Doomsday Wonderland

: 1307 A modern social career path of the evolutionary

[Sorry to update so late, it will be very soon, give me 20 minutes]

In the darkness of the distance, there was a shadow like a small hill, which was moving toward it in a very slow speed, and Mather immediately stopped his foot in a vigilant manner.

The shadow was huge, but the speed was too slow—she put down the first aid kit and waited for a few minutes with her arm. The huge shadow gradually approached, and the original appearance appeared in front of her eyes. Just as soon as I saw it, Mather suddenly raised an eyebrow: "...What are you doing?"

It’s Hu Chang who is here.

On his shoulder was a rope that he did not know where to find it. The other end of the rope was tied to the unconscious sea azure. He was stepping forward to death. This scene is like a chicken pulling a camel. Like, tired Hu is often in asthma, and the eyes are bulging out: "Call, ha... help, help..."

As soon as he looked up, he stupidly said: "Mather, how did you make this look?"

There is almost no good place in Mather's body. It is not a bandage or a potion. It can't even be seen in the original skin color. She sighed helplessly: "There were too many wounds. I went to the infirmary to deal with it. I took something that I thought might be useful. Don't worry, it's all a flesh wound... It's you - Chen Jinfeng I was killed, but you dragged your opponent, what does it mean?"

When Hu Chang’s gaze fell on the first aid kit, he slammed down to the ground and waved his hand weakly: “First, first heal him.... He and we have a common enemy... concrete, physical, Wait for me to breathe, breathe, and say..."

Since he said this, Mather also took out alcohol and needlework and treated Hai Tianqing's wounds simply. After they were finished, they fed the medicine. She sneered at the blood on her hand with a cotton cloth: "Since I have been an oasis, I am going to become a surgeon... OK, let him fall asleep here, left. The next one can only be picked up by himself."

Anyway, in the physique of Hai Tianqing, wherever it went, it was hard to move - Hu Chang nodded, and suddenly a few coughs sounded in the distance, and then someone asked lowly: " it Mather?"

The two looked up and saw a person coming out from the night, just Fang Dan.

Fang Dan's skin is covered with large patches of bruises and no wounds. It’s just that her face is very different: “Too good, I can find you guys—” The words are going to go down.

Hu Chang quickly held his hand in the eye, and Mather quickly came over and checked her for a moment, then immediately surprised: "Your ribs have broken at least three! How can you go everywhere, too dangerous... your What about the opponent?"

Fang Dan squeezed out a weak and proud smile: "I am still alive, he is of course dead."

After talking about her gaze and falling on the side of Hai Tianqing, she was shocked: "Ah! What is going on!"

Hu Chang was explaining to her quickly, and Fang Dan closed his mouth with doubt. Mather did some urgent treatment for her, and saw that her situation was not suitable for moving again. The two simply supported her and slowly lay down beside Hai Tianqing.

"Let's go see the situation of the little wine, and then I will come back to you right away. Although there is no one outside, you are still hiding beside the sea cadres..." Mather said softly.

Fang Dan nodded, leaning on the arm of the sea azure thick like a small trunk, his expression gradually relaxed.

Seeing that she closed her eyes, Mather and the two did not dare to delay, and let go of the cadre building.

"...can't see it, Fang Dan is also very powerful! What is her ability to come?" Hu Chang was trying to catch up with Mather's speed while he gasped and asked.

Mather's foot was awkward and looked back at him in amazement: "I don't know. You two are in the oasis for so long, I thought you knew..."

Hu Chang was stunned, but he didn't put it in his heart - when Fang Dan was better, the chances of asking were many.

This ran for less than a minute, and the cadre building was already in sight. The smoke that the two of them rushed all the way, had already caught the attention of several people in front of the building - "One, two, three... wrong, here are three people besides the small wine? And the wine seems to be in the hand Also carrying something..." Mather stunned his head.

Although a person - what is it in the hand? - Faced with three people, but Lin Sanjiu's appearance is not nervous at all; she saw Mather's figure from afar, and even turned her head and waved at her, shouting: "Maser, you come. Come here!"

With the dust, Mather stopped her feet with doubts.

She looked at the three people across from Lin Sanjiu, including the little girl with horns and the enchanting woman. She had all been photographed, it was Xu Xiaoyang and Xiaoshi. The other is a middle-aged woman wearing a white scorpion, with a short hair and a very raw face, she has never seen.

After thinking about it, Mather still asked the most concerned question: "...where is the rabbit caught, can you eat?"

Can't blame her, she has not eaten meat for 28 months.

"I am not a food! You are a stupid woman!" Although the ear is still in the hands of others, but the brown-haired rabbit that the Alliance has arrived, has restored its rude tone: "Don't look at me, roll away!"

"This... what happened?" Mather was the first time she saw a talking rabbit. She stunned and asked, and suddenly she remembered standing still: "And who are they?"

When talking about the words, Hu Chang was too angry to run close - Lin Sanjiu did not answer her, and the look was solemnly asked: "Everyone is okay? How about the other three cadres?" What?"

When asked, several people on the opposite side also raised their ears.

"In addition to Hai Tianqing, the other two are dead." When Mather lifted his chin, Yu Guangyi turned to the three people who were unclear, and they all changed their faces, which added a sentence: " Fang Dan was seriously injured and is now recovering from Hai Tianqing."

Seeing the look of Lin Sanjiu, Hu Chang was hurriedly inserted: "This will explain me later... Yes, you are a small wine? Is there not two cadres?"

"Well, this is one of them -" Lin Sanshui raised his arm and shook his rabbit: "Come, say hello."

The rabbit is sullen and does not say anything.

"It turns out that the legendary rabbit cadre is really a rabbit?" Hu Chang was screaming.

"There is another one. I don't know about people in the back." Looking at the two people's mouths, Lin Sanshen shrugged.

Not waiting for the reaction of Mather, Xu Xiaoyang has lamented incredulously: "You have a small number of people, and some people have not strengthened their physical strength. I really don't understand how you defeated the cadres in the end?"

"Oh, yes," she said. This sentence finally reminded Lin Sanjiu. She rushed across the chin and said: "The captain Xu said that she had a request, and I have time to say. Since you are here, listen together. Listen."

Xu Xiaoyang listened, dropped his eyelids, and his expression was gloomy. At this time, he didn't look like a child at all. Her gaze turned around in the middle-aged woman next to her, stretched out her cloak, and couldn't help but sigh and said, "I hope... don't hurt my mother."

"your mom--?"

Xu Xiaoyang nodded, and the horns slipped to her low-lying face: "I am the daughter of Professor Bai."

The eyes of several people immediately gathered on the middle-aged woman. Xu Xiaoyang’s voice is almost inaudible: “My mother, she... is also a member of the high-temperature adaptation drug. She has no potential value, so she has not evolved any ability. But if you want to hurt her, I will die. ——"

"I was originally Professor Bai?" Her tone was just firm, and she was interrupted by Lin San. "We don't know who Professor Bai is. You just want to let her, I want to let her." Come along."

Xu Xiaoyang quickly raised his head, and the five senses were frozen in a regretful expression.

"Since I know, I can't easily let her go. At least I can't ask the words before I can." Lin Sanshui nodded to her with apologetic apology, then turned and asked: "... Why do you support the fall? Kind?"

Xu Xiaoyang trembled and couldn't help but talk. Professor Bai suddenly patted her daughter's shoulder and stopped her words.

The brown-haired rabbit in her hand groaned and immediately snorted: "What are you talking about?"

"...when I took this road, I knew that I must go alone." The voice of the middle-aged woman across the street interrupted it, and the brown-haired rabbit looked at it in a foolish way.

Professor Bai turned his eyes to the direction of the Oasis dormitory. After watching it for a while, he opened his mouth softly: "... Yesterday, there were several children who were about the same size as Xiaoyang, and they entered the greenhouse for the first time."

Lin Sanjiu, I don’t know what she meant.

"They are going to learn biological knowledge right away, so the teacher brought it and planted some radishes in the greenhouse. Tomorrow, next week... they will wait for a while, these radishes will grow these children ""

Professor Bai turned his eyes and smiled a little. A few lines of paper drooped down on his lips.

"In the five buildings over there, there are 1,600 people living. They have men and women, most of them are young and middle-aged, and there are countless tomorrows for them... Oasis is a model of a rebuilt human society. And they are the kind of fire that humans continue."

Taking a deep breath, Professor White’s face raised a gentle smile. "In order to be able to save these fires, in order for humans to continue to prosper, even if I can only walk in the dark, I have no complaints."

Hu Chang was stunned and nodded to the companions around him and whispered: "Every word she said is from the heart."

"What does this have to do with the fallen species?"

Professor Bai’s gaze turned around them: “If I said that the reason why the oasis can have today’s scale depends on the fallen species?”

The three tribes and one rabbit were taken aback and watched her speech.

"Why is there someone who has evolved, which has plagued me for a long time. Is evolution better and better than ordinary people? But this is not the case... you are only a small part of the mutation, what really needs to be reproduced, or There are 1600 ordinary people there, and what I did was to sacrifice a small part and save most of it."

Xu Xiaoyang clenched her lips and lowered her head.

“It’s awkward to say, but most of the technology that saved the Oasis did not actually come from me. A fallen species gave me the technology to resist high-temperature crops, gave me high-temperature adaptation medicine, and gave me the way to collect water. ...and what he and his companions need is nothing more than a natural evolutionary person."

"Obviously, the fallen species also need to evolve... and the way they evolved is to use evolutionary people."

Her tone is still soft, and the smile at the corner of her mouth is still a little bit helpless; however, in her eyes, a more and more intense, almost crazy light is shining.

For a long while, someone opened it.

"...that is, you use the living conditions of the 'Oasis' as a bait, attracting countless natural evolutionists, and then, like treating us at that time, telling them to fall to the mouth and send them to death?" Lin Sanjiu The voice is very low.

"The specific affairs in this area have always been arranged by Chen. The original staff has already had such a task..." Professor Bai nodded and looked at them sincerely: "I represent the Oasis compatriots, thank you every The sacrifice of a natural evolutionary man."

Lin Sanshui, who has been keeping his head down, suddenly burst into a rage: "You idiot woman -!" Then she slammed a fist and slammed it up.

At the same time, Fang Dan, who was beside Hai Tianqing, suddenly moved. She seemed to hear something, slowly opened her eyes and looked at the man who came out of the night. She smiled: " you. I know that you will be fine, is everything going well? ?"

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