Doomsday Wonderland

: 1297 sword fight


... there will be no mistakes, this man has the "breath" of his sister.

Jishan Qing was standing in the same place, and his eyes fixed on the uninvited guests in front of him. At one time, he was a little bit guilty and wanted to cry. He didn’t separate from his sister for a while. It’s like a sustained low-grade fever. It’s in his head. When he first felt “sister” from this man, he almost wanted to take it out and take a deep breath. The breath infiltrated into the internal organs - but it was difficult to suppress a rise of disgust.

"...who are you?" He resisted not letting his voice tremble. "What is your name?"

The coming person is very graceful, and he has never revealed a little bit of jealousy that he is not prepared for a surprise attack - perhaps he is too confident in himself.


When he replied, he even had a bit of a light tone, as if there was nothing big at the moment. The blond hair on his shoulders and shoulders has not been trimmed for a while, and he only grabs it at his back, and the shredded hair of the silk is scattered in the ear. If you look closely, you can still get a little bit of faint fatigue from the light green and freshly born scorpion under his eyes - as if this man had just trudged a long way, just to appear in front of Ji Shanqing. Let him realize the chilling determination of the world to be against him.

"You are the owner of this house?"

Spartan licked his neck and asked him to look at the courtyard. His attitude is leisurely. If he is seen by an unsuspecting person, I am afraid that it is just two friends chatting.

Ji Shanqing thought of the famous brand at the door. "Yes, Lin Shanqing." He whispered, "...Why are you here? You are different from others, you are actively finding this place, right?"

Spartan raised his eyebrows, and when the dark green eyes were surprised, it was like the first morning sun shining on the forest. Fortunately, Ji Shanqing has no gender, otherwise whoever changes it, I am afraid it is very difficult to keep him indifferent - "How do you know?" Spartan asked with interest, "Is it capable?"

... said that Ji Shanqing felt the sister's "breath", which may not be accurate. Speaking of this, thanks to Bohemia; if he did not find a pair of evolutionary brothers who were very interesting in her memory, and traced back to one of them, and analyzed the data of the Mao, I am afraid that even if he is a data body, he will not find the "corrugation" between the man and his sister in front of each other. When people meet people, they will wave in the long river-like destiny. .

Think about it this way, maybe it’s a good thing to see this person... Ji Shanqing couldn’t help but smile.

At this time, my sister was completely isolated from the outside world. Before she recovered her consciousness and came out of the water tank, this was a great opportunity for him to cut off the connection between this person and his sister.

"You are more than one person," he listened to, and did not answer Spartan's question. "Mr. Ito is caught by your companions? Why didn't you hear their voices?"

Spartan vomited, even if it was so light, it was still illusory that he felt the warmth of his breath.

"I have to go in," he said with a calm and gentle smile. "I am not malicious to you. After I find the person I am looking for, if you are still alive, I will return your house to you."

The physical strength of this gift bag is not good, but Spartan's combat power seems to be particularly tyrannical - no matter when his voice falls, Ji Shanqing rushes to the side and squats aside, and his hands are aligned at the same time. He lifted it up; this trick was almost a test of all spirits, but this time, not only did his fingers touch and form the shape of a photo frame, but the shadow of Spartan suddenly followed the bully, the arm As soon as he probed, he firmly grasped his wrist.

... until the captivity, Ji Shanqing has not had time to respond.

"It will be a little painful," Spartan smiled as if the sun was falling on the white snow and gently breathed and said, "Sorry."

As his hand stroked down, "Ki" slammed, Ji Shanqing's arm was folded into two halves, and the pain suddenly slammed into his mind.

The strength of the other side can hardly be described as "strong" - just like a mortal person suddenly encounters a new physics law, Ji Shanqing has almost no resistance except for his obedience. When he has a flower, he has already Was bent forward and bent down. His heart was just "squeaky", and then a heavy and fierce force broke into his back; where the spine could withstand this force, it was like a bead that collapsed. The break of the knot broke open, and people fell heavily on the ground.

However, when Ji Shanqing just fell, Spartan seemed to suddenly hear the alarm, and slammed backwards. He was different from many people who were very powerful. When others jumped and struggled, they did. It’s just a struggle to jump and wrestle; when Spartan is acting, it always seems to be flattered and respected by everything: when he jumps up, the air holds him, and when he evades, the world retreats to the side, He set aside space.

"Your skill is not enough for you to take the house," Spartan stood up straight, and then spit out that breath. His breath and look are as calm as never moving a place: "...your kill is somewhere else."

The pain is nothing, and compared with the time when he is tumbling in the endless darkness, the physical pain is lively and vibrant. Ji Shanqing moved the broken hand and placed it on the ground; when he used it to support himself and slowly climbed up, the broken bones in his body gradually healed again. Seeing that the injury caused by himself was healed in the blink of an eye, Spartan only slightly picked up his eyebrows, not surprised.

"You just are looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"

Ji Shanqing raised his head and asked in a low voice. The intersection between this person and his sister is obviously deeper than he thought. When the two are too close, the gift bag will even be shocked by the "breath" caused by his causal relationship with his sister. Plus the opponent's skill and speed are really fast, looking for an opportunity to start with it, it is like putting your hand into a lava.

" old man." Spartan paused and replied.

Then you can't let you find her.

"I am not as good as people, but I can give you this villa." Ji Shanqing wiped his mouth with his sleeve and smiled and said: "Well, you go in."

Spartan still stood still in motion.

"What's wrong? Your skill is so much stronger than me. Is it still afraid of sneak attack behind me?" Ji Shanqing smiled and made a snap, and the villa door opened and slipped open a door. "Do you need this villa?"

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