Doomsday Wonderland

: 1300 Battle with Spartan


Even if the current Ji Shanqing is only a trace of the huge body of data, he still holds the means and power that humans can't expect. Since the killing has been decided, there is nothing better to do with it. When he feels that Spartan is standing up easily and reaching out to grab his own back, Ji Shanqing closes his eyes tightly; In his mind, all the ingredients of "water" suddenly jumped forward and floated clearly from the background.

The hand had not waited to fall, and shrank back in the air.

However, although Spartan realized that he was wrong between the electric and the Flint, he did not realize that he could not escape this kind of wrongness; his hands were drawn back to his side, but he still sucked a cold breath because of sudden pain. After a jump, he snorted: "What have you done?"

"Don't worry,"

Ji Shanqing slowly recovered a little strength, was able to look up at him a little, and said softly: "If I am you, I will definitely try not to open my mouth."

Spartan looked heavy and cold. This is not the first time in his life, but after the injury, even the opponent did not know how to call him injured, this is probably the first time. Due to the severe pain from the back of his hand, his face was already white, and a little bit of sweat was lifted. Finally, the left hand that had been pressed against the back of the right hand was slowly removed.

The flesh and blood slammed open, and the cracked wound climbed along the blood line, revealing the vague bones underneath; this whole, smooth and beautiful right hand, seems to be cracking into pieces like dry land. It is.

"You also know that my combat power is not high." Ji Shanqing's face is cold, and his tone is flat. "I can't do it accurately, especially when that person is much more powerful than me. So In order to achieve my goal... the process tends to be a bit dirty and ugly."

Spartan still said nothing, looked at his shocking hand, and looked at Ji Shanqing. The calmer the latter's face, the more **** the eyes are, the more like the two deep-excavated blood holes.

"The next is the face," Ji Shanqing gently reminded: "...this is also a fatal point, not good or bad."

Spartan suddenly reached out and grabbed a sneak peek in front of him. From his cracked back, he splashed a **** spot; in the end it was a powerful force, even in the face of an invisible and inaudible attack. He still pulled out a light curtain for the protection interception in time, and at the same time, the body rushed to the angle that the ordinary people could hardly do, and sneaked into the oblique thorn.

Then, a low-sounding cry could not be suppressed.

Obviously, the direction he just flashed was on the left hand side. When he was waiting for a god, somehow Spartan was half-squatting on the ground near the right hand, and he was breathing slightly, his left hand holding his jaw. This is not the one he injured, but the blood still oozes out from his fingers.

Even Ji Shanqing did not have a bit of admiration. His attack is clearly inseparable, because it is not something he sent from his hand - to be precise, the attack on Spartan is actually himself. But even in the face of such unpredictable and unpredictable means, he can still minimize the damage, which is almost unimaginable; even Ji Xianqing had to think for a few seconds, which asked: " guessed it?"

Spartan slowly stood up straight, and he was still hurt when he was injured, as if he was standing there, where is the top of the mountain and the sea. Only when he let go of his hand, the sound was slightly swayed by a faint tremor, dumbly like a mist of quicksand. He said that the first sentence of the export, even Ji Shanqing did not expect.

"...It turned out that this scar is like this."

Ji Shanqing slightly wrinkled his eyebrows - this is simply inexplicable, as if he had known that he would have a flaw in his jaw, but he did not understand its origin until today. Is this man living backwards?

"It's water,"

Spartan’s sentence just seemed to blurt out. At this moment, he returned to God and smiled at Jishan Qing, who was half crouching on the ground. He only evoked the corner of one side of the mouth, and the other side was calm and bloodless in the blood, perhaps not willing to touch the wound. "You can manipulate water molecules, are you?"

"It was only after two attacks that I can see it. It is really amazing." Ji Shanqing said with sincerity. With the attack on Spartan, the strength of the silver moon to freeze him is also rapidly declining; he moved a little and found himself standing up.

"The water molecules in my body are manipulated by you, and the high-speed rotation rubs and heats up. As a result, the high temperature burns my skin. So I am careful in protecting myself from the outside, and it is useless." Spartan slowly Say, "But I don't understand why you have used this ability to be overkill."

"I don't understand how you hid in the past," Ji Shanqing avoided and said, "How can people escape the water in their bodies after all?"

"I will burn my heart directly. Don't you save a lot of effort?" Spartan continued to talk about his own words and clicked on his chest. He said, "The reason why you didn't do this is because you still Are you waiting for the conditions to mature? Or can you not do it? I think about it... You have to say a few words to me before each attack, is there time to 'contact' the water molecules in my body?"

Ji Shanqing rarely meets such a close-minded mind – or is this man like a sister, especially alert and flexible in combat?

"The point is, how do you 'contact'."

Spartan slowly lifted his right hand toward the side of his body; the air around him suddenly came alive, gently licking his skin and wounds like a wave of water, quickly wrapping his right hand. The same process happened to his jaw; this is probably one of his emergency treatments. "First of all, you don't just think about it, you can make the water molecules move... Otherwise, there is water in the air, my nasal trachea has been completely ruined. Secondly, you don't need to touch me... ..."

"Come on again, help you think about it." Ji Shanqing's smile on his face, like a breeze blowing over the abyss.

This time, Spartan did not hide. Or, he didn't hide at all - when he suddenly blew a **** throat on his throat, he seemed to be taken aback by himself; he hurriedly wrapped his neck and stepped back two steps, causing him to face his pain. White seemed to be covered with a mask, and his blood became more and more red, and his eyes were green as if they were burning right away.

"Can't you speak?"

Ji Shanqing has secretly said a pity. He was a little excited by Spartan’s words. He didn’t wait to “contact” enough water molecules to get out of the hand; otherwise, it’s not a problem to blow the other’s throat completely. He was still too anxious. Except for the first time he was unwilling to let Spartan touch himself and burn his back. The next two attacks against the key ones did not put the other side in a state of death.

Spartan slowly lowered his hand, a glaring red throat, like a vitality that escaped from his body, and dried him into a snow-like color.

" is still early." The words he was dumb and low, hard and painful, apparently a little bit of sound. "I found out... you can see my skin, but I can't see my clothes... I can't see the air. Last time, I made half a visual illusion... you really staggered half a step It."

Ji Shanqing was shocked, but then he calmed his mind and smiled at him: "What about that?"

As he said, his steps went back.

His speed and skill are far worse than Spartan, but after losing the power of the silver moon, he has once again gained control over the data body that has written this space. And in this place between the true and false villas, where the fog is rolling, how fast a person can go and how far they can go is totally irrelevant to the combat power.

When he stepped back to the real villa door step by step, Spartan did not catch up - he could not catch up. The blond man is only standing in the fog, and it seems that it is only a dozen steps away from the outside yard and the real gate, but it can't be crossed.

"...she is inside, right?" Because the throat was hurt, the voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

Ji Shanqing bit his lip. It was not surprising that it was seen by the other side; but the grievances that had been stirred up from his heart made him wonder, and he was about to breathe. He really didn't understand, obviously this man himself admitted, he did not have any love for his sister, and her feelings for her could not be compared with her own. Why should she still appear here and take her sister away? Destiny is like a huge wave without mercy, and he can only rely on a thin arm to stop.

"You still don't understand?" He squinted his eyes, so that he wouldn't blink his tears. "You can't get close to me, I can't touch me, but I can see you. Even if I can only burn you a little bit, you will be burned to death here today..."

Spartan snorted and smiled low. "I didn't want to," he seemed to mutter. "come in."

Who is he coming in?

Not waiting for Ji Shanqing to get an answer from his mind, the half-opened camouflage door was opened heavily - he was shocked and looked up and saw the crumpled face of Mr. Ito. The face is now completely expressionless, as if in a big dream. He stopped at the door and raised his arm and waved at Spartan. The bones and joints suddenly grooved in the soothing voice. The time was half longer than usual, and even the fibers of the skin and muscles were covered. It was pulled apart, as if there was any force in the front that could not be resisted, and his arm was torn open to life.

... In the skin tissue of the torn skin, what is the white, long strip of things that flashed through the blood red.

When Ji Shanqing had not reacted, the hand grasped Spartan's collar. With the pull-back force generated by Mr. Ito’s bone joints, Kerala’s retraction, the Spartan was also dragged out – this space is centered on the foot of the trapped person, and the more people go to In one direction, the more the center is moving in the opposite direction; however, when the person does not move, and the external force is dragged out of the door, this spatial extension naturally has no effect.

... Did the man even guess the operating mechanism of this space? No, he probably just wants to try this possibility, but he is trying to give it a try.

Jishanqing reacted very quickly. When Spartan was thrown out by Ito, he rushed into the villa. Let the sister leave the copy after spending the money, it is all for the sister to be happy; at that time, after Bohemian said that he was on his way, he had to let his sister have a hope that he could have a way to go out and have When the opportunity sees her, my sister will be happy. But now, he can't manage that much - the possibility of killing Spartan suddenly drops, then the sister must leave this place immediately, he must not let her be found.

"What are you doing?" The therapist was shocked to jump from the water tank. "The treatment has not been completed..."

"Change somewhere!" Ji Shanqing snorted and reached for the water door, but pulled it a few times, but found that the water tank did not even mean a single opening. At the thought of Ito, I don’t know why it suddenly fell to Spartan. Spartan could come in from any time. He was as anxious as being grilled on the fire. He shouted at the therapist: "You put the door turn on!"

“No way,” the therapist said, “I said it before I started, unless the treatment is over...”

In this case, then take the water tank together.

He has become a data body, he has never written so fast. When an aircraft wrapped around him, the water tank and the therapist, smashed through the glass wall and darted away in the direction of the sea, he seemed to see the blond man standing next to the villa, looking up The sky - strangely, he looked at the other direction in the sky.

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