Doomsday Wonderland

: 1293, the daydream of the financial fans!

Have you ever sent a daydream like "If someone gives me a billion, let me spend it in one day, what should I do?"

Lin Sanjiu feels that what she is facing now seems to be the doomsday version of this daydream - but it really has become a reality.


Standing in the living room for half a minute, she still can only squeeze out such a word.

The smugness of the gift bag, sparkling, and rising, knows that he is like a child who can't help but show off his own craftsmanship. He was very patient and repeated the words he had just said: "Sister, we have to spend so much money to make a copy."

……what money? Where is the money?

Probably the glimpse of the look on his sister's face, the package decided to demonstrate once. He dialed the service of the mountain and opened a hands-free, a gentle female voice soon rang: "What can I help you?"

Lin Sanjiu took a look at the phone and looked at him again.

"I have a few questions to ask," the package coughed. "You just told me... but I forgot."

The female voice did not disappoint him. He immediately said: "Okay, you speak."

The first question asked by Ji Shanqing was completely out of the expectation of Lin Sanjiu; it was better to say that she never thought about it in this regard, I am afraid that if I would be replaced by any evolver, I would not think about asking the copy. - "Excuse me, is this resort, is it a hotel nature, or is it a residential area?"

“We are a resort-style resort villa. If you are particularly fond of it, you can also purchase our entire Villa and its supporting services directly.” The female voice explained fluently, “But after May 25, 2019, Ben The resort only accepts Villa subscriptions and no longer accepts reservations."

... Is that the end of the day? Since then, the mountain has become a copy of the villa?

No, it’s not the point – Lin Sanjiu has returned to God. The package clearly stated that he found out how to go out. Why did he start to ask about the business model of the resort?

"This supporting service is to spend money to buy it?" Ji Shanqing seems to be unclear about her full stomach doubts, and asked: "As far as I know, we have not paid for it after we stayed."

“At the beginning of the subscription, the cost of the ancillary services has already been paid. In addition to the basic room service, there is also a part of the pre-deposit to cover your advanced consumption projects in the villa.”

Ji Shanqing was busy referring to the phone and said "you see" to Lin Sanjiu.

Lin San wine cellar, seems to understand a little, but not too sure.

The package coughed and corrected the tone: "How much is there in our account?"

"I look at it...110255.4 yuan."

In this place, there are more than 110,000, and Lin Sanjiu has no concept.

"What will happen after the money is used up?"

The female voice is full of joy: "That means that you have had a good time at our mountain. The next time you check in, you can choose to deposit the prepayment first, or you can also book the account by service."

This time, there is no need to give a gift, Lin Sanjiu all understands - the second sentence should be the standard answer, you can not say it; but the first sentence "You have had a good time", this is not equal to plain The ground hints that the current period of stay, when the money is spent, is it over?

Spending money is not easy!

She almost jumped up and down, and for a time she couldn't believe it. The world still had a friendly copy of the customs clearance method. After thinking about it, she whispered: "It’s strange, where is this advance payment coming from?"

The package also whispered: "There may be money on the account before the end of the day. I estimate that after we left, we changed the owner of the villa and the money on the account was restored to 110255.4."

It makes sense. No wonder everyone doesn't know how to make a copy - who can think of using this method!

"How did you think about asking this kind of thing?" She couldn't help but wonder.

“The employee who sent the letter just did not mention “Do you buy the best service”? I was surprised at that time. We have not paid any form of currency, how to buy the service?” The package is not very interesting. A smile, "So when I want juice, I will ask a word... I didn't expect to have such a bunch."

This child is so smart, Lin Sanjiu just wants to kiss him a few mouthfuls.

“Quickly ask her, what services are provided?” she asked, “Can you send three or five security guards to show us the yard?”

Jishan Qing glanced at her, and did not say a word, but clearly conveyed "Which is such a good thing."

“Do you still have activities for the villa owner today?” He thought about it, but asked such a question.

"Yes, today's event is a beach bonfire party, starting at 12 o'clock in the evening."

When he turned around, Lin Sanshui shook his head and gave birth to the wind, indicating that he did not want to come back to another activity.

Jishan Qing nodded and replied to the woman's voice, and hung up the phone. Before waiting for her sister to ask, he had already trotting into the living room, and pulled out a price book from the cupboard and spread it in front of Lin San.

"I didn't ask her because all the consumer items are listed here." He ordered a price book and said: "I just briefly flipped it... sister, you think too well, no security. This choice of housekeeping. Otherwise, as a villa owner, is it too cheap and no difficulty?"

“It’s not difficult to spend money.” Lin San’s wine snorted and sat down cross-legged, planning to see what consumables were available – she had temporarily forgotten that she would be a defender.

The price book is heavy and thick, and the work paper is excellent; small words are embedded in the paper, and the faint pattern lines can be seen in the large white space. She hurriedly turned over and found that not only did the security guards not look after the services, but also all the drinks, meals, cleaning, and daily services were not listed.

"That is, these services do not cost money?" Lin San wine frowned and asked. She is not rich, and in the short time with Ren Nan, she rarely remembers to upgrade her consumption - so when she talks about spending money, she thinks of eating the first one; so to speak It is no wonder that Bohemia is fat when he is by his side.

"So to say..." She turned over a page and her eyes fell on a line of words. “I can do it... ‘PRP treatment for skin rejuvenation’ project? It’s quite expensive, it’s going to be two or three thousand, I don’t think I’m going to spend it.”

The gift bag arched into her arm and drilled a head from under the table. She looked at her for a while and could not help but sigh.

"Sister, you can't just look at the price." He pointed to another "physical coach private class" and said, "Look at this, the introduction says that the course lasts for 2 hours... the freedom of activity is 2, for the concentration of attention. I reached 10 - I saw it, the highest number is 10."

Lin Sanjiu looked at these small numbers and blinked.

In the introduction of the "Physical Coaching Private Lesson", the course content is some high-intensity training that is good for the long-term development of physical fitness. Therefore, students are required to concentrate on their activities; in addition to the "activity freedom" and "concentration requirements", There is also a "response to the outside world" of only 2, and "fatigue" is as high as 6.

"That is to say... When I was in class, I was basically unable to freely move. What happened to me outside, but I couldn’t react?" Lin Sanshui understood, his face became less good and looked like: "In class, concentrate on the time, when you are in class, Tired of a pool of mud... If someone outside is waiting to come in, will I soon become a refugee?"

"And only spent more than 3,000," the gift bag snorted. "The price/performance ratio is too low. Although I feel that the benefits provided by this copy must be of great help to the evolutionist..."

As for the treatment skin care project she just saw, although it is expensive enough, the concentration is only 4, and the fatigue is even 1 - but it takes eight hours. Moreover, during these eight hours, "activity freedom" and "response to the outside world" are all zero, that is to say, even if there are people who walked in front of her, she could not do anything; With physical strength, you can't push the defensive tasks to him.

"Now it is 9:00 in the morning. Before the evening event, we only have 15 hours to use." Ji Shanqing sighed again and turned over the page: "If my sister doesn't want to have another event, then we have to be in 15 hours." I spent more than 110,000 in the interior... I have to consider the balance of all aspects... You see, spending money is not a simple matter."

Lin Sanjiu stared at the price book and said nothing - there was an idea that was slowly forming in her mind.

"Can you write a horn?" she asked, looking up coldly.

A gift pack: "What do you want to horn?"

This may be the first time after the two met, Lin Sanjiu has a new idea in the first step of the mountain, and he is somewhat happy when he is surprised: "Let us call Mr. Ito with a horn!"

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