ren Nan? Is there a single friend? Don't forget to introduce me to one!"

"You have to talk to him about marriage soon..."

The excitement of my friends seemed to echo in my ear. The excitement and expectation of Lin Sanjiu at that time was several times more than theirs--but after living together for a while, her IQ, which was once low because of falling in love, began to slowly recover.

She gradually noticed some details of life.

Now, Lin Sanjiu can’t say why -

She is a bit afraid of Ren Nan.

Zhu Mei gradually disappeared into the corner of the old-fashioned community, Ren Nan re-launched the car, the car silently integrated into the traffic. After about twenty minutes, the two arrived home.

Ren Nan's apartment is located in the most expensive part of the city. It was built just two years ago. Every inch of brick and tile represents a lifestyle that Lin Sanjiu, a small ordinary person who had never dared to think about. Now, she is almost ready to get used to her new life - if it is not the day's doubts, the day is darker than the day...

The penthouse occupies the entire 38th floor. As the private elevator slammed, the door opened and the two walked into the living room.

It senses that the elevator is running, and the soft light is gradually lit up in the living room.

"I bought some colas today. Would you like to have a can?" Put down the bag, Lin Sanjiu went to the kitchen and resisted his heartbeat. If nothing happened, he smiled at Rennan. She felt that her expression should be Unbeatable.

Ren Nan also came over, still with a gentle smile: "Well, everything you buy is good."

What are you buying?

I don't know when it started. This kind of character-like sweet talk made Lin Sanji feel very uncomfortable and even made her a little embarrassed.

In life, is there really someone talking like this?

When she didn't know how to pick up the words, she was busy passing the cola - as soon as he pulled the ring, the bubbles in the drink suddenly rushed to make a "sweet" sound. Probably to make her happy, Ren Nan drank a small half of the can.

Lin Sanjiu hid himself behind the opened refrigerator door, tightened his body, raised two ears, and dared not let go of a strange noise.

The room was quiet for half a minute.

One second and one second passed, until Ren Nan smiled and broke the silence in the room: "What are you looking for in the refrigerator?"

Lin San wine sinks straight into his stomach. She closed the door and pretended to look at Ren Nan's eyes inadvertently.

no response.

A can of ice-filled Coke, which was just opened and filled with carbon dioxide, drank into the stomach. Ren Nanlian didn’t mean to fight a little bit like it was like pouring into a pool of black paint.

"Nothing, just want to see if there are any snacks." She smiled reluctantly.

After living together for three months, she has never seen Ren Nan fight.

Not only snoring - coughing, sneezing, farting, sweating... Although all kinds of things are indecent, everyone will do a few things, Lin San wine has never been seen in Ren Nan.

When I think about it, she is not even sure if she has seen him go to the bathroom.

"You didn't eat anything just now, why don't we go out to eat tonight?" Ren Nan pulled her hands and kissed Lin's neck.

Her back was bursting with a goose bump: "No, I am too lazy to move... Besides, I want to go to bed early at night, and I have to get up early tomorrow."

"Then I cook myself and make salmon for you." Ren Nan said with a smile.

Lin San wine hurriedly nodded.

Ren Nan’s cooking, like him, is perfect. After eating his carefully prepared dinner, the sun outside the glass wall of the living room is gradually sinking. The sky darkened a little bit and finally changed into the night and the stars.

“The continuous high temperatures and droughts around the world have been one hundred and four days to this day...” Packed up the tableware, and Lin San’s wine was very interesting for the news and looked at the TV – she was Not willing to have any eye contact with Ren Nan. "After the high temperature deaths in Africa, India, Southeast Asia and other places, the number of deaths from heatstroke in China has reached 67. Relevant experts reminded..."

She felt that Ren Nan had come over and sat down beside her. The sofa was deeply sunk.

One arm naturally caught her shoulder, and Lin San’s body was stiff.

Although she did not look back, she could clearly feel that Ren Nan was not watching TV. His gaze has been on his back—not the warmth of the usual, but a red-naked one--

It seems as if a snake is looking at the frog's gaze.

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