Doomsday Wonderland

: 1301 Preparation for Jishanqing


Different copies, each with a different temper, this copy of the resort is very persistent: as long as you do not spend the money, even if you are on the aircraft, you will never be allowed to escape from the air.

The aircraft that rushed to the sea level at full speed had just rushed out of the sea, and it ran into a reinforced concrete field with a reinforced concrete--under the impact of the suicide, the aircraft exploded into a fire in midair. The fuselage fragments spurt and splattered, and they were thrown into the sea by the flames. I don't know how many white water columns jumped into the sky.

For a person with data body capabilities, this kind of mistake is almost unimaginable.

Fortunately, Ji Shanqing caught the water tank at the crucial moment. Even if he fell into the sea, he still refused to let go. When countless white blisters rushed to the water, he finally wrote a latent fuss. The boat, in time to accommodate the sister's water tank and himself into it. After the seawater swallowed in by a piece of water was discharged, the lurking ship also rose to the surface.

Although it is awkward, but fortunately, he reacted quickly, and his sister has been protected by the water tank. It should be no injuries...

Ji Shanqing imagined his sister's appearance in the water tank, and reconnected his crushed sternum and vertebrae. This water tank weighed more than a thousand pounds. When he fell from the air, he was afraid that he would be separated from his sister. He hugged it tightly. As a result, he was photographed with unimaginable power in the process of spinning down. ——When falling straight from the sky, the water surface is not the surface of the water, it is concrete. He could hardly find the bones in the body where it was intact, and it took half a minute to slow down, and then the skull in the back of the brain was completely broken.

"This is out and can't go out,"

Don't look at the experience of such a thrill, the therapist is still following the shadows, then squatting beside the water tank, panting and saying: "You have a good vacation, don't... don't want to steal our things."

Ji Shanqing did not say anything.

He sat on the ground blankly and gently placed his forehead on the water tank. Spartan must have seen the crash, and he will soon find a way to come... but he is now hovering in his heart, but it is not this. The words of Spartan just floated up from their minds and disappeared.

When his sister is not there, he is like blind, no matter how many laps he turns, he still can't find light. When the older sister was around others, he felt like a moth covered by a transparent cover; repeatedly slamming into the hood over and over again, hitting the broken wing, looking bad, or not close to that place. Warm and bright light.

From the beginning, he asked his sister for two months. It is impossible to bring my sister back to the data flow management library, so he thought that it would be OK for two months. Take the cover off and let him squat under the light source, let the wings be bitten by the fire and curl up... After two months, he will face the cold and thrilling gap, which is two months later. However, God refused to give him for two months; when he left a person, he would come again, separating him and his sister's cover, and he would never get it.

Ji Shanqing was always reluctant to think about it, but today he finally realized it, whether it is the universe or the fate of speculation, even the sister is impossible - there is no world A person will gently allow him to get what he wants.

If the sister was in the mirror room, it would be nice to dismantle him directly.

"That..." The therapist cautiously stared at him and opened his mouth. Until her voice dissipated for a few seconds, Ji Shanqing was excited to return to God: "...what?"

"If you don't want to be found by us, shouldn't you sink into the water?"

Jishan was awkward, and I realized that npc was right. He responded with a slight delay, finally sinking the lurking ship into the sea; looking at the radar, he was empty in his mind, and after a while, he turned the boat back to the direction of the beach. .

Can the data body be scattered?

There is no eternal existence in the world, and the data body should not work. But the message he got from the data body did not have any data on how to "kill" or "dissolve" a data body, perhaps because they were not willing to save such things. However, if you don't exist, you will never see your sister again.

Then again, if he doesn't exist, he will never realize that he can't see his sister.

"She can still come out in half an hour," the therapist said. "Her treatment progress is very fast, indicating that the progress is going well..."

In the latter words, they all lost their meaning. In half an hour, my sister will come out, and Spartan must be on the shore, looking at the sea where they disappeared.

Yeah, if you don't want to be caught, you shouldn't go back to the beach.

Ji Shanqing suddenly woke up from the hustle and bustle, only to react to himself and almost made a very low-level mistake: they could stop underwater in the middle of the sea and squat for half an hour. As for the "transfer" that I got from my brother after I came out, I can come in handy. My sister's friends have countless opportunities to get along with her in the future, but he is a fox that has been pierced by a trap and can't keep up with her. He was thinking about changing a world and continuing to spend the rest of his life with his sister for two months. Naturally, he had to send it together; for this reason, he has tried his best to parse the "transfer". Part of it - just that he dare not say whether it really can take effect immediately.

When you wait for the transfer, let me tell you the truth. He didn't want Bohemia to come. He just wanted to make his sister happy; he didn't want Spartan to come over, so he almost killed each other. If the sister is not willing to take him with him...

Ji Shanqing fainted over the head and went out for a while.

The possibility that my sister didn't bring him, there is indeed... He thought of this, slowly spread out the white palm, and quickly saw the pen and paper in his hand. The gift bag bite the pen between the teeth, like a primary school student who encountered a problem during the exam. Frowning thought for a long time, writing and writing lost two pieces of paper, and finally composed his own words into words.


You have asked me to study the attachment conditions of Bohemia, and I have already answered. First of all, she should try to find a special item called [Independent Thinking]. If it can't find it, use one of the [B-side designers] you used to make one, or temporarily imitate one with [Battle Item]. It works. I have read the description of it in the database, but did not get the detailed data of [independent thinking], now I write its general description below, please refer to it.


In addition, her five life should be related to the flood. Since the Great Flood destroyed all laws, the law of time should be there. If you want to say, "The big floods have only recently appeared, but the five life phenomena of Bohemia took place more than a hundred years ago." Then you need to take a good look at my last sentence. I don't have time to go into details, but if nothing else, the solution is very simple. When Yu Yuan finds you, he will help you naturally. I have already slandered him. (Or should you say it?)

Ps:j7 is now in an e-world called [Paws of the Claws], although it is very uncomfortable every day, but for the robot, it is not harmful... I heard that if you can catch more than one Claws, after a long time, I think it is quite cute.

Still want to say something?

Ji Shanqing bit his pen again, and felt that what he wanted to say could not be expressed in any language in the world. If he can write his daily affliction, hunger and fear into a data packet and put it directly in his sister's mind, she may understand his one hundred thousandth of his mood - but even if he can, he can't bear it. Yeah.

"Ah," the therapist yelled at him. "Time is up, she can come out."

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