Doomsday Wonderland

: 1298 skewer package


After the half-open door, the light is dim, and only a marble floor can be seen faintly.

"I have opened the door for you. If you dare to go in, the villa will be yours; you dare not go in, stay here and look at me, and you can't see it as a villa owner." Although this man doesn't look like it is I will eat the type of radical method, but Ji Shanqing always try. "Do I have to go outside, do you dare to enter the door?"

After two seconds, Spartan sighed with relief.

"You justified it," he said slowly. "You have to move hands and feet on this house. I have to try it myself and know how to crack it."

... This tone is really annoying; it is like this man in the life before this, did not encounter the obstacles that he could not cross.

Seeing that he stepped up and went to the door of the villa, Ji Shanqing could not help but slightly hold his mouth. What he said to his sister is actually appropriate for himself: he is not a completely complete data body, he still has a self created by memories of past experiences; when he realizes that he needs to guard the villa He immediately thought of his birthplace - the mirror house. Of course, due to the environment and conditions, he did not really transform the entire villa into a mirror house.


When Spartan approached the door, he suddenly stopped, standing in the doorway and not looking back. He just raised one hand, and the slender fingertips almost gently stroked the door frame - that moment, as if the whole house had to shudder and breathe. "...I walked in, it must have been the original house."

how is this possible?

Jishan Qing looked up and almost suspected that he had got it wrong - but he quickly reacted, and as he thought about it, he plunged a long arm from the half-opening of the villa. I caught the hard blonde man. This is the inspiration he got from the copy of the house that his sister had been waiting for; just like the copy of the house, the action of this arm is like lightning, and even the evolution of the battle is high. The person did not hide the truth; even the blink of an eye was too late, it really caught Spartan's chest, Rao was the latter rushed to the back, still being tightly jacketed, "嗤啦"A piece of cloth was shredded.

Obviously still a little bit, you can let him in!

Jishan Qingxin snorted. The people around my sister are really more than an irritating group of flies that are like waves and waves.

"You are a smart person, but you see me too stupid."

Spartan turned slightly, and the coat at the chest was torn open, revealing a white shirt. The various colors of the world, if they fall on him, will become particularly dazzling; it seems that even the color can be worn by him is a special honor, and they are lively and spirited - really When you look at it, it makes people feel uncomfortable.

"I didn't understand what you mean." He decided to take a stupid, smiled and asked: "This is not the original villa, then you tell me where the original villa is?"

Spartan put his hands in his trouser pockets and took a leisurely look around.

The more he is so comfortable, the clearer the sense of irritability in Jishan Qingxin--except for the birds and the sound of the sea in the distance, the quietness of the villa is even more annoying. Expressed in words: Who was it that Ito was dragged? If he and another person have an encounter with the back of the yard, how can they not even have a bit of sound? It’s really a guy who can’t be used at the crucial moment!

"I think,"

Spartan was very patient, just sighed, perhaps because of exhaustion, a slight hoarse hoarseness in the voice. "The original house should still be in the same place... right? Just on its front, you have set up another camouflage with it by some means... and between the fake main entrance and the real villa. In a distance, it is the killing of your outsiders. This method is very interesting, but I rarely meet it."

This time, Ji Shanqing was really surprised - not even able to conceal his surprise; because Spartan looked up and swept him, the eyes of the bright green eyes rose. Laughed.

"You didn't expect me to guess?" Spartan slammed his head, and a few blondes slid down, covering the green eyes of the faint, as if it were the dazzling deep lake under the sun. "These green trees around the glass wall..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Shanqing understood, and he could not help but sigh: "I would have thought that not many people would notice this."

Just like the kind of “cardboard fake house” that is sometimes used in film and television dramas, Ji Shanqing has set up a fake facade that is exactly the same as the front of the villa, a few steps away from the villa, and merges it with the sides of the villa. Well, only the middle left a narrow space - the sister entered the water tank, he naturally can go in and out; for outsiders, this space is like a sticky fly, stepping on it The law came out again. Not to mention the first-time people, even Mr. Ito patrolled the house for a number of laps, and did not notice the difference.

But if there is any flaw in the illusion of this scene, then there will be only a green plant outside the house. The entire villa was surrounded by flowers and trees, and only the gates were vacant; the false facades inevitably stood in this circle of trees, cutting half the area covered by green plants. Although he was careful enough, he still could not completely avoid the growth trend of the trees: some shrubs were outside and the branches were inside the "fake facade"; some of the branches were swaying outside and rooted The main pole can't be found anywhere.

"If I have enough time, you can't find it." Seeing that the plan was broken, Ji Shanqing was still standing in the same place, said coldly.

"Is it?" Spartan looked at the half-opened door and pulled a moon-like silver stream from a black weapon bag behind him; the light flowed in his hands, causing people to even lick their bodies. Not sure. "If you don't want to be suspicious, don't scream when you open the door next time. This is part of the copy. You can listen to your order and say that you have already touched it... Hey, I forgot, you Not next time."

Ji Shanqing took a step back and felt that the scorpion was dry and itchy, as if it had been poured with a handful of sand.

When the other party discovers the existence of a trap, then in order to break it, it will naturally turn to the person who sets the trap... This is the most natural logic of action, especially when the person setting the trap is far less powerful than himself.

As long as Spartan came to arrest him, his plan was halfway through.

It's not a big thing to see the traps. This evolutionary body of the flesh is still a fleshy child even if the mind is a bit more agile and the observation is meticulous. In order to enable her sister to spend money safely in the villa, he has already considered all kinds of situations and thoughts back and forth. I don’t know how many times. If any place is wrong, there are at least three or two follow-up methods waiting to make up. on.

Spartan slowly turned around, and the silver moon that was flowing by him was held in his hand and stood high in the air. Under the magical light, he looks almost like a mortal; as if through his eyes, he can see another world full of the sky and the sea.

As he walked toward Jishanqing, he whispered, "I am not malicious to you. I will find you because of the situation. We are all people who have been forced to this step by the Doomsday world..."

Don't talk in your sister's tone!

The thought slammed into Ji Shanqing’s mind, and it was really solid and sharp, and he almost thought that he had blurted out this sentence—he hurriedly bit his tongue and tried to swallow this anger back; That is, in the same moment, the wind that Spartan provoked rushed up, and the glare of the light shone his vision.

He knew that he must resist at this time, and it seemed to be realistic enough, but in terms of his combat power, he even had no chance and no ability to resist, and he had already penetrated the body by Spartan's silver moon. This feeling is very wonderful: it is not painful, but it gradually spreads a cold from the chest and belly; the strength is quickly lost as it penetrates his cold silver moon. He gently looks back and finds another half. Silver Moon stretched out from behind his back and bent into the air.

"Reassure, you won't die." Like comforting him, Spartan whispered. "I just need you to be my trophy... just a little while."

Like the hare that hangs down from the hunter's spear, Ji Shanqing loses the strength of support. After being penetrated by the silver moon, his feet are also off the ground. The body sways with the footsteps of Spartan and gradually approaches. door. After a pause at the gate, Spartan’s hoarse voice rang: “...I will take you with you.”

......Yes, Ji Shanqing thought long ago that if someone can see through his means, then it is very likely that he will catch him and enter the trap formed by the fake facade. After all, according to common sense, people who set traps will not let themselves be killed by their own traps.

Go in, he looks at the ground with his eyes, and keeps urging in his heart.

The ground moved, the door frame caught in the eyes, and the darkness behind the door.

... Spartan finally took him in.

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