Doomsday Wonderland

: 1302 Nameless


The sound of "squeaking" when the water tank door was opened and the air pressure was exhausted passed; the soft whispers of the therapist passed. Ji Shanqing still didn't dare turn around until the sound of the water fell on the ground with one foot.

"...package?" I don't know why, this sound is as if it is about to cry.

Jishan Qing was shocked and hurriedly turned around and saw the wet Lin San wine. Her clothes and pants were soaked in water, her hair was stuck on her cheeks, her skin was soaked white, and the eyes of the amber eyes were foggy, and she could not find the focus. He wants to smile or say something, but he can feel his face hard for a few seconds, and finally he can only slightly lower his head and scream: "Sister."

What happened to Jishan Qing was that Lin Sanjiu suddenly sighed and hurriedly walked over in two steps, burying his head in his neck and neck - not as he was in his arms as usual, but instead Regardless of the height difference, he hugged Ji Shanqing with a short waist. The water soaked his clothes all at once, and the wet, cool breath rushed into the nose, causing him to move and not dare to move.

My sister’s voice rang from her ear, and there was an embarrassment in the thick nasal voice: “You are here... Fortunately, you are here, I thought... I thought I was alone.”

How, what?

Ji Shanqing is a bit overwhelmed, because her sister looks normal. No, it should be said that her appearance is much more transparent, clear and pure than usual, as if she had been condensed and purified and the gold shines; her The lines of the body and the structure of the flesh and blood have been greatly optimized, revealing the natural feeling of almost art.

It’s really a shame that he’s been alive for two hours to get to the end of the project. There are quite a few consumer projects in the resort. If you want to see your sister all the time, he has dozens of choices. To be trapped outside the water tank is suffering.

But my sister didn't make sense, it would be uncomfortable?

Lin San wine took a deep breath, and the confused look gradually dissipated, lifting his head from the shoulder of the package. "I'm fine," she wiped her face. "I just recovered my mind... How do you say that you have the experience of sleeping alone in the afternoon?"

He didn't, but Ji Shanqing just listened to it without a word.

"When I just woke up, it was getting dark, and the window inside the room was dark, and I was alone in the air. The feeling was particularly empty... I didn’t have a sense of direction to life, I didn’t know myself. Where is it..." Lin Sanjiu rarely showed such weakness, even though this moment lasted only a minute or two. "When I was in the water tank, all my wit and self dissipated. When I blinked, I felt like I had dreamed of being abandoned by the world for many years. When I woke up, I found out that this dream is true... ...the feeling is many times more difficult than when I wake up in the afternoon, it just makes people want to cry. Fortunately, you are here, but fortunately I saw you, and the reason is slowly coming back."

He didn't expect it in his life, but he would hear such a description from his sister's mouth. Ji Shanqing’s body and fingers twitched uncontrollably like a cold war. His eyes crossed her, looked at the water tank, and looked at the therapist. Even the data body, he did not expect his sister to wake up. After coming, I will fall into such a state of mind. After all, although this is still common in humans, he is not always a human being.

Maybe God still has a little pity for him.

"But don't worry, I am slowing down now, it's okay." Lin Sanshen stabilized his mind, only to realize that the surrounding environment is not the villa, and could not help but say: "Where are we?"

Ji Shanqing opened his mouth and did not say a word.

He stayed for a while, and he didn’t know what he was going to do; all kinds of emotions and thoughts slammed into his head, or Lin Sanjiu first discovered the paper he was holding in his hand—" Written to me?" She apparently saw the word "sister" who looked up and reached out and pulled it out. This made the gift pack wake up and wake up.

"Where do you want to go?" Lin Sanshui swept his letter and went to the card library and stared at him: "Where are you going? It hasn't arrived in two months."

"S...Spartan is coming to you," he whispered.

He didn't look up to see his sister's look, just mechanically and orderly to say what happened from beginning to end. As a data body, it is not difficult for him to be single-minded, even one can make him a little A good way to share a snack and breathe. He spoke on his lips and thought about a seemingly distant question: Why did the data body remove all human emotions? Thinking about this problem seems to help him pull himself out of this place, as if he can let him float from the body, looking at this small ship space far and far, as if he and this scene The relationship is not big.

... He had doubts before, and in terms of the wisdom of the data, it is impossible to fail to understand the enormous power contained in human emotions. Even if emotions and impulses blind up a lot of reason and mind, but turn a blind eye to its precious things, it is undoubtedly a stupid and lazy way to cut off all of them.

The only answer to think about it is that the human emotions are too dangerous for the data body.

This is not surprising. The existence form of the data body actually "loads" the characteristics of many kinds of living things for the sake of the length of the family, but it does not dare to touch the human emotions.

"The package?" The sister was very keenly aware of his distraction and gently called him. Ji Shanqing was agitated, and there was a goose bump in his body. It was like a prisoner who had recovered from his illusion and found himself standing on the punishment ground. The saying was finished, he broke his hand into a fist, retracted into the sleeve, endured and endured, and did not sit on his knees.

Lin Sanji looked at the water in the cabin, and there was no sound.

"Although we made an appointment to become an ally against the Flood, I never asked him to find a way to settle for me... To be honest, he suddenly said this, but I am a bit... oh, that doesn't matter." Lin Sanjiu waved his hand and still did not raise his gaze. She said that she was an understatement, as if she was just chatting casually, but Ji Jinqing’s understanding of her, she must have made great efforts to achieve this careless effect.

"Is he injured?" The blind man can see that his sister is holding back a very strong emotional shock. The more she tried to cover up, the more she wanted to cry. "...not a fatal injury, it's okay, he is very strong, scars, I will think about it for him later. Big deal, let him make a water tank, you see my cockroaches are gone."

Ji Shanqing forced himself to "hmm".

He is very clear that the words that Lin Sanjiu is saying now are all the first reaction of her subconscious: she is only instinctively trying to reduce the conflicts that would have killed you. Maybe she didn't even realize that she was so keen to believe that there was no fundamental contradiction between Ji Shanqing and others. When the impact of the news gradually receded, her real reaction should be floating up - at that time, she would realize how terrible she was.

... Where did he know that the existence of the data body was one empty room next to the sky.

Retaining human emotions is like waking up alone at dusk, and the negative emotions are infinitely enlarged, like the echoes hitting the walls and returning back, gradually becoming stronger, until deafening.

No wonder they have to undergo emotional resection for every new immigrant. He is self-sufficient, and every step he takes is wrong.

"That," Lin Sanshui glanced at the therapist. "We will go back to the beach first. It is time to let her go back."

Jishan Qing quietly launched the lurking ship and turned to head toward the beach.

Unexpectedly, Spartan did not wait on the beach. He must have seen the crash of the aircraft, and he should know that they will come back to the beach sooner or later, but they don’t know why it happened. After waiting for him to release the paper crane, the therapist also left, Lin Sanjiu and the season. Shan Qing stood alone on the beach for a while, and she spoke coldly.

"You can never do anything to my friends again."

Come, the real reaction.

"They are not the reason why you are trapped in the data flow library. The reason you are trapped there is yourself."

Ji Shanqing lowered his head and looked at the white sand under his feet. The echo is getting stronger, and the earthquake is shaking his brain, and the line of sight is blurred.

"...but that's not your fault."

Jishan Qingyi blinked.

"People's teacher, **** Simia, Spartan... They leave me, anyone can live, maybe live better." Lin Sanshui lowered his voice and said slowly, "Only you, you can't live without me."


"Of course I hope that one day, you can become like them. But before that, you should stay with me, even if you are the only one who is by my side."

Ji Shanqing looked up and felt that his body was shaking all the time, and he almost stood still.

"I don't know how you should leave the data flow management library, but when you can come to me, it will be two months or two years..." Lin Sanshui lowered his eyelids and said that this is a bit of a saying. Going down, I just suddenly reached out a hand and said, "You have arranged everything else? Are you sending it? Give it to me."

Ji Shanqing shook his "sending" into his sister's body, and it took half the time to shake. My sister still looked at her face slightly, just rubbing his face gently and training him: "Cry what, you hurt people so much."

After taking a thick stack of visas - just in case, Ji Shanqing wrote a lot of unknowns - she clung to the wrist of the package and said: "When the transfer is over, you put the data stream Tell me all about the tube library. If I don't understand it, tell me. I can't let you continue to be trapped alone."

That's almost impossible, but Ji Shanqing is content enough - even after going back, dissipating himself is enough. He nodded hard and looked at his sister's increasingly blurred body. He didn't know if it was because of transmission or his own tears.

"Okay," Lin Sanshui finally showed him a smile. "I’m leaving soon, you’re holding it.”

Jishan Qing was busy reaching out to grab her wet clothes.

It was when she almost disappeared that Ji Shanqing was suddenly smashed into the sea by a force that had been broken.

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