Doomsday Wonderland

: 1305 Nothing to look at the ceiling


Lin Sanjiu walked through the empty house without turning on the lights. This is a small room with a small room. It smells a long time without air circulation. The mattress in the bedroom is still new. It is hard and hard, and it is wrapped in plastic film.

She sat on the sofa for a while, and felt that it was not as comfortable as the exodus. She stood up and went to the balcony and looked at the night scene for a while, feeling that it was not as beautiful as the blue spring. In modern society, even the night sky is soaked in ashes, and under industrial pollution, it is dead and sorrowful. There was a machine on the balcony. She watched it several times before she realized that it was a washing machine. Compared with a decade ago, the appearance of the washing machine has changed so much.

Anyway, it is a place to stay.

She looked out from the kitchen, only less than ten meters away, just facing the other kitchen, a housewife was cooking in the fumes, frowning, sweating in the head, watching the bitterness and hatred. Since you are not happy, why do you still have to do it?

Not far away, the housewife threw the scoop in the local area, shut the fire, and straightened up the scorpion. I don’t know who to scream: "Don’t play the game again! Eat! Eat!"

Lin San wine quietly quit the kitchen and returned to the empty living room. Neighbors' housewives are very noisy at home. Every sentence is like a slap in the face, but they are not quarreling. They go back and forth around the quarrel and say: "Play games every day, don't raise wages and spend money! Go home. I don't know how to help!" More and more, she seems to be empty in this dark room.

In the distance, a string of bicycle bells sounded, and someone upstairs spit out loudly. Whose TV is in a theme song that is not very nice, and there is a washing machine nearby that is rumbling – perhaps the same as her.

Lin San wine sat quietly in the dark for a while.

The ordinary day of ordinary people seems to be different from what she imagined, but she can't say where it is different.

She and countless people struggled, resisted, and fought in the torrent of the last days... The life that was said to be bitten by the teeth, in the modern society, was in front of the TV, before the washing machine, before the boiler stove... Slowly worn away? Standing in the world, so dazzlingly, the eyes are full of fire and smoke, as if there is no peace and happiness in the memory.

There is no fallen, no hostile evolutionary, no copy... She doesn't know what to do next. If you sit in the dark, you can't turn on the lights... If you can't use the ability, you're still fine.

Thinking of it, Lin Sanjiu was not inspired by the spirit.

By the way, the last time she opened [ebay] to view her own purchase advertisements, it was a matter of more than a week ago. Maybe someone gave her a message? Even if there is no news of [ability grinding agent] for a while, you can see what other evolutionists are selling and what to buy! Even if she doesn't buy anything, she can at least get some news from the Doomsday world.

She quickly called out [ebay], closed her eyes, and the first time she felt that the shopping interface in front of her eyes was so kind. The gift package likes to use her [ebay] to buy things, even if the data body can't be changed, it is like someone else sells something to him, it is more interesting than the one he wrote. He must be trying to find himself. He might give him a small gift now and let him be happy when he comes over - maybe let the child calm down a bit.

The message under the purchase of [ability polish] is still the same, as it was a month ago. After she glanced over, she opened the list of items for sale; but she had already read several pages, and the items on sale on each page were gray.

This shows that all the items on [ebay] are too far away from her, can't be sent...?

Then contact someone to try it out.

Lin Sanjiu is the only user who knows on [ebay]. One is Gongdaoyi and the other is a doll teacher. It is natural to know who to contact. At this time, she looked at the username of "Bounce the Little Sesame", and she felt that she was full of tenderness and joy - even the thin, thin face in her memory had become more gentle and kind, and she was like her. of.

"Where are you? I was sent away."

……Failed to send.


"Are you still in the lava world? Have you met Bohemia?"

Failed to send.

"Potato potatoes, I am sweet potatoes."

Failed to send.

Lin Sanjiu is a bit stupid because there has never been such a situation before. Logically speaking, [ebay] transmits messages that are not affected by distance; each message that is transmitted is a resonance generated between two [ebay], and the message is sent to the owner. She randomly opened every thing that could be opened on the [ebay] page, but it was not a blank after opening, and it was gray and unresponsive, as if a special item in her hand was taken off the line.

She opened her eyes and took the special items back into the card library. Suddenly, she gave birth to an inexplicable panic—as if she was unconsciously lost to a deserted land, no one knew she was here. She can't find a way out. However, this panic lasted only for a short time, and it was smoothed out by reason: in any case, this is a world that has not yet reached the end. In this environment, there should be no special items, let alone Is it just missing the spirit? It is very likely that only at the end of the day, will [ebay] return to normal?

She tried to think about it for a moment, and couldn't remember if she had used any special items. Judging from her insights at that time, even if she used it, I wouldn’t be able to see it... but now I think that Ren Nan’s special items are very pitiful. For an experienced evolutionary person, this does not seem to be the case. Is it right?

When Lin Sanjiu was out of the sea, he heard a faint voice from the balcony. This house is located on the sixth floor. It is impossible for anyone to hear the voice downstairs; but for an ear-changing evolution. The voice of the intermediary can't be more clearly: "Yes, on the sixth floor... Oh, the lower floor is good, don't wait for the elevator... Yes, the furniture is new..."

This intermediary business is too busy, right? Only one hour later, there are customers again?

Lin Sanjiu quickly stood up and quietly closed the door. The door locks and handles were violently dismantled by her. There was only one big hole left in the original place, and it could not be closed at all; she took out the power of [description], and in the mouth, she had a word for a while, and the door was slowly "long" out of the new lock. The head and the handles seem to have an eight-point look like the ones before.

"Fortunately, you can still use it, and strive for it."

She praised the "power of description." The fake type of door lock, of course, could not be opened with a real key, but she had a countermeasure for this - when she heard the footsteps in the hallway, she quickly stepped on the sofa and jumped into the empty bookcase in the living room. On the top floor, the hands and feet climbed up flexibly, hiding themselves in the corner of the ceiling, and then attached the door handle with a sense of consciousness.

"Imagination is for you, you are used to do hens and thieves," said the teacher, who complained coldly and disappeared.

"Well?" The voice of the agent rang outside the door. "How is this lock... No, nothing, you see, isn't this open?"

Of course, I opened it, Lin Sanji thought. When she took the intermediary to turn the key, she opened the door with consciousness.

The intermediary 啪嗒啪嗒 pressed the light switch a few times, and the headlights in the center of the living room did not light up. It is definitely not going to light up. When Lin Sanji climbed up, he loosened it; otherwise, her limbs were stuck on the ceiling, hanging like a big spider in the corner, she was afraid to scare the incoming person. dead.

"Nothing, this landlord will be repaired when it arrives." He explained to a couple of young people, and took out the phone to illuminate.

According to this method, no matter how many waves of guests are seen, they can't find Lin Sanjiu who lives here. It’s just that this is not a long-term solution. She still has to think of a way to make a living. Let’s take a foothold here first... I’m always outside the society, maybe I’m going to have a dice someday. When she thinks about it, she can have her skills to survive in modern society. She has never had one; or she has learned the past in the hero movie, going out to help justice and robbing the rich and poor at night - when it comes to poverty, She is just one of the "poor", isn’t that a coincidence? This is not.

When she was fascinated, the couple had already rushed through the house, and they couldn’t help but look at it.

"If we are satisfied with this community, we still have a set of..." The agent opened the door and said with a smile. When the couple went out, he just had to go out, suddenly bowed his head and rubbed the floor, rubbed it back and forth like a muddy mud, and looked at the door handle.

Oops, this guy doesn't look good, but his heart is very thin.

When Lin Sanji broke into the door, it would inevitably break the wood in the door panel; although she had just cleaned it up, she couldn’t avoid some things like wood chips and scum spilling on the ground. Plus, even if the fake door locks the face to be installed as the main master, it is always a little distance from the real thing...

"Two, you go down first, I suddenly remembered that the landlord had told me something," the agent smiled and waved at the couple. "I will go down as soon as possible, five minutes, five minutes!"

Lin Sanjiu hangs in the corner of the ceiling, watching him close the door, raise his mobile phone, and look down in the living room and circle - maybe he doesn't know what he is looking for, and from time to time he goes back to look at the door lock for a while. I tried the key a few times, but it did not alleviate his doubts.

"No," he murmured. "Where is it... the lights are still broken."

The agent straightened up and paused for a while.

Immediately, he lifted his phone and pointed the light at the headlights in the living room—the ceiling was suddenly illuminated. Lin Sanjiu is hiding in the blurry junction of light and darkness. At this moment, it is just a human figure in his glory, lying on the ceiling.

Still not turning his head, the intermediary throat squeaked twice, and he slammed his body. The phone trembled slightly and moved to the corner bit by bit. In a white flashlight, Lin's face, which was specially smeared, floated from the darkness, and there was no **** lips. He smiled at him.

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