Doomsday Wonderland

: 1304 On the first day of the New World, the self-reliant Lin San wine


... Lin Sanjiu wants to kill.

As she jumped up and jumped, the last half of the sound from the last world was still ringing in her throat. The arm is already full of strength, and only one punch can make a rotten watermelon. Now I can't find the target, so I have to go back empty and feel uncomfortable. She gasped and stood in the same place for a few seconds, replaying the scene of the gift bag being thrown into the sea again and again, listening to the sound of the water.

She should have killed the gray face from the beginning.

No matter how inhaled or exhaled, there is no way to dilute the hard stone that is in the chest. She felt a little itchy on her neck and stretched her hand, realizing that she was splashed with water before she was transferred - she couldn't help but clench her fists, as if she could feel the little bag left in the sea. The remaining temperature. After the anger was gradually suppressed, she finally reacted. She was standing on the street where people came and went. The voices and the sound of the car were bustling.

She raised her head slyly, and the large and small neon signs stretched under the evening sky, and all kinds of words rolled up in the past, fiercely competing for people's attention; young and beautiful faces of men and women, posted on the big In the advertisement, a similar smile was made to the passing pedestrians. I don't know where the car horn suddenly screamed, and then there was a screaming voice with an accent.

"Come a little over." Someone whispered to the companion, bypassing Lin Sanjiu to the other side of the road, and the wall went a few steps forward.

"What a geek can see," a girl whispered to her boyfriend, who hurriedly figured out like a cloud from the glass window of a street shop.

There were also many people who glanced at her with no expression, turned their eyes and continued to move forward quickly; it was like a woman from head to toe and drenched standing on the side of the road every day. Nothing to be surprised.

Lin San wine cellar.

She thought about it, holding her hand in front of her, and quietly opened the stack of visas given to her by her hand. The number of these visas is enough to make the chin of any organization in the 12th world fall down. Others are hard-working, and you can’t earn a 12-zone visa if you die, and the package will be given to her. Twenty thirty.

A large part of them went to the "Karma Museum", where the Yuan was sent to the west, and the remaining red nautilus, blue falling yellow spring... all have everything. Only she saw each one once and did not see the words "JourneyPerformed" on any of the visas.

... Where did the flood send her to?

She looked up, put away the card, and walked a few steps along the crowd. Yes, everyone who walked past her was slow and tempered; it wasn’t that their movements were really slow. It is unbearable, but it is only seen from the eyes of Lin San. I only feel that they are dragging their hands and waters, and they are weak, live like... The living images are not evolutionary.

She looked around and found a subway station not far from the back of the street. A big clock stood on the corner of the street, pointing at 6:30, and the crowd coming home from work rushed past her; the longer she stood in the crowd, the more she became aware of her drenched clothes.

...The world has not yet reached the end? I don't think she has this kind of luck?

Wait a minute, if this is a world that has not yet reached the end, how can she live?

Still like in the doomsday world, when you take a break, you can burn an iron bucket when you are warming... Isn’t it a standard tramp here?

In the doomsday world, she once fantasized about how many times she returned to modern society; when this day really came, she was only full of guilt. She has no family or friends in this place, no place to go, not even know where she is. The shops around, the noises, the crowds that are busy for life... are like a illusion of breaking through the layers. I don’t know that I will be completely shredded after six months.

Lin Sanjiu walked like a water ghost on the shore for a while, the clothes were gradually dry, and the night was completely left in the city, and it was stirred up by various lights and noisy, thin and thin. The layers floated over the city. She recalled her life experience in the city for a while—it was a long time ago—and finally decided to find a place for herself, and then try to find other evolutionists in the world to see if Can't go back to the 12th world; if I really stay here for 14 months, and I can't contact anyone, she must die.

Well, she is also the sister of Ji Shanqing, the person who relies on Bohemia, the gutter of the doll who turned over the boat. If it is rare to come to a normal society and go to sleep under the bridge, I am too sorry for her identity as an evolutionist. It is.

Lin Sanjiu quickly got an idea, looked up and looked around, and stepped into a shopping mall. For the evolutionary, the laws, rules, and limitations have long been indifferent, and the power has its only meaning. When she walked past the door of a bakery, she suddenly stopped her foot and looked at the cashier girl in the room for a while. I haven’t thought about it for a long time. Why do people in normal society find such a finger to be able to keep their money with their heads – isn’t that stupid? Even if it didn't evolve, wouldn't there be five big three strong men?

And the light inside is yellow, so a variety of breads and snacks are so big in the glass cabinet...

Something on her right side quietly and slowly stretched out, Lin Sanjiu was staring at the food, and the head did not return to the next hand, the speed was so fast that even the hands became a virtual shadow - "啪" On the ground, a small piece of cake with a toothpick fell to the feet. She glanced, when she turned back, the big sister who wore an apron to try the passers-by had just exported: "New product... baked."

When the big sister said half of it, she realized what happened. She looked down to the ground and looked up again. She probably had never seen such a thing. She didn’t know what to do. "You... I... try it..."

Oh, yes, there is such a good thing. Fortunately, it is not the hand that is being hit, otherwise the older sister has to go to the hospital.

Lin Sanjiu hurried down to pick up the cake, blow the ash, and swallowed it with his mouth open. Too small, not enough for her to punch a punch. "It's delicious," she comforted the big sister who had a rounded eyes. "Is there?"

Big sister pointed out awkwardly at the store.

Lin San wine cellar walked in, and the guests who took the tray of the cake on the way hurriedly gave her a way to open the way, and live like a life on the top - this is a biologically instinctive reaction, don't look at it. It is a modern person, and animal intuition is still there. She was unassuming, and reached for the door and looked at it. The new product I just ate was a cake. She remembered that the new product was not costly; therefore, these meat loose bags, red bean bread, can not be eaten, but this kind of cake can be.

She feels that her memories of the life of modern society are still very reliable. She opened her hand and grabbed a few new cakes. She turned her head and went out to the mouth and said vaguely to the big sister: "Thank you!"

Until she went out, she seemed to faintly hear the big sister yelling "What happened? What happened?"

It seems that someone has smashed a few words about chasing her, but even if Lin Sanjiu is casually strolling, it is also a blink of an eye in ordinary people’s eyes; she went to the other side of the mall in two minutes. Find the cosmetics counter and find a seat on the leather stool: "Trouble, I want to try a cosmetic."

"Okay," BA turned around with a smile, and saw her and stopped.

I don't look like a woman who can make up? Lin Sanjiu is a bit confused.

"What do you want to... want to buy?"

"I won't buy it first, I will try it," Lin Sanshang sown a white lie. "Let me buy it again."

"Then, what are you going to try...?"

"You give me a whole set." She actually forgot what steps to make up.

The BA tongue hit the knot for a while, and the eyelids didn't dare to look at her. When the foundation was shaken, the fingers trembled and the caps fell three times. They were all caught by Lin Sanjiu in a mid-air with a lightning speed. In fact, think about it carefully, the appearance of BA is not unexpected... She is, after all, an evolutionary who has been slashed and **** and has been born and died for more than a decade. In essence, she and ordinary people are already on the two levels of the survival chain. The species is gone. When the average evolver sees the doll, isn't this the reaction? It seems that this BA happens to be sensitive to power. If it evolves, it is very promising.

BA didn't know how his future was. Hey, she finished her makeup with tears in her eyes. She was so nervous that she even forgot to hand it to her. She said, "It’s finished... it’s very good, very suits you."

That's it. Lin Sanjiu looked at her like this. She probably couldn’t afford the courage to ask if she wanted to buy anything. It’s not polite at the moment, just stand up and go – the BA is a big sigh, and the whole person is on the counter. However, she was cold and she folded back and almost cried. “Is there a place for someone to find a house nearby? Call it... Hey, the intermediary... Yes, the house intermediary.”

“Real estate agency?” BA quickly said, “Go out from here and turn right.”


Lin Sanjiu continued to walk, but within a few minutes he entered the small store of the real estate agent and shouted: "I want to rent a house."

A young man looked up from the computer and just saw her and threw the cup in his hand. He finally remembered his position, wiped his face, and quickly stood up with a smile. "Sister, what are you looking for?"

She specially painted a makeup, that is, she wants to make herself look more like a social person. By the way, it can also hide the fierceness of the whole body. It seems useful. Lin Sanjiu had no requirements for the house, but he shook his head and said: "Don't call my sister. Is there any house that I can see right away? I am going to see the house now."

The facts proved once again that her memory was very reliable; because the intermediary did not have any doubts, she hurriedly grabbed a few keys and accompanied her to a nearby neighborhood. After waiting for a few houses to read the house, Lin Sanjiu went downstairs with the agent and did not leave. He stood at the door and said to him: "By the way."

"Ah?" He also groaned. "You don't look good? I still have a phone call here..."

Lin San wine looked at him silently.

The intermediary deflated. "Where are you going?"

"I will live here."

"Oh, you want to change rooms -"

"bye bye."

She found that people in modern society say goodbye to "bye bye". It is very easy and casual. It is probably never sad about when and where the next meeting will be. Such a scornful word, she said that it is a bit uncomfortable - but can't always say "have a chance to reunite"?

After the one-faced agent was sent away, Lin Sanjiu turned to the floor and came to the set of rooms she had just seen. She put her hand on the door lock, and when she took it down, the door lock and the handle were pulled out by her hard-boiled piece. It is as fragile as the chicken breast.

Now, before someone moves in, the suite is temporarily returned to her.

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