Doomsday Wonderland

: 1306 This is the end of the world for me.

Give me 2-30 minutes to send it, and get on the plane tomorrow! 】

[Flat world, Lin San wine card library]

Baton x1

Introduction: There is no electricity, so pay attention to the method of use.

Knife x3

Introduction: The cheap fruit knife, after being cut by it, can stop bleeding with a band-aid.

Brick x1

Introduction: Building materials, it is said that the northeast and Beijing people love to take this call.

Pygmalion collar cooling remaining time: 8 hours 09 minutes.

Warm reminder, please pay attention to life safety.

"You **** is joking with me!" Lin Sansui broke out with a roar, and picked up the light rain on the ground, and turned and ran as crazy.

Both Fang Dan and Mather didn't dare to delay for a second, and followed her behind the stairs. The road that doesn't feel long is usually a long time today - before they even approached, a black shadow has swiftly swept from their heads.

Where the shadows passed, the ceiling cracked a deep gap, and countless pieces of gravel wood chips fell in the rain; several people suddenly hugged their heads and their feet slowed down in the dodge.

"咚", the black shadow fell in front of a few women, put away a pair of black and shiny wings behind it.

Lin Sanjiu looked back and saw behind them four or five fallen species with the same wings.

A common fallen seed with no wings outside the door just came in. When I saw the black-backed winged back, I turned away.

Each of the long-winged fallen species was very tall; let Lin Sanji couldn’t help but think of the two that he had seen in the Public Security Bureau that day. The skin that covers their body and wings is neither a crumpled stack nor as smooth as a human being - but a smooth, dark brown hard surface, a bit like a beetle.

If you don't have the appearance of a personal torso, looking at it from the back is like a huge cockroach with wings.

"Oh ah..." The raindrops were scattered and soft, and they fell to the ground.

Lin Sanshui looked down at her and couldn’t help but swear in her heart.

"Play, fight!" Fang Dan said with a trembling voice. "Who do you have weapons?"

Just as Lin San was staring at the fallen seed, when he was in the cold sweat, the fallen figure was very happy to blink at her--at this time, she suddenly caught a scent from it.

They tend to be very embarrassing, but now, the guy is still mixed with a hint of subtle scent, very familiar -

That is the smell of washing powder.

In the oasis, because the water source is precious, only the cadre building has washing powder - because only they have the privilege of washing clothes.

This fallen species, wearing a cadre's clothes - or, its clothes were treated by cadres.

Lin San wine clenched his lips and felt that the guess in his mind suddenly floated too shockedly - the moment in the hall was very quiet, except for the cry of the rain, the unique "嗡嗡" sound of the fallen, even They didn’t come out at all, they seemed to be deliberately controlling themselves not to make a sound.

In fact, if you concentrate on listening, you will find that although the fallen land is covered by the darkness of the sky, it is like the silent film of the old times, only action, no sound.

Not waiting for the fallen seeds in front of them, Lin Sanjiu suddenly made a difficult attack, kicking the little rain around him to Fang Dan, and screamed in the mouth: "Blowing! Calling people! I and Mather are blocking you!"

As soon as she moved, the fallen seeds around it all moved—some open their wings, some swayed their mouthparts, but they all kept silent.

Mather’s trust in Lin Sanjiu is absolute. After this sentence was finished, she had already rushed to Fang Dan’s body and swept the past, forcing a fallen species that was intended to attack Fang Dan.

Fang Dan's calf was soft and looked down. There was a whistle on the chest of Xiaoyu. She was familiar with this whistle. Every night when she got up, the oasis people were woken up by this whistle. She pulled it down in a hurry, and couldn't wait to ask half a word, and licked her lips. The sharp whistle in the hall evoked a layer of echoes in the hall, and spread it far away.

The fallen seeds are a bit chaotic, but the momentum of the attack is even more fierce. It is a posture that will kill them all before they make a bigger voice. They are much more powerful than the usual fallen seeds. The mouth waving is very ugly and clear - almost in a blink of an eye, Lin Sanjiu has a **** wound; she turned out the baton and refused to save electricity. The crazy counterattack is accompanied by the current sound of "sucking and nourishing", but it is actually a joint offensive of two fallen species.

The harsh whistle sounded a few times, and Fang Dan threw his whistle and pulled his throat, shouting at the loudest volume in his life: "The fallen seed invaded the oasis - the fallen invasion of the oasis -"

Then there were a few whistle.

Despite being in a tough battle, Lin Sanshui still clearly heard the turmous sounds coming from the underground two layers like the tide; soon, the cluttering footsteps came down the stairs, a man took the lead Opened the corridor door.

His eyes fell in the hall, his eyes just rounded, and a fallen seed suddenly snarled, a roll of mouthparts, and a human head flew up in the air like a ball.

On the edge of the mouthpiece, there is a row of sharp teeth that have never been seen before.

The headless body squatted on the ground, and a burst of screams broke out from behind him. This time, the originally dubious crowds all exploded. The U-turned, crying and shouting, roaring and rushing out... The waves are one after another, and the empty hall becomes a loudspeaker, which can be heard far and near.

While picking up a few fallen species to kill the escaped crowd, Lin Sanshui glanced at the two men of Marcelfontein, and the three turned and ran towards the window on the other side of the hall. She shattered the glass, and she looked back at the fallen species that was chased after him. He anxiously said: "Fang Dan goes out! Call the rest of the buildings! Fast!"

Fang Dan bit his teeth and jumped out.

Lin Sanjiu moved with his right hand and two cards shot like bullets to the rear. Then I heard only a tragic, two cheap fruit knives plunged into the eyes of the fallen seed.

On the other side, the two fallen tails fell down with the escaped crowd, all the way to cut vegetables and cut vegetables, blood and broken limbs splashed; the other two in the hall saw their companions injured, screaming low, Also rushed over.

At this time, in the distance, Fang Dan’s heartbreaking snoring finally came: “Get up and meet the enemy! Fallen into the invasion of the oasis!”

A series of shouts blew up the oasis like a thunder, and the crowd was amazed from the time when they were awakened, and it took only a few seconds to cry after the confirmation of the situation.

"What is the use of them?" Mather's long steel armor framed the mouth-to-face mouthparts, sweating: "Isn't this letting ordinary people die in vain?"

"These fallen species are the ones in the oasis!" Lin Sanjiu blocked the counterattack and jumped forward. The batons waved an arc in the air, and heavily plunged the fruit knife into the brain of the injured and fallen seed. The fallen body shook and swayed. She didn't go through combat training, but it seems that she seems to be on the way to fighting, still a bit talented.

Mather was shocked by this sentence. He was almost hit by a mouthpart and was busy and walked away to hide: "What do you mean?"

"I think they have been hiding here since this time," Lin San wine touched the dead body on the ground, and suddenly the body became a card, and she was held in the palm of her hand. "They don't want to let the oasis people discover that there must be a reason. I want to make them smother!"

This is the case, but Lin Sanjiu did not think that the price of the rat trap is so big.

The situation outside is getting more and more chaotic - crying and screaming crowds, under the spur of the road, become a group of beasts without exports; a cluster of blood from time to time in the crowd, more irritating people's nerves, panic It can be touched by hand. Compared to the fall, there are probably more people who die from the collision.

In the same picture of purgatory, I did not know where a long whistle sounded suddenly; as if I heard the instructions, the fallen seeds in the hall all lived, and the two downstairs also came back. The words that Lin Sanjiu said just now fell into their ears. One of them squinted at her and said nothing. Then, all four turned and flew out of the hall.

Looking out from the gate, just like the dark clouds that covered the sun, all of them flew far in one direction. Walking around the top of the building, I don’t know when I disappeared.

Their retreat was quick and well-organized, and there were some unbelievable Mather, suddenly speechless.

For a few seconds, the oasis fell into a strange silence. Everyone looked up at the fallen species that went away, and couldn’t speak.

"Oh..." A subtle voice behind him suddenly rang, it was a light rain. She was scared from the beginning and fell in the corner, so that she survived to the present.

Seems to be reminded by her voice, Lin San wine hit a spirit, suddenly realized what, grabbed the Maser and ran out.

"Now is the best chance! With the oasis in a mess, let's go drive..." She said, looking at it and rushing toward the team.

However, this idea was quickly broken by a sound that was resounding in the air: "Everyone notices that this is the White Professor's office!"

The two of them stunned and their feet slowed down.

At the same time, several big horns in the oasis came out with a majestic male voice. The air suddenly seemed to be condensed. The dead silence was shrouded: "First, please rest assured that the invading fallen population just left, we Now, the five oasis cadres have arrived at the incident to investigate the situation and deal with the aftermath. After the broadcast, everyone will immediately return to their room, or immediately arrest the expulsion. Repeat again, after the broadcast, Everyone returns immediately..."

Going back now, I will never come out again. If the two of them fell into the hands of Chen Jinfeng, they would not even think about expelling this kind of good thing. They looked at each other and Lin Sanjiu reached out and pointed his finger. Then he walked lightly along the outer wall of the building and went outside. on board. Industrial air conditioners are much larger than homes, but it is convenient for two women: they are not fat, and one person is shrinking on an outdoor unit, just right.

As soon as the broadcast ended, the crowd immediately returned to the dormitory building like a frightened flock of sheep. The sound of the five cadres rang out one after another, and the footsteps slammed on the ground. The sound of the body, the voice of the voice, the voice of the search... The two hid on the top of the crowd, and they passed for more than two hours without moving. The oasis gradually calmed down again.

I haven't been grilled by the noon sun for a few days. The longer I stayed on the outdoor unit, the harder it is.

With a bang, the sound of the tapping microphone was heard on the radio.

The man just said again: "All people please note that this is Professor Bai’s office. According to reliable witnesses, the reason for this tragedy today is that there are people in the oasis who are arrogant and degraded, attracting fallen species. As the last hope of human revival, we must not tolerate such a situation... Now, we are beginning to report the names of traitors."

"...Lin Sanjiu."


"The traitor is two women, aged between 20 and 30. There may be accomplice assistance. Among them, the first offender Lin Sanjiu has a bandage around his neck, and Mather is a red-haired white..."

"All Oasis compatriots have the responsibility to search and report the position of the traitor... At the same time, all the guards cancel the shift and strictly guard the entrance to prevent the traitors from escaping. Repeat again..."

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