Doomsday Wonderland

: 1291 At the end of the day, we must also pay attention to the protection of dental health.

This chapter is a transitional chapter, so I try to write a short bit... well, the title has little to do with the content.]

On the seventh day of the game, after the game was over in the morning, the venue was in a strange atmosphere.

Lin Sanjiu lifted his hand and wiped the blood on his face. His eyes swept over the top of the flustered crowd. What seemed to be happening outside, everyone was watching the light curtain on their wrists; they were constantly panicked. The man jumped up and hurried to the exit. No one has looked at the center of the stadium and the female mutant who just won. The whispering voice echoed into a vague squeak in the huge venue. Occasionally, some coughing, crying, and fainting revealed a change. breath.

A team of soldiers rushed into the venue, everyone wearing a radiation suit is tightly dressed, constantly screaming and maintaining a good order, do not rush to trample. The advertisement on the big screen has been broadcast for a while, and the host still hasn’t said a word for a long time. Only the “Fikad video camera, leaving your beautiful moment” is echoing back and forth.

Even the female players did not enter the capsule, and no one noticed for a while.

"This...what's wrong?" Peach peach approached Lin San, who was stinking and smelling blood, asked a little blankly.

Lin Sanjiu smiled slightly, and a big stone in his heart finally fell.

Although the end of the [Nostradamus Card] coverage is small, at most one head is so large, but the radiation is different from the temperature, it will spread. So far, Lin Sanjiu has released a total of 26 Greek radiations. Considering that the secondary strength is recycled, it will definitely be cleaned. Therefore, she has been a bit worried, and she does not know that the radiation she has released is not enough. .

However, looking at this, the two soldiers who carried the thin and fat security body that night went out, probably already dead.

As early as that night, when Lin Sanjiu had deliberately moved to move the thin and fat security body, he injected 10 Xidu in his hand on his ankle. Sure enough, the two physical functions can only be regarded as ordinary people. The soldier, one raised his head and one raised his foot, moved the body of the thin and thin security guard.

His wound was on the throat, but after all the radiation was absorbed, the ankle became bruised and swollen. It was also called Lin Sanjiu worried about it. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice this small abnormality.

The inhabitants of the Garden of Eden have always lived under the protection of the glass dome, and the glass roof has isolated most of the radiation for them - and the remaining one is enough to resist by eating gummy candy. Their own physique is ordinary people. There is no fortune when they face radiation directly. Once the concentration of radiation exceeds 3, the number of people who are ill and die will start to rise sharply.

Although I didn’t think about it at the time, after thinking about it, Lin Sanjiu’s surprise was that once the radiation inside the glass dome began to appear, it would be difficult for the radiation to dissipate again – to protect the residents of Eden in the past. The top of the glass turned into a gas chamber that trapped them.

"Radiating disease." Since entering the New Year's fighting arena, the voice of Lin Sanjiu is so light for the first time. She looked back at a dozen women behind her and whispered to Peach. "You are tired of it?"

Pear peaches licked the big eyes like black grapes, and the eyes sparkled with incomprehensible water.

"Tonight, we can try it out."

Pear peach shocked, just about to talk, I saw the advertisement on the big screen, and the sound of "啪" was black. Then Aliba’s voice rang with a bit of anger. "Because of an emergency, the New Year Fighting Games are temporarily Stop! Please all the audience to observe the order to leave, the guards, quickly put the mutants back!"

Lin Sanjiu laughed, Avocado: "Don't fall asleep at night."

Peach is still shocked, I don’t know if I should take it seriously. She nodded her head and turned to follow Lin’s footsteps. She only listened to her and went back to the public. After the women took a few shots and attracted their attention, Yang said: "You have a good rest in the afternoon, I still need everyone's efforts!"

Although her voice was very clear, the guards outside the court could hear it, but the words were vague - a soldier with a gun, probably coming in, and seeing the female mutant, she followed her. A hole in the capsule, this is a little relieved: "Mom, this 97 is really a bit..."

"It won't take long." An old soldier snorted and confirmed that the capsule door was closed. He waved his hand in the distance and the capsule slid in the direction of the coming. "You don't know which of the chiefs are going crazy now? How can I still manage these mutants? It is estimated that it will take a long time to kill them."

This veteran is right, Aliba is indeed turning this mind at this time.

There is no reason for it. A large number of military and police officers headed by the committee have been attacked too much. Since the first person who died of radiation was found to be a garrison, the government’s administrative officials launched All the public opinion that can be used under the attack, attacking the military and police departments, the vegetarian meal, negligence, even let the radiation leak, polluting the Garden of Eden. In addition to the three games of the New Year Fighting Contest, the female variants have won unscathedly, and the buzz of "Military | Police incompetent" has been on the rise for a time.

Fortunately, the treasury was stolen, and it has not been revealed yet. After Aliba and his superiors had two calls, they quickly issued a series of instructions: the media controlled by the party issued a denial, accusing the Eden Lab of being inadvertently operated. Caused by radiation leakage; all the anti-radiation facilities are of low quality; the most important thing is that in order to show the military|police toughness, the female mutants will be beheaded all morning and will be broadcast live the next day.

"It is absolutely impossible to let the sponsorship of the New Year's Fighting Games fall back to the hands of the gang of science and technology," Aliba said with a sigh of relief. "At any cost, let them sin for radiation sickness!"

The sergeant, who was covered in radiation protection suits, hurriedly nodded. He just left, suddenly he was stopped by Aliba behind him: "Yes, at night, you should be careful, send more people to the venue to stare at me. If you let the female mutants make any more trouble, you don't have to do it—especially, I have stared at the 97!”

He has always been a very cautious person.

Aliba's instructions, after the evening, a team of fully armed soldiers entered the venue.

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